ninja weapons?

AaronLucia said:
What Ryu did the Ninja Turtles train in? :)

I bet Splinter was Soke of the Rat Ryu. ;)

Anyways, we all know a Ninja would use ANY weapon at his disposal, i just have never seen any actual training with them from the 'Ninja' crowd.

Does anyone know what Ninja Ryu might have used them with kata, etc?

Dunno... It was always my understanding that Ninjutsu was a Japanese art, and that Chucks were Okinawan... so while it would be fair to say some chucks might have ended up in "mainland" Japan, and possibly even seen by the ninja... it was more than likely a rarity, as opposed to a common weapon regularly trained in.

Nowadays, with all the "Ninja" schools cropping up like Dux, Kim, Tew, Bussey, etc... I'm sure they are widely practiced in that type of "Ninjitsu" because they are a common, and commonly recognized, weapon. So if you check some of those modern schools out, you would probably find a regular training routine with them.

I answered AaronLucia's question. As he didnt ask the question with specifics, i gave him a broader answer. I told him that "traditionally" the Ninja have not been recorded or been known to have used nunchaku in "Japan". But i also implied that there is always the possibility that they did, and in "modern" times as we know (thanks to techno) that many schools do. I feel i answered his question, i ask you read my posts a little more carefully before being so judgemental and sprouting questions you already know answers to.


much respect
Tradition is over rated i think :P Do what you think will work and Use what gives you the best advantage, i think the best advantage is in to know as much as i can about everything, just becouse a nunchuku wasnt used by Ninjas isnt going to stop me from using them :P i like um there fun :P and if i could i would gladly use any Chinese weapon, why not? might be fun and usefull :P Im just saying that im hoping that people practicing whatever MA style there doing and refuse to do anything out side that style like using a non-ninja weapon becouse its not tradition when high chances are if they had that weapon(whatever weapon) then during the Ninja-Era :P they would probly use it :P
Genin Andrew said:

I answered AaronLucia's question. As he didnt ask the question with specifics, i gave him a broader answer. I told him that "traditionally" the Ninja have not been recorded or been known to have used nunchaku in "Japan". But i also implied that there is always the possibility that they did, and in "modern" times as we know (thanks to techno) that many schools do. I feel i answered his question, i ask you read my posts a little more carefully before being so judgemental and sprouting questions you already know answers to.


much respect
I don't know the answer which is why I asked in so many different ways (#2 in my post). The Ninchuk question relating to Ninjitsu is a common question on many forums but the usual typical answer is that the weapon is not a Ninja weapon. I only want to know how this conclusion is obtained. It seems that most answers relate to us that since Togakure Ryu doesn't teach Ninchuk, therefore, its not a Ninja weapon. Or that there is no Ninjitsu Ryu in Japan that teaches the weapon in its regular curriculum so its not Ninja. I don't know exactly what they are saying so I only asked. No judgements or spouting, just hoping someone would clarify this typical answer.
Fair enough, Well the ninja "according to history" did not use Nunchaku, this is not to say that they never did or a lone Ninja NEVER made use of the weapon. Only a fool would say such a thing. However, It has never been recorded in history, there is nothing to suggest that it nunchaku would have been used, not even the Samurai have been known to use them.

The ninja had other substitutes such as the manriki gusari and the 2 kama joined by a chain (forget the japanese). To traditional Ninja i would see these as more useful. But i have no objection against modern schools using nunchaku, they are modern and can do as they please, that is what makes modern ninjutsu so appealing they dont have to abide by strict traditions and guidelines.

So because of the lack of history suggesting Ninja using nunchaku and because there is nothing for it, its only fair to say that "traditionally" they were not used, 'generally' not used. But as stated before theres always the possibility that they were, I dont think anyone holds enough evidence to say NEVER.

sojobow said:
Or that there is no Ninjitsu Ryu in Japan that teaches the weapon in its regular curriculum so its not Ninja.
There are no "ninjitsu" [sic] ryu in Japan, period.

Kreth said:
There are no "ninjitsu" [sic] ryu in Japan, period.

Please feel free to insert "ninjutsu" [sic]and then help us by answering the question.

"It seems that most answers relate to us that since Togakure Ryu doesn't teach Ninchuk, therefore, its not a Ninja weapon. Or that there is no Ninjitsu Ryu in Japan that teaches the weapon in its regular curriculum so its not Ninja. I don't know exactly what they are saying so I only asked. No judgements or spouting, just hoping someone would clarify this typical answer."

