O'Grady the Warm-Ups

  • Thread starter Thread starter Icepick
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Size is not an excuse, if it was then I would not have to anything ever again because my ego is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is good that you can joke with your people, as long as it doesn't become a cop out for them not to do the hard techniques.
I try to make sure they are pushed as much as they can handle well. As you say, I don't want it to be a cop out. A running joke is cool :cool:

- Kyle
Does reachin for a beer count as stretching? If not can I be an honorary member of team fat guy.

Really I am just a fat guy trapped in a not so fat body. Even when I am naked everything feels too tight.
Thanks, I enjoyed reading this thread.

I don't know about "O'Grady'ing" the warm-ups though. At Saunders BJJ we refer to that as Icepick'ing the warm-ups. ;)

Seriously though Icepick, I'm super impressed that you make the hour+ drive out this way - after working all day no less. It really makes it hard for us local folk to come up with valid excuses!

Plus, if you were there for the warm-ups that is just another big guy that I have to worry about being partner'd up with for the bear crawl! :D
Too wild that I can say this, but "speaking from experience" I
admit there are problems executing some techs when you're
a big guy. I still do them to the best of my ability, but I can
see the end of it being that my motions will flow differently
than someone thin.
It's true, the techniques often look a little different. Let me tell you about "flying armbar" week, when Kyle was the only one in class under 200#...

I have to agree with Kyle, though, if I even tried a flying armbar in a tournament, that other guy would have to be thinking, "What the hell is going on here?".
I have noticed over the last 20 yrs that i don't do my warm ups the same way I used to . I used to blast thru them, now a days I don't feel like the warm up most times. It was different when I was teaching full time, but I like most instructors would forget what it was like to have a full time job and a life. I have come to the point with my warm ups where I do what has to be done and no more, I know that is a horrible attitude, but if I wanted aerobics I would join a gym. Okay bash me about my poor attitude I have it coming. but i wll say a warm up is there to stop you from hurting yourself, not make you into a bodybuilder.
Rob is correct!

:) I feel the same way, if you want extensive conditioning or stretching, do it on your own time. People come to my class to learn BJJ. That's why I keep the warm-ups to about 15 minutes out of a 90 to 120 or more minute class. Believe me when I say that it's a very intense 15 minutes! :rofl:

- Kyle
What are the origins of Team Fat Guy? Who are the members? What is the weight limit?

PS--Great class tonight! Hope you'll be off the IR soon Icepick.

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