Gun banning and fast and furious...

Yes I understand what you and others have intimated regarding the revolutionary aspect of firearm ownership. I think, considering the age of the constitution, that is oddly modern and relevant for today, using, exactly as you have alluded to, the Middle East and North African nations whose governments have attempted to forceably suppress the citizens in their right to express political choices freely.

Can I ask though please, if we consider just that one aspect of why it is right to be able to arm oneself, do you think there is a real, clear need in the modern, free USA to be able to defend against your own political / military powers-that-be? I think to me, America I would regard as the paradigm for democracy and then I am wondering why is there any need to protect against the American government / powers-that-be? How come that is a valid need? I am not making a statement, only asking your opinion as I do not know enough about the situation.


I would guess the widow of this U.S. Marine would have an idea as to why that is important.

The Marine is Mr. Jose Guereña. His death was largely ignored by the mainstream media and is a horrid travesty of justice. He was fired upon 72 times, shot 60, by a Pima County SWAT team. His wife forced to watch him die a graphic death and denied the chance to call 911 until TWO HOURS after the shooting.

Only to find......after all that, they had the wrong guy. Oops.

Rest in peace, Mr. Guereña, you might still be with your wife and child today had your name been Joey Galloway.


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If this marine would have been armed, or was and fired back, it would or make no difference, he would have been killed with the same or more bullets. That is a point over looked my many who feel the need to protect themselves by the government by arming themselves, It is over looked the power of military technological weaponry the government has available to them in fire power and in numbers that is exponentially superior to what the average or even non average gun owner has, to say the least. If our government wanted to, it could have wiped out all the opposing countries of the middle east in no time. The field is not level, and that is being overlooked by many.

Some people are never accused of living an utopian fantasy.

I came across a link to this story on James Keating`s website. It`s a news story about a county Sheriff in South Carolina who is apparently fed up with dealing with violent repeat offenders. He`s telling people very frankly and directly that they should arm themselves and get a concealed carry permit.
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I would guess the widow of this U.S. Marine would have an idea as to why that is important.

The Marine is Mr. Jose Guereña. His death was largely ignored by the mainstream media and is a horrid travesty of justice. He was fired upon 72 times, shot 60, by a Pima County SWAT team. His wife forced to watch him die a graphic death and denied the chance to call 911 until TWO HOURS after the shooting.

Only to find......after all that, they had the wrong guy. Oops.

Rest in peace, Mr. Guereña, you might still be with your wife and child today had your name been Joey Galloway.

Actually it wasnt the wrong guy. Both of his brothers homes were also had warrants done at the same time and found evidence of drugs and home invasion robberies and this guys was also suspected as helping his brothers. The police pulled up blasted a siren in the front yard for about 15 seconds started yelling police, police, police and then when they entered the house he was crouched in the hallway in a firing position waiting for the police. Also there was no need for paramedics to be called because the swat team had a swat medic with them and a life flight helocopter on stand-by at the time of the raid. As soon as the house was clear they began to work on him but he was already dead.
Actually it wasnt the wrong guy. Both of his brothers homes were also had warrants done at the same time and found evidence of drugs and home invasion robberies and this guys was also suspected as helping his brothers. The police pulled up blasted a siren in the front yard for about 15 seconds started yelling police, police, police and then when they entered the house he was crouched in the hallway in a firing position waiting for the police. Also there was no need for paramedics to be called because the swat team had a swat medic with them and a life flight helocopter on stand-by at the time of the raid. As soon as the house was clear they began to work on him but he was already dead.

Wow. That's a lot more illuminating. :asian: Goes to show some stories that sound too bad to be true....usually aren't.
Wow. That's a lot more illuminating. :asian: Goes to show some stories that sound too bad to be true....usually aren't.
It still wasnt good but it was not as it was first made out in the news. There was an independant investigation conducted and they were cleared of wrong doing. I actually was able to review the findings. Alot of the information cant be released due to pending civil actions.

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