Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

Olbermann and Maher do NOT get a pass from me. I'm really only familiar with the one Maher incident, and I think it did cost him some fans and credibility.

They get a pass, though-because nobody listens to them. :lfao: If a pundit makes a rude noise in the vastness of cyberspace/radioland/tvland, and no one is there to here it, did it make a sound? :lfao:

And you keep bringing up Breitbart, who is as dead as disco, dead as any old dance, dead as Betamax,dead as 8-tracks, dead as an old newspaper.

news, man. Let it go. :lol:

It is not yesterdays news if were talking about people basically saying rude or crude things and your going to blast Rush for saying a rude comment then Glass houses my friend glass houses.
I can somewhat agree to this post. However, if none of us ever called any left wing persona on any BS they ever said (which is not the case), how would that make what Rush said any more acceptable? Why can't you say that it was unacceptable, full of lies, and he should not have said it?

Its not more acceptable its equal which is the point. Whats unacceptable is this Phony "outrage."
It is not yesterdays news if were talking about people basically saying rude or crude things and your going to blast Rush for saying a rude comment then Glass houses my friend glass houses.

I'm not on television.

I'm not on the radio.

I'm just some guy on the Internet-I don't have a huge national following, spouting my insanities like gospel.

And I have my share of insanities-I have the good taste to keep most of them to myself, most of the time, and I do not sell them as "gospel," masquerading as "entertainment," though.

Otherwise, we'd all share my rather convincing theories on the Neanderthal's extinction, and be floating in the South Pacific somewhere come December......:lfao:

In all seriousness, my "rude comments" (again, I'll point out that if I can call a guy a jerk today when he's breathing, I shouldn't have to alter my opinion tomorrow, when he's dead. :lfao: ) don't make the news-that's the difference.

And I live in New Mexico-my house really is made of adobe....:lol:
I'm not on television.

I'm not on the radio.

I'm just some guy on the Internet-I don't have a huge national following, spouting my insanities like gospel.

And I have my share of insanities-I have the good taste to keep most of them to myself, most of the time, and I do not sell them as "gospel," masquerading as "entertainment," though.

Otherwise, we'd all share my rather convincing theories on the Neanderthal's extinction, and be floating in the South Pacific somewhere come December......:lfao:

In all seriousness, my "rude comments" (again, I'll point out that if I can call a guy a jerk today when he's breathing, I shouldn't have to alter my opinion tomorrow, when he's dead. :lfao: ) don't make the news-that's the difference.

And I live in New Mexico-my house really is made of adobe....:lol:
So its ok for you and I to call someone a slut but not someone with a radio show?
So its ok for you and I to call someone a slut but not someone with a radio show?

I've posted about my own personal feelings about the use of that word elsewhere, so it's not ok for me to call someone a slut.

You, on the other hand, it's perfectly okay-just make sure the label fits-that's what really pisses me off about Rush-that he had nothing at all from her testimony to base that on, and people are just running with it.
Misogynists of the world unite.

Birthcontrol can have a multitude of therapeutic uses for a great many things that hamper women in their reproductive age.
Disabling cramps are one, skin problems another, and yeah...the lady who got cysts on her ovaries.
So you are saying that women are not entitled to receive medication and to covered by their health insurance. Wow, just wow.

Incorrrect. It isn't simply birth control that that can be used for those therapeutic reasons. There are, however, specific medications that are also contraceptives that are prescribed for those therapeutic reasons you listed.

I don't know if the medical community or government has this level of common sense, but a medicine that is used for skin complexion shouldn't be called birth control, but if that medicine does has contraceptive properties that should be considered a side effect of the medication and the patient should be warned about this side effect (which may or may not be welcomed by the consumer of the medication).
Incorrrect. It isn't simply birth control that that can be used for those therapeutic reasons. There are, however, specific medications that are also contraceptives that are prescribed for those therapeutic reasons you listed.

I don't know if the medical community or government has this level of common sense, but a medicine that is used for skin complexion shouldn't be called birth control, but if that medicine does has contraceptive properties that should be considered a side effect of the medication and the patient should be warned about this side effect (which may or may not be welcomed by the consumer of the medication).

There are many medications out there that have overlapping effects.

It is nit picking to cover one but not the other when the therapeutic effect is desired.
There are many medications out there that have overlapping effects.

It is nit picking to cover one but not the other when the therapeutic effect is desired.

I'm just saying that it shouldn't be called birth control when it is indicated for a skin condition. The contraceptive properties should be considered a side effect. Considering medicine in this sensible manner may pave the way for some agreement and understanding.
Oh, you mean like that little blue pill you are so obsessed with? You know it was developed as a blood pressure med, don't you?

It was developed as such, sure. But it's not used as such.

Sure, it takes the pressure off the head and can cause fatal heart attacks...
Point is, it's most often used for guys to well, use it. There was never ANY question of it being covered, nobody calls those guys sluts, and even most of the use can be presumed happens outside a sanctioned relationship. Moral one way street.

