using metsubishi


3rd Black Belt
it seems like the last seminar with some instructors i went to ,there was alot of metsubishi usage being implemented. i was wondering:

*how much does the other schools use metsubishi?
*what kind of metsubishi is used (powder, grass, leaves, dirt...)
*is it a common practice or skill used in your dojo/school?

it will be neat to see what unique ideas re: metsubishi are implemented in the mod/trad styles.
We use it whenever applicable/possible, although we haven't ever thrown blinding powder at each other or anything like that...yet. :)
Enson said:
does your school teach you how to make "blinding powder"?

Now I have a question. Is "metsubIshi" a "ninjitsu" transliteration for "me tsubUshi" in ninjutsu?
we haven't been taught how to make powder yet...but i can imagine pepper would work. :P
Kizaru said:

Now I have a question. Is "metsubIshi" a "ninjitsu" transliteration for "me tsubUshi" in ninjutsu?
i think it was just a mis-spelling/typo. but does "bushi" mean "bushy" or does it mean "puchi"?;)
we haven't been taught how to make powder yet...but i can imagine pepper would work. :P

Pepper would definately work. Its not exactly a secret on how to make blinding powder, i mean think about how "annoyed" (nice word) you get when something is in your eye, it doesnt take much. Just like finger strikes, they dont need to be performed as though you were breaking through a wall!

Peppers,salts,chilli powders,sands and grasses can all be ground up to make a substance that will annoy some one if thrown in their eyes, ash is also very good. But the moral of the story is that pretty much anything can be used, whatever is available and effective in the time of need...

Genin Andrew said:
But the moral of the story is that pretty much anything can be used, whatever is available and effective in the time of need...

i agree with that. how about lemon juice? have you ever gotten that in your eye? hurts and burns!:eek:
haha yes lemon juice would be pretty awesome, and the spray from a mandarin peel, pretty much all citrus fruits would be effective. Fruity metsubushi...
would you consider "mace", "pepper spray" modern versions of metsubushi? technically speaking they would have the same results.

AaronLucia said:
we haven't been taught how to make powder yet...but i can imagine pepper would work. :P
What about using "Spanish Fly"?
in rtms we have been working on rolling and coming up with something to throw. i have been practicing on my wife lately. i will have her chase me around the yard and i roll front, back, side, picking up grass and throwing it at her. ;)

HAHA that would be great for the neighbours to watch! imagine their faces :uhyeah:
Genin Andrew said:
HAHA that would be great for the neighbours to watch! imagine their faces :uhyeah:
fortunatley we live about .5 miles from our neighbors in the mountains so they don't see what goes on! hee hee! can't wait till she has the baby so i can do my joint locks and throws on her again! hee hee! :jediduel: :)
When training outside, if I have the presence of mind to think of it, I'll sometimes pick up grass or sand to come back at my training partner after taking ukemi from a throw or rolling to escape.

Another nasty trick when training outside in the heat (or inside in the heat as is sometimes the case): work up a good sweat then wipe your brow with the back of your hand (especially at the fingertips). Let it pool up at your fingernails and then flick the salty moisture at someone's face. Even if it doesn't get in their eyes, they will likely be grossed out enough to at least flinch a little.

It's a variation of this other nasty trick: after cutting someone with your knife or sword, wipe the blood off between your fingers so that it collects at the tips on the fingernail side, then flick that at another opponent while the first one procedes to faint from blood loss.

Learned that one as part of a technique for returning a sword to its scabbard [was told by my shidoshi that he saw Hatsumi-sensei do that once - or rather mime the action as I'm sure he didn't actually draw someone's blood].

Which reminds me of something similar. I saw a knife-fighting class of Nagato-shihan on video and one technique involved grasping the blade of the knife with the other hand to augment a cut - of course not touching the sharp part, but then he said if you mess up and do end up cutting your own hand, not to freak out, but rather to change the technique into wiping your own blood in the eyes of the opponent.

I do know how to make powders - have a few favourite recipes, but I have yet to find a convenient way of using it if I needed it. I doubt I would carry around a container of powder. Pepper-spray cans are so much more convenient - fits right on your key chain too!

Ok, one more: On the Kakushibuki dvd by Hatsumi, he shows how to use business cards or playing cards as both shuriken and metsubushi. I used to work as a dealer in a casino, and I could just imagine what would happen if someone started causing trouble and I just flicked a 52-card pickup right in their face!

Have fun, all, and train safe!
Metsubishi (correct spelling) means, sight blinders.
Anything, and I do mean anything, can be metsubishi. Something as simple as saying, "Look over there!" and pointing over there is metsubishi. Throwing dirt in someones face is metsubishi. Poking someone in the eye is metsubishi. Anything that makes that person look away or close their eyes is metsubishi.

Why do people use metsubishi?
Simple to get away or to inflict a devestating blow.

Do dojo's teach it? Traditional or not.
Yes, all dojo's teach it or are supposed to. Some actually teach it, like how to make it and how to use it. While others just teach the application of it, like teach it to you by word of mouth.

How to make it?
It medieval times it was made with black pepper, steel gradings, sand, sometimes gun powder, and some other stuff. As you can tell it was used to STOP the enemy from chasing them. Now-a-days people just use grass, dirt, hay or hay like stuff, powder, etc. So that it won't be damaging to their opponent. Though you can always whip out the pepper spray/mace.