Ninjutsu Suppliers

Any reccomendations on where to get the following items:

Black Gi of high quality (what brands do you recomend?)
Indoor Tabi (black) and (outdoor/rubber sole) Gikatabi (black)
Kyahan (leggings / wraps)
Tekkou (wrist wraps)

Hopefully all from one store?

I still cannot find a Black indoor Tabi in size 29.0cm

anyone? help please!
where does your Instructor get them from, his/her tabi that is?

From Japan, he goes almost every year, and brings things back for students, but since I just joined his class, I missed the boat so-to-speak... has them, and they ship from the US. Black are on the way (summer lining instead of the fleece lining in the top of the line model) in addition to white with cotton sole for Budo.
Thanks for the links, some good resources posted here. I can peronsally vouch for Tengu Yugengaisha, they are here in my hometown and the stuff they import from Japan is amazing. Best indoor Tabi we have ever used. We wear their black Soldier model, very nice quality and their prices are very reasonable.

This is a very interesting thread.
I would like to invite everyone to visit my shop.

Most of the items are handmade by me.

Thank you
Francesco Buffini
Bujinkan Shidoshi
Hello forum,

I just received Masaaki Hatsumi's new book.

Not only here I saw him wearing leather indoor tabis, which look very good and also seem to be very stable.

I checked all the boards I know and used google but I could not find any infos on those tabi.

I know that there is one shop in Turkey, but before I order there I would like to find out which shoes Sensei may wear or what alternative can be shown to me considering indoor tabis made of leather.

Thanks a lot in advance!
OK, another supporter of Thanks for the info!

Any alternatives concerning good indoor tabi? Or has anyone an idea which one Hatsumi Sensei uses?
I run the webstore, you people might know me as scottbaioisdead on youtube or other forums. we sell lots of authentic ninjutsu tools so i'm just throwing my info into this thread

anyone know of any place that make traditional weapons in the uk?

Does anyone have experience purchasing Tabi boots from ?

If so, what was your experience? How did the size you ordered fit? I know there is a scale and you are supposed to order a little smaller than your normal shoe size. I have an 11.5 US size shoe. From what I have read, I should order a size 11 Tabi. Does that sound right for Thanks in advance for your time on this matter.