oh man, those dreams. I had dreams just like that. I was fighting someone and no matter how hard I was hitting them, they just took it and kept coming at me. I was afraid after the first dream. I told my teacher about it and he gave me this advice, he said even in your dream, you have the ability to keep on going. Even in your mind when you are losing, when the odds are against you, even your brain will conflict. Part of you sees no hope, but the other part keeps pushing you to fight. I didnt understand anything he told me. You see he loved comics. And the next day gave me a comic book called The Death of Superman. He told me that this was a nightmare for Superman, and I think that his nightmare was yours too. And after reading it, it was. I Believed that I had the tools to take people down. And when opposition came, and took everything I had, I just gave it something else. In my dream the guy I was fighting couldnt hit me, but I couldnt hurt him. In the book, Superman fought Doomsday, and he couldnt hurt him at all. But continued to punch, pound and hit him with everything. Even when Superman was being hurt, and cut for the first time he kept on going. And eventually hurt Doomsday. And at the end they both knocked each other out. Now everytime I have the dream I do scared, it does scare me alot! But I keep hitting them, and kicking them with everything that I have. It is a scary thing to feel powerless, but once you know that you are powerless in this world, that things will happen because they are suppose to happen, the fear goes away.