Occult Ritual Child Abuse


3rd Black Belt


Published in the January 2003 Issue of "The Chronicles Of Power"


Most people will read articles written from the Christian view of this
subject where Christians speak of biblical conspiracies between Satan
and his fallen angels to take our innocent children to hell in a hand
basket or some similar ridiculous idea. Christians are under the
impression that Wiccans are Satanists, that the Church of Satan conjures
up demons and kisses Satan's rear while signing their names in his “book
of blood” and pretty much perpetuate the hysteria of the Witch trials
when they speak on the subject of ORA. This article is written by an
Occultist who has down to earth views on religion, an educated insight
of most occult religions and nothing to lose by telling the absolute
truth without the Christian bias and intentional misleading that the
Church has filled this subject with in the past.

First, I will discuss the most popular of Occult religions. The most
popular Pagan religion is Wicca. Wiccans generally believe in a God and
Goddess. They do not believe in Satan or any devil. Wicca is an Earth
based magickal religion. This religion is generally gentle and has one
primary rule called the “Wiccan Rede”. The rede states, “If it harm none,
do as thou will”. Wiccans have an almost “hippie” like quality of peace
and love. It is highly unlikely that any Wiccan would abuse a child and
no prominent Wiccan organization would condone ritual abuse of a child.

The next most popular Occult religion is Satanism. This is a highly
misunderstood religion to those who are not occultists. The majority of
Satanists follow the teachings of Anton LaVey in one form or another.
LaVey started the Church of Satan in 1966 and wrote the “Satanic Bible”
shortly after. LaVey did not truly believe in Satan as a deity, his
version of Satan was the fulfillment of man's primal desires. He called
his religion “Satanism” as a show of his distaste of the general political
correctness of society. He felt that the Christian religion was full of
hypocrites and he attempted to take a jab at them through his teachings.
Although LaVey felt that man should ultimately please himself no matter
the cost, he did not condone the violation of the established laws of the
country or state. In fact, the Church of Satan expels members who are
known criminals or who support violation of the law. The Church of Satan
does not condone the abuse of children in any way, shape, or form. I know
that this is contrary to what you may have read in some Christian
publication or during the sermon this past Sunday. It is, however, the
truth. Satanists do not sacrifice humans or animals. The belief that they
do is only popular because of movies, novels, and Christian bias and

Anyone who is arrested on child abuse charges and claims to be a “witch” or
“satanist” and abused the child for religious reasons, is a lunatic who was
only one step away from claiming that “Jesus said to do it”. There is
actually more evidence and fact to support Christian abuse of children than
Satanic or “Witchcraft” abuse of children. It actually is a fact that most
of all religious abuse of children is Christian abuse. Take the recent
charges against the Catholic clergy. There has never been such a widespread
and scandalous claim against any established Occult religion. Never have you
heard of the Church of Satan molesting it's children or any Wiccan
organization being under federal investigation for child abuse. Yet, here is
an entire Christian faith under investigation for statutory rape, sexual
assault, and child molestation.

The question remains now, why are there so many claims of Occult Ritual or
Satanic abuse? Part of the answer is that there are in fact some legitimate
cases of Ritual Abuse (a systematic cycle of abuse) and Occult Ritual Abuse
(take the case against Russell Smith for example). There is always a sick person
somewhere who gets the idea that they will benefit from the harm of a child.
There is also always someone who misunderstands what it means to be a
Witch or Satanist. Just in the same way that there is someone who
misunderstands what it is to be a Christian.

Another part is that there is so much Christian bias towards Occult religions.
Ever notice how most allegations of Occult Ritual or Satanic abuse come from
Christians? The truth is that most allegations of Occult or Satanic abuse are
false. Yet Christains always sensationalize them. Even if the claims are false,
there is always a sermon, book deal, movie deal, or news story that follows
and the fact that there was nothing to the allegation is forgotten somewhere
along the way.

Yet another part are those who simply lie about their experiences in the
Occult. I read a book a few years ago (I forgot the title by now but I think it
was called breaking the chains of Satan or some similar thing) where someone
claimed to be a “Wiccan High Priest” and described how he lead so many souls
into the hands of Satan. He described sexual orgies, animal sacrifices, and
many other things that simply do not happen in Wiccan ceremonies. Amazingly
enough, this guy found Jesus and is now the Reverend of some southern church.
The truth is, Wiccans see nature as sacred. Many Wiccans are animal rights
activists who would NEVER harm an animal much less kill one. As I read the book,
it was painfully obvious that this guy was making it ALL up. Yes, I am calling
a Christian minister a liar. I have been Pagan for over 17 years and have been
to many Wiccan events. I have yet to see “orgies” at any of them. Yes, there was
sexual activity among consenting adults, but nothing that could even be close to
an “orgy”.

