Obama to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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A lot of people have the idea in this forum that not wanting openly gay people in the miltary is the same as not wanting racial minorities and the like in the military. I understand the arguement, but I think there is a difference. Homosexuality is a behavior, race is not. And while it could be argued that one doesn't choose his sexuality [...] acting it out in a way that makes it clear you are a homosexual to everyone around you and offending people is definitely a choice.

This would be more palatable if it wasn't so eerily similar to what was said about racial (esp.) and gender integration. Don't "act black" by playing "that music," speaking "that way," etc. Go along to get along. As to offending being a choice...in many cases, so is choosing to be offended.

If someone isn't tough enough to handle being near a homosexual, maybe they're not ready for the service.

When in the military be quiet about your sexual orientation if its homosexual. It's a conservative organization, very macho, especially in branches like the Marine Corps.

It's getting less conservative all time, and macho is perhaps not the best word for the military's toughness in this gender-integrated age.

Hush now, there will be none of that "common sense" stuff around here.

You say common sense, I say oppression. Would it be as common-sensical to you if you weren't allowed to discuss your heterosexuality? Never mention your wife? Majority rule, minority rights...that's what my military better be fighting to protect for me.
This is where I think the difference is between our military and yours, ours are definitely team players but are also individuals. it's important that if needed troops can act on their own initiative which they do often, they can't wait around for an officer to make decisions for them, often they don't have officers with them. A huge amount of training time and effort is given over to initiative and leadership training.

As for squaddies going out and party like normal people ...er no.. rofl, they tend to be animals! You would not believe the stories I could tell and aren't suitable to be repeated here! A couple of chaps linking up is the least unusual thing they tend to do!

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