Oh, you mean like that little blue pill you are so obsessed with? You know it was developed as a blood pressure med, don't you?
It was developed as such, sure. But it's not used as such.
Sure, it takes the pressure off the head and can cause fatal heart attacks...
Point is, it's most often used for guys to well, use it. There was never ANY question of it being covered, nobody calls those guys sluts, and even most of the use can be presumed happens outside a sanctioned relationship. Moral one way street.
But it really falls in line with 'I don't care why she wants BC'
The obsession with the little blue pill...well, when you complain about coverage for a woman's specific item, I suppose the male counterpart needs to be pointed out, along with the miss-use of it, all on the dime of the insurer.
Now, I pray, do tell, where is that any different from the assumption one is paying the woman to have sex (when the insurance companies make you jump through more hoops than a seal at the circus) while the gentlemen have been enjoying this benefit all along from the introduction of the medication?!
Aside from the deep running inequalities in this matter, the point that is always being skirted, circumvented and ignored:
The character assassination of the young woman because she took care to step up and voice her opinion and experience on a woman related subject matter.
And I am sorry, I have yet to hear a single insult that is more destructive and demeaning than calling a woman a slut/whore/prostitute and I am hard pressed to find a term that is singular offensive to label a male with.
There is none.
Again, if you can't come up with a valid argument to counter, attack the person.