My post was closed, it seems it went wrong and I didin't want it to be that way, so sorry folks, please acept my apologies. Well somebody asked how is the class in JDK headquarters in my city. Well the class is very rounded, it has nice warm up/stretching/conditioning in the begining and it does not FOCUS ONLY in kicking drills, JDK teaches basics and advanced techs,one steps and three steps, ho-sin-sul,poomsae and kyorugi in a regular basis not only one week before the kups tests.
The average class I have seen in other dojangs (sport oriented) is good cardio for sure and mostly kicking drills and sparring (WTF), very few self defense techs, etc,etc.
I am not a sport TKD guy, I do TKD because I love the martial side of it, when I was teen I do competition, maybe I went to no more than 8 tornaments most of them as a red belt and all consited of local tournaments, I won some medals and I lost many fights but competition was not the driving force that keep me learning and practicing TKD.
I love the old way and the old methods, simply as that, maybe I am too square and maybe I am too old to change or become a super duper TKD man like Steven Lopez, or maybe because I've never succeded in TKD competition.
here in this forum thare are many sambonims that feel the new methods are better and TKD is better today than ever, and there are a small group of old f.....rts that love the way TKD was a few decades ago. Something that drove out of TKD in the 90's was all the efforts to do TKD an olimpic sport, the trainings become oriented to the olimpics and slowly things changed the way I don't liked it.
The above is my way of thinking, I won't change my feelings, I will keep trying to teach the way I like and that's all folks, a medal or a trophy never represented too much.