How far do you have to travel?



How far is the nearest Bujinkan dojo to you? For myself the nearest one is 113 miles (2 hours and 30 minutes).
I drive about 30 minutes to my school. I think there is one closer, but I like the one I go to alot.
30-35 minutes. Better than my work commute and certainly a more enjoyable destination. :)
Commuter said:
How far is the nearest Bujinkan dojo to you? For myself the nearest one is 113 miles (2 hours and 30 minutes).
About 3.5 hours every 2 weeks. Before that it was just over 3 hours and I would do that once every 2 weeks and sometimes once or twice a week.
Now I'm lucky - I positioned the dojo near my home ( I teach, so it was my choice). It's a 10 minute drive (actually shorter now that I've had some training in driving by a professional race-car driver).:ultracool

When I was in Japan, I lived approximately 4 hours from training (by train), and trained 2 or 3 times a week on average in Noda. I was in a small beach town, so it was worth it, except in the winter. :wink:
6,760 miles, in Noda . . .:asian:

But there are several training groups much closer than that. Three in the immediate area, another within 45 minutes, and Atlanta is just covered . . .
I used to commute 160 miles round trip at least four times a week. Sometimes more depending on seminar schedules and such. I did that for about two years.
10 minute bike ride , 20 minutes train , 20 minutes walk ;)
I could do it in 30 minutes if i owned a car...

I'm amazed by the distance wich some of you ppl have to travel :asian:
;) a bit unclear but instead of , i should have used + marks ;)
But the Dutch railways are a pain in the *** anyhow :D
By car: a couple of minutes to the nearest venue, and maybe 10 minutes to the rest of the halls we rent. I'm just a first kyu now, but I'm managing all the paperwork of the dojo and all, so basically it was up to me to find us some places to train. And so I did. :uhyeah:
I try to leave home about 5:30 and get back about 10:30 for a class that runs about an hour and a half. Going to the Honbu (which starts and ends later) is a 6pm to 11:30 (if I catch the right trains) experience.
I know I'm digging up old threads but...

The closest I could line up a school to University Park is about 116 miles. I'd be willing to go that far, anyway...
About a mile and a quarter or ten minutes in the car. But I have traveled over an hour to other dojangs withing our network. TW