what rolls?


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
how common are rolls used in your school/dojo? are they used frequently or just in practice? i guess what i'm trying to ask is... do you use them often when sparring or scenario training?
In Ninjukai Taijutsu rolls are vey common. As well as learning attacks from stances and movements we also learn to execute the same attacks when recovering from a roll. Forward rolls,side,rolls and back rolls,rolls over low benches and off low benches are all part of the syllabus.

I must admit,when i first started it took me a while to get the hang of even the most basic of rolls,trying to end up where i aimed instead of aimlessly rolling everywhere, and i didn't really see the point of them apart from them looking pretty stylish.

But now i see that the ability to roll is an effective skill to have. Firstly it can act as a breakfall,instead of breaking your fall you can go into a roll which would be effective if you were suddenly pushed in the back or shoved to the ground from the front.Not only would this roll be unsuspected by your opponent but you recover from your roll very low and in a good stance if done well.

Secondly if the terrain is right ie. relatively soft then a roll can be a great way to create distance between you and you're attacker or alternatively a very unsuspecting way of charging in close to your attacker and as you come up you could snap out a knee to the attackers groin for example.

There are other great advantages but thats enough rambling for now...

much respect
rolls in my school are used on a consistant basis. for combat or evasion. i remember when i first started i couldn't understand why or how. i remember i kept hurting my hip in the up. i was then instructed on absorbing the gound and not impacting it. boy did that help.

we have trained in scenario training to pick up what is on the floor for metsubishi purposes. works well. just be careful not to disturb the ants! :xtrmshock:
In mine we basicly start off class with rolls. We do front rolls both sides back rolls both sides side rolls both sides dive rolls and high dive rolls and cartwheels and roundoffs and also front and back handsprings.

We also do breakfall rolls of all kinds

We find rolls useful during techniqes on how it improves us on how to take a fall or roll out do dodge or counter a attack.

We even set up courses to where you must dive roll over a 4-5 foot wall or dive roll between obsticals so we use rolls a lot in our classes
Even though I am just starting in To-Shin Do I have allready been introduced to lots of "rolling." I actually kind of enjoy that part of it.
Rolls are part of everyday. The ground must be our ally just as darkness.
Kamae are incorporated in rolls.
Walking & Rolls are sub-conscious:whether; attacking,defending and/or escaping.

j lee