My main issue in this discussion is that LEO are using TASERs inappropriately in
many cases.
Now before I start citing examples, let me first say: I think they are great technology and will probably end up saving many lives, making things safter for both LEOs, perps and citizens.
BUT they are NOT a "magic wand" that LEOs should just whip out and use at a whim or because they are too lazy to do their job the way they did it before TASERs were available.
IMO, it is an alternative to drawing a firearm, not an alternative to a billy club or using other physical force.
Also, they affect people differently. Some people describe the pain as one of the most excruciating things they have ever felt; some people it apparently has no effect on!
• From the Associated Press, TASERS being used on children:
"Police Director Bobby Parker defended the decision to use a Taser on the 6-year-old boy last month because he was threatening to injure himself with a shard of glass."
And THAT was his best response? What would he have done BEFORE TASERs? Shot the kid?
"Police have acknowledged using a stun gun to immobilize a 12-year-old girl..." because she was running away. Howabout, "chase her down"?
If someone TASERs one of MY children, there is going to be trouble.
• TASERs are NOT always "less than lethal:
" the count of CBS News, 70 people have died after being TASERed, including 10 in August alone..."
"The Arizona Republic, using computer searches, autopsy reports, police reports, media reports and Taser's own records, has identified 167 cases in the United States and Canada of death following a police Taser strike since September 1999..."
LEOs need to consider that, while deaths are rare, they CAN and DO occur with TASERs! They have been identified as a "contributing factor" in deaths:
• Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks many lazy LEOs use them simply because they are easier:
"Tasers, among other things, are a way of not doing police work, which is often unpleasant to be sure. Problem is, this convenient little tool to help cops 'subdue' people without throwing out their out-of-shape (too many hours writing out tickets and too many Venti Double Carmel Lattes?) backs has a long record of killing people. Everyone in the city tomorrow will be saying, "wow did you know those things can kill you?" but the fact is people have been talking about the lethality of tasers for a while now."
• Speaking of lazy (grin), there was a recent news story of a guy in Jackson, Mo. (about 40 miles north of here) who shrugged off TASER hits like they were nothing! Sorry I was too lazy to search through google results and pull it up, but trust me on this one: it happened.
So in conclusion my point is: should LEO use them as a compliance tool? Hell no! What if that person DIES? It should be one of the LAST resorts, way down on the list like drawing a firearm, not at the top of the list right after "issuing a reasonable request."
Martial artists are often taught their best weapon is their brain, so USE it. I would submit LEOs need to consider THEIR best LE tool is THEIR brain, NOT the TASER.
A TASER is a good tool and will save lives, I think, but it is not an all-purpose tool and DEFINATELY should NOT be used to enforce compliance.
(steps off the soapbox and wanders off to find a beer...
