

I would guess that you were more activated by the fact that in this case I called the woman on a cell phone a easier target. Would it have been any different if it would have been a man?
Beau, lady's post reads to me that she's lending more credence to the LOUD NOISY PERSON rather than the quiet, unobtrusive one - gender regardless.

Being oblivious is one thing... attracting unwanted attention is another.

Male, female, whatever... If I am a criminal, Im goin for the one I think I can get away with.
Aye, I sensed that as well. However, a little bit of that was smelling to lean a touch towards a gender issue.

I will admit that someone talking loud on a phone might be able to contact someone fast...Course that is assuming the normal police reaction time of 10 minutes. Wouldn't take but a nice smack to lay out a distracted victim rather than a alert quiet person. The unobtrusive may be seen as a probable target, however someone that isnt in tune with their surroundings is a much better target, regardless of who is on the other side.
True, and if the person on the Cell phone being loud is in a secluded area then, yea, I see where you are coming from but if not... we all know that when someone is being loud and obnoxious we tend to look... so a person being that way is not a good choice of victim... because people will be looking.
beau_safken said:
Too many variables either way. Then again...criminals are hardly equipped with reason on levels..
Massively dangerous assumption, anti-social behavior is certainly not limited to those with limited intellects.

I think it is also naive to assume someone isn't aware of there sorroundings because it isn't obvious to you. I know my sorroundings at all times, but I don't draw attention to the fact. Cell phone lady sounds like she might be oblivous, but would you count on it?

That being said, I fully agree with your observation:

beau_safken said:
A quick scan and holding a powerful presence in the space you hold ...
Looks like I have found a wonderful slippery slope arguement here Batman...

Assuming anything is dangerous, but I'm not going to go into how to detect others intent and energy. To be honest, I would hate for something to happen to another person..but I cant be there to save everyone. People are people...Some know, some dont. I will learn my arguement up to this. A criminal no matter the crime will find the weakest, smallest and precevably easiest target. No matter the gender, ethnicity or whatever. Just be aware and you will be fine, but not at the cost of your own enjoyment or sanity.
Wooo Thanks for the negative hits to my reputation for those sexist comments. And the threats of its gonna get worse for me really strikes fear into me...I tell ya what. At least Shesulsa had the decency to include her name in her hit...As for the other, great baseless threat. It's not like I go out of my way to make sexist comments...Not like I have a lot of choice in the matter there are only two ways to answer. The one that just happened to come out of my mouth and the one that is appropriate in nature to leave everyone floating on a cloud of marshmellows with tulips. Get over it...I'm sure that isnt the first time you heard something like that. Last I checked there were more cases of rape, murder and other misdeeds that involved female victims and male perps. Unless I made a extraordinary exaggeration in declaring something even more immature, vile, disgusting and perverted because im a man and all.

EDIT: Oh yea keep those negative dings a coming. I still have another 105 points left. Get it all out and make yourself feel ever more wonderful and empowered by the grace of the internet. GO GO GO GOGOGOGOGO

Edit 2: I suggest this for all those that need a little check in reality http://www.filmbuffs.net/bananana/
beau, allow me to direct you to a couple of features:

1. The little red triangle at the top of each post is the RTM feature. If you find a post you think breaks our rules (rules link available on the blue menu bar at the top of every page) you can report it to the staff.

2. The Support Forum. If you think you have been wrongly dinged, please feel free to address the issue there. You'll find some discussion on reputation over there you might find enlightening and helpful.
You're coming across as a petulant child who doesn't like it when confronted with your own words. I've only read your posts on this thread, and some of them do have value. Perhaps a little self-reflection on your tone and attitude will reveal why you are getting these responses.

And I always attach my name to reputation, both good and bad.
Reminds me of a conversation between a yellow belt and a visiting 6th dan at the testing party after my first belt test.

The yellow belt felt that implicit media approval of women being attacked created the higher incidence of attacks on women. The 6th dan's response was that criminals tend to go for the easier target. They went round and round til I just laughed, which killed the "debate".

Nothing like a little situational awareness to salvage an unraveling situation. ;)
The most "aware" I have ever been was when I was a new police officer on patrol, it was honestly exhausting because I was paying complete attention to everything around me- that IS what we were paid for though-

Elbow on firearm at all times- also be mindful that grabbing a firearm from someone with a double or triple retention holster is challenging in and of itself. :)

Cheers everyone, great topci!


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