The next big liar I am going to mention here is a guy by the name of Mike Warnke.
He published a book called the “Satan Seller” in 1972. In this book Mike claims
to have been a High Priest of the Church of Satan in 1965 and 1966. First and
foremost, the Church of Satan was founded in 1966. So, how this guy was a
“High Priest” in 1965 is beyond me. He also claims that he planned Satanic
conspiracies with Charles Manson in that time. Well, Charles Manson may be a
sick person but he is NOT a Satanist and was actually in prison at the time that
Mike says he met with him in his book. Mike fails to provide any accurate
information at all in his book but he has maintained a very public ministry and
sells himself to the Christian public as a “reformed Satanist”.

Another book that contributed to the misconceptions of Satanic and Occult ritual
abuse is a book called “Michelle Remembers”. This book was published in the early
1980's and supposedly outlines a girl's abuse at the hands of a Satanic Cult. She
speaks of sexual abuse, Satanic conspiracies, and many other interesting topics.
However, amazingly enough none of the things described in this book have ever been
substantiated. No evidence of the occurences in the book exist. No criminal
charges, no arrest, no proof. In fact, many people, including Christians have
examined the claims of this book and found the stories in it to be untrue.

Another reason such stories are believed is the evidence collected when someone
recalls a “hidden memory”. Many books were published when victims of occult or
Satanic abuse started to have “memories” of abuse in their childhood. These
memories were supposedly “hidden” by their conscious mind to protect the person
from the awful things that happened. Later in their adult life these “memories”
were discovered while under the care of a psychologist or psychiatrist. The
problem is that one such case went to court and it was discovered that the doctor
actually planted the memories while his patient was under hypnosis. Such evidence
is now questionable as legitimate evidence in criminal cases.

Many are willing to believe such things because, let's face the fact that the
American society is largely Christian. Such stories fit within the Christian view
of non-Christian religions. It is almost as though Christians expect this type of
behavior from others. You also have Christian ministers who want to boost their
popularity and manufacture false occult backgrounds so that they are seen as
“experts” in the field of the Occult. They then share their story of
“finding Jesus” and everyone in their congregation breaks into tears of love and
are in awe of Jesus' power to turn people away from “Satan”. I am also willing to
bet that such stories produce many dollars for the collection plate at the end of
the sermon.

It seems that these type of people do not stop to think of what kind of impact
such things have on a child. Manufactured “memories”, dishonest clergy, and false
allegations of child abuse can be devastating to a child. Should we stop to think
of what name to give this type of abuse? These things are more common than actual
Occult or Satanic abuse. They are probably just as devastating as the actual act
of physical abuse.
I'm not posting this as a defense for any bad behavior, but puh-lease.

Sounds more like an offensive on followers of Christianity. If the author was so "down to earth" he'd try writing about the positives of his own religion without the need to try and trash another. When you have to put down another religion to make yours sound good, it tends to raise some eyebrows.

How opportune to write something after the Catholic Church scandal comes out while outright denying the animal abuse, abductions and murders that, while they may not have been condoned in the Satanist doctrine, are still associated with Satanism. There are fringe whackos in every group, believe it or not.

And why the cop out on the reason for naming this religion Satanism. "Just to be non-PC?" Please. You pick a name for what is it. If they are that shallow it probably is representative of the rest of their ideas.

There's bad people everywhere. Does he expect us to believe the Wiccas and Satanists are all good? This guy needs to get over it. To a new member, every group is going to tout the "good side" of what they do. That's how they draw people in.
I studied Occult practices while I was learning to become a Minister at one time. There as was stated in a prior post. There are those who give each Religion a black eye.

There have been Law Enforcement Officals and Judges that have been involved in investigating Occult Leads in Missing Children, Rapes, Murders, etc... while these crimes are not exculsive to the Occult ( Even Christians, those whom claim this title, have and do commit these crimes). People again are drawn to the darker side of human nature and this does sell papers, books, movies, etc..

In this day of instant news and worldwide media coverage when one person does a horrible crime and claims to hear from either God or Satan. This becomes and instant media feast.

Now the facts are that there are 1000's of missing persons both children and adults each and everyday. What may be involved is anyone's quess but I suspect a small portion is directly involved in some form of religious zealousy and do end up as tools for religious purposes.

Again there have been and will be cases where the Occult has been involved with violent crimes either as a label or actual practionners of this religion.