Warm ups

I think the general concensus in the sporting community is that you are best off doing dynamic stretches at the start of the workout, and static stretches at the end. It is the stretches conducted after the workout which generate permanent flexibility gains, while the ones before hand simply liber up the body enough that you can exercise without injury.
Well we do. And Kai, we do fine in keeping attention. Though I still donn't quite understand the point of the question. But I could just be stupid.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

The Kai said:
Right, so the question was-Do you do warm ups in the class?

Yes, we do warm ups and conditioning (exercises) at the start of the class. usually a jog, followed by and interspersed with push ups, sit ups, shadow boxing, leg raises, etc.
Adept said:
I think the general concensus in the sporting community is that you are best off doing dynamic stretches at the start of the workout, and static stretches at the end. It is the stretches conducted after the workout which generate permanent flexibility gains, while the ones before hand simply liber up the body enough that you can exercise without injury.

Bingo! I do my most personal stretching AFTER I lift weight. I remember the old style was to stretch out significantly before class and then go home right after class without a final stretch. Sometime during the 1980's most schools caught on to what dancers have known for years - your gains occur after your body is fully warmed up.
The Kai said:
I've always had the class go thru jumping jacks as a warm up (which my sensei did too) The other day (or was it today) I started thinking.....

Are there any Martial arty warm ups out there?? Something to get the blood and heat going before streching

Yes, I start with a single set of 25 pushups followed by 60 crunches and 3-4 minutes of walking in place and side to side. I don't count the warm-up as part of my workout, though. The 25 pushups are not included in my calculations for upper body strength training.

Of course, after the work-out, I stretch again, deeper and longer.
One of the warm up that we do and everybofy seem to like is jogging in place and when I ki-op they all hit the floor and bounce right back up in there fighting stances, another is lead hand reverse punch followed by kick combination while bouncing from side to side. The class like to do about 10-15 minutes of cardio while throwing or kicking in place.

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