Expiration dates of oc/pepper very seldom checked, they should be check every on a regular basis.
Yes.. An EXCELLENT and often overlooked task..
LawDog said:Most users, when /if they can, should use their arm or hand to cover their own face area when using, they could be down wind or in a cross wind. Even in a building, vent. systems, AC units etc. can cause a wind effect.
Most victims will tell attacker that they have mace before it is even out, they should just take it out. Only point it at the attacker when he gets into range of the mist. If you point it to soon he will change his attack mode, probably by covering his own face with his shirt/jacket etc.
This is just some of my experience with the "airbourne" stuff.
More EXCELLENT points..
1.Don't announce that you have mace/OC, just use it..
2.Cross contamination SHOULD be a concern
And above ALL make sure you are pointing the "business end" toward your attacker..Recently heard a story where a local copper decide to spray this resister..He pulled his canister and wound up spraying himself in the face..