Hey Rich ya big road warrior

I'll be quick since I'm off-topic but I have to pull you up on these two points. See, you boys over there build the most frighteningly powerful but honest engines there are. BUT, firstly, all that extra capacity = extra weight = less dynamic efficiency and secondly I would say that you guys ain't got such a handle on the chassis and dynamics simply because your big expansive roads don't suit that or need it but rather demand soft and spongy springs and steering that passes if it just works rather than needing to provide the driver with any sort of feedback. SO, upshot is, your Mustang vs my client's Ferrari 360, off the line I'll see ya anyday. At mid-ranges you'll leave me for dead, I'd not have the wheeze to match ya. But if I ship your wild horse over to the Scottish highlands or for a nice spin through these European autobahns and hill passes, on the twisty bits, I'll lose ya for good and be home eating me chocolate before you roll back
So there! And you can't reply to this because we're already off-topic, ha! So check and mate

Nah, just jokin wid ya big man, don't hit me?
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,