But it really falls in line with 'I don't care why she wants BC'

The obsession with the little blue pill...well, when you complain about coverage for a woman's specific item, I suppose the male counterpart needs to be pointed out, along with the miss-use of it, all on the dime of the insurer.

Now, I pray, do tell, where is that any different from the assumption one is paying the woman to have sex (when the insurance companies make you jump through more hoops than a seal at the circus) while the gentlemen have been enjoying this benefit all along from the introduction of the medication?!

Aside from the deep running inequalities in this matter, the point that is always being skirted, circumvented and ignored:
The character assassination of the young woman because she took care to step up and voice her opinion and experience on a woman related subject matter.

And I am sorry, I have yet to hear a single insult that is more destructive and demeaning than calling a woman a slut/whore/prostitute and I am hard pressed to find a term that is singular offensive to label a male with.

There is none.

Again, if you can't come up with a valid argument to counter, attack the person.
And I am sorry, I have yet to hear a single insult that is more destructive and demeaning than calling a woman a slut/whore/prostitute and I am hard pressed to find a term that is singular offensive to label a male with.

There is none.

Again, if you can't come up with a valid argument to counter, attack the person.

Ive always been told the C word was the worse thing you can call a woman. But I guess its a matter of personal preference on what offends YOU more. Funny thing is nobody seemed to care when Palin was called a dumb *** c_nt. Hmmm Go figure.

As for calling men an equally offensive name I guess men have tougher skin I cant think of a single thing you can call me that would set me off. Ive been called pretty much anything you can think of so I dont know names just dont bother me.
Interesting point. A reporter went to the local target a few miles from georgetown law and target provides generic birth control pills for 9 bucks a month without insurance coverage. So she has no argument.
Interesting point. A reporter went to the local target a few miles from georgetown law and target provides generic birth control pills for 9 bucks a month without insurance coverage. So she has no argument.

And now you're a doctor, I suppose, who can tell that:

She's not allergic to the ingredients in the "generic birth control pills."

The "generic birth control pills" will treat her polycystic ovary syndrome/menopause/ectopic pregnancy/endpetrosos/
low hormone level/high hormone level/irregular menstrual cycle/painful menstrual cycle and/or vaginal dryness.

She doesn't need that $9 a month for Ramen noodles-since she's going to Georgetown Law, at $25,000 a year, plus fees-which include her medical insurance.......
My insurance requires me to use a generic or they wont cover my prescriptions. She said she didnt have access and she lied she does have access for far cheaper.
Shes already getting free college and free heath care and its still not good enough for her. She is the poster child for the give me give me give generation.
My insurance requires me to use a generic or they wont cover my prescriptions. She said she didnt have access and she lied she does have access for far cheaper.

Again, look at her testimony-she didn't speak of her own experiences at all-for all we know, she's a virgin lesbian, and birth control is a non issue for her personally-as an advocate and activist, though, she has knowledge of what is, essentially, a woman's issue.

Shes already getting free college and free heath care and its still not good enough for her. She is the poster child for the give me give me give generation.

I'd ask for an objective source to be cited with reference to her "free college"-I'm assuming you mean a scholarship, but I haven't seen that information at all-not that it matters. Her health care isn't free, it's part of the "fees" that make Georgetown cost $40,000 a year, rather than the $25,000 tuition costs.

EDIT: Actually, her LinkdIn page shows she has three scholarships-by which we can infer that none of them is paying full costs, and that it's possible that all three of them aren't either.
Again, look at her testimony-she didn't speak of her own experiences at all-for all we know, she's a virgin lesbian, and birth control is a non issue for her personally-as an advocate and activist, though, she has knowledge of what is, essentially, a woman's issue.
And? what ever woman she is talking about at Georgetown is just as close as the same Target 9 bucks a month not 84 like she says it costs.

I'd ask for an objective source to be cited with reference to her "free college"-I'm assuming you mean a scholarship, but I haven't seen that information at all-not that it matters. Her health care isn't free, it's part of the "fees" that make Georgetown cost $40,000 a year, rather than the $25,000 tuition costs.

EDIT: Actually, her LinkdIn page shows she has three scholarships-by which we can infer that none of them is paying full costs, and that it's possible that all three of them aren't either.

OK she gets reduced cost lawschool ata top school in the country and now she wants more more more more more.
I hope in all fairness you post up petitions for removing Bill Maher, Olberman, Ed Schultz, and matt Taibbi.

Im sure your just as outraged by there comments as well right?

I'm only vaguely aware of their comments-had I heard them, yes I'd be "outraged."

Feel free to start another thread, though-post an online petition for removing them, if you can find one....:lol:

Hell, I'll even sign it....:lfao:....especially for Olbermann....oh, wait........:lfao:

This thread's about the "fakeflukecontroversy," though-though I prefer to think of it as the "Rushputshisfootwhereitbelongsonelasttimecontroversy" :lfao:

So there's the petition-like I said, I'd be very happy if he weren't part of the popular political discourse-he makes me look like some sort of raving loony just by admitting to being a Republican.

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