Technopunk said:
Nowadays, with all the "Ninja" schools cropping up like Dux, Kim, Tew, Bussey, etc... .
i would prefer you not associate what we do in comparison to dux, kim, or any other potential frauds. our school would be considered modern but by all means not fake.
bussey, or others that have an actual ninjutsu training would be okay. but by any means not anyone stating to carry a m-16 ninja weapon.
Enson said:
i would prefer you not associate what we do in comparison to dux, kim, or any other potential frauds. our school would be considered modern but by all means not fake.
bussey, or others that have an actual ninjutsu training would be okay. but by any means not anyone stating to carry a m-16 ninja weapon.
You might want to go here and read for yourself since you evidently haven't talked to Sensei Tew before formulating certain opinions. Just a suggestion.
sojobow said:
You might want to go here and read for yourself since you evidently haven't talked to Sensei Tew before formulating certain opinions. Just a suggestion.
i read your link and i found it interesting. not a very active forum though. it just looks like you and bonebreaker are the only ones on it. anyway i did find the interview with dux interesting. his take on things. don't know if they are true but if its not lowering the price of gas by at least $.50 then i really don't care. his post was pretty much just talking about bujinkan. we all know that i'm not a member of them. probably will never be. i'm not rich enough (meaning: i can't go fly to japan every time i need to test((j/k)).;)
I thought ALL ninjas were made of money...hmm....maybe i'm wrong. :P
The sai and nunchaku is not a ninja weapon. Why? Because they are not Japanese.
The sai came from India, China and Okinawa (at the time Okinawa was Chinese or on its own, not sure about it now). Instead the ninja used the jutte (a two pronged weapon like the sai).
The nunchaku is Okinawain. Instead the ninja used the kusari-fundo (wieghted chain) or the maniriki (wieghted chain with handles).

Favorite weapon?
Sai and/or wakizashi or ninja-to
Kalifallen said:
The sai and nunchaku is not a ninja weapon. Why? Because they are not Japanese.
The sai came from India, China and Okinawa (at the time Okinawa was Chinese or on its own, not sure about it now). Instead the ninja used the jutte (a two pronged weapon like the sai).
The nunchaku is Okinawain. Instead the ninja used the kusari-fundo (wieghted chain) or the maniriki (wieghted chain with handles).

Favorite weapon?
Sai and/or wakizashi or ninja-to
the sai and nunchaku are not traiditional ninja weapons but have been assimilated in some american ninjutsu schools. why not? they are weapons that can cause massive destruction... "weapons of mass destruction"?:idunno:

the sai and nunchaku are not traiditional ninja weapons but have been assimilated in some american ninjutsu schools. why not? they are weapons that can cause massive destruction... "weapons of mass destruction"?

You're right on that. I think, my opinion :D, that the reason is because of popularity. That's why many schools teach sai and nunchaku even though it isn't "really" part of their art. For example, I'd say some schools would rather teach a student a nunchaku than a weighted chain. I mean, sure you can get hurt just as badly with both but at least you can get a softer version of the nunchaku but it is hard to get a softer version of a chain.
Then again we are talking about American ninjutsu. Since it is American it doesn't have to stick with what was popular a decade or more ago. No, it is all about teaching you the new stuff; the popular stuff. So that you are perpared for it when, or if, it comes at you.

Weapons of mass distruction..... :D
Yes, a nunchaku is totally a weapon of mass distruction. Heck, it has to be since it is illegal in a good amount of states. Darn internal injuries.
Sai can be a weapon of mass distruction. Mostly because you wouldn't expect to get stabbed by a blunt object. That and it is pretty heavy.
Then again, I'd say practically any weapon can be a weapon of mass distruction. Some more than others of course.
Kalifallen said:
but it is hard to get a softer version of a chain.
Actually, there are several people selling training kusari fundo, made from braided, knotted rope. You can see one here, down towards the bottom of the page.

Kreth said:
Actually, there are several people selling training kusari fundo, made from braided, knotted rope. You can see one here, down towards the bottom of the page.

In To-Shin Do we are using the training Kusari Fundo. In fact there is scheduled a training seminar specific to it at the next Fall Festival in Ohio. All To-Shin Do practitioners should go. Other ninjutsu styles I believe I heard can go as well. It's gonna be a blast!

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