
  • Thread starter Thread starter Kalifallen
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Not too sure about the site. I seem to get a little whipped by the people whom live in Japan. But whatever. So far I'm enjoying myself.

Let's see. I wanna be a ninja. Ever since I read the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics (Mirage) I've wanted to become one. To be able to learn how to do, takedowns, throws, weapons, joint locks, pressure point techs, stealth, camo, concealment, climbing, movement, etc, is all the stuff I want to learn. Sadly, at the time there weren't any dojo's near me so I waited.
In 2001, I found out about the Tew Ryu site and have been interested in it. Then I became more interested in it when I found out he learned from Bussey. Then I looked around some more and found out about the Richard Van Donk ninjutsu in 2002. I was a little concerned because I didn't know if it had all what I wanted to learn. After a more intuitive search I found out his syllubus and decided it was okay for me.
As of now I am still saving for the two courses (home study course) but by the end of this year of the beginning of the next I should have them both. I'd like to learn them side by side so that it won't be that hard in learning them. Also I think it would be an educational experiance to see how different Tew is to Van Donk.
I know HSC's should be used as suppliments but I'm am rather far away from a dojo and do not have the means to provide me with the ability to go to one twice a week. The closest one that supports the ABD is one in SF, which is over 40 miles away. As I pursue this HSC I'd also pursue some classes/seminars in SF. To round out my learning.
Sadly, the Tew Ryu one is over 80 miles away but someday I'll visit that dojo too.

In March I'll be going to a Tai Kai/training camp organized by Richard Van Donk. It'll be my first seminar. And I'm sure I'll be learning a lot. Hopefully in March I'll be able to see one of Dale Seago's seminar's too (if he does one in March).

Do I like modern or traditional ninjutsu better?
I don't know. I've always been on the boarder line of issues. I try not to be bias. I probably have more of a modern mindset though. Personally I like all types of ninjutsu as long as it sticks with the roots of ninjutsu.

I think that is good enough.
I love nature, the mental, spiritual and physical elements of ninjutsu, comics, video games, horror, playin' around, training and learning new things.
Plus I'm open minded so that might get me in trouble.
Kalifallen, welcome to Martial Talk. Don't mind those guys in the Ninjutsu forums, some take a very conservative view of their art, and that's OK. They mean you no harm. I would encourage you to peruse some of the older threads to get a sense of who the different personalities are, and to give you a little better context in which to read their posts. Remember that it's very difficult to accurately project the "feeling" of a thought over the internet, with simple text and smilies.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay at Martial Talk, and happy posting.

i think its awesome that you want to do both courses. you will find some that don't like home study students... but i for one respect them. takes a lot of discipline to learn and motivate yourself.
i am a rtms practicioner. i have never studied another art so i can not tell you which will be better... well, i can but that would be a bias decision. the only thing i will say is... before i started i researched both arts and i found rtms fit me personally. others don't like the modern approach and feel they should be traditional and modern... kinda like a cousin i had that wanted his toy and my toy too... (i have issues:uhyeah: )
anyway don't let anyone stir you for choosing which ever fits you best. i will tell you that the hsp course from rtms is great. it will get you learning practicle moves soon and should have a basic understand of some self defense after the first couple of lessons.
if you can try and find a rtms club as well. if not you can start your own eventually. they will help you with training and that occasional motivator that we all need every once and awhile. if you have any questions pm me after you join maybe we could get together and i can help you work kinks out.
extra note... did we talk in "martial arts planet" before?

Kalifallen said:
Hi, Not too sure about the site. I seem to get a little whipped by the people whom live in Japan. But whatever. So far I'm enjoying myself.
This is a sad sentiment. You are not alone. One I wish somebody would step in and stop. Probably too difficult. Anyway, Kalifallen, keep up the posting. Hearing from you is great!
Welcome, Sometimes what we want...many not be right for us. Be open minded about any martial arts. Real classes and real teachers are the best ways to learn.

Those who pursue there dreams...will win....and find ways to get them. (honest ways only)

Just my feelings, Best luck in your pursuit to your goals.......Aloha
Welcome, Sometimes what we want...many not be right for us. Be open minded about any martial arts. Real classes and real teachers are the best ways to learn.

Those who pursue there dreams...will win....and find ways to get them. (honest ways only)

Just my feelings, Best luck in your pursuit to your goals.......Aloha
Welcome, Kalifallen. This is a nice place to be when you look around a bit.

Happy posting!

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