My worst nightmare


Senior Master
I have had thhis dream or bad dream or nightmare call it as you wish, several times I dream I can't defend my beloved ones, no matter how hard I kick or punch I just cant drop the scumbags who wants to hurt my daughters or wife. Don't know why I have these dreams. What about you?

I never have but my instructor said he had and he talked to his instructor about it and apparently a) it's not too uncommon for everyone eventually and B) there's a solution (that I don't remember...I'll try to ask him)
I have had thhis dream or bad dream or nightmare call it as you wish, several times I dream I can't defend my beloved ones, no matter how hard I kick or punch I just cant drop the scumbags who wants to hurt my daughters or wife. Don't know why I have these dreams. What about you?


It might have to do with your lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. Ofter dreams are trying to tell us something we either dont realize or ignore.

Something I noticed reading your posts is you seem to doubt yourself alot. Well it seems it is also in you subconcience when you sleep. It is your biggest fear.
Perhaps doubts coming from your physical issues are affecting your confidence. Youth passes us all, but the wisdom, tactics, and awareness gained through experience will not leave you.
Manny it is a lack of confidence, all you need to know and believe in is your abilities. Once you believe your mind will too.....
I have had similar dreams once I started training MA. My instructor said that it was common for the upper belts to come to him and tell him about this kind of dream. He didn't interpret it however.
I also had bad dream last night!!

I dreamed that some bad guy attacked me in front of night club..

He standed in front of me and sad: "come on, kick me, or i will kick you!". I look in all of his body points i ussualy would shoot for, plexus, groin, etc, but i couldn't hit him, i was afraid he will block me and hit me!!

I started to run away., bu he cacthed me and started to pulling me back..many of hapkido locks or tkd kicks was on my mind, but i simply was afraid to do them!!

Then police camed and saved me..

Futile running or fighting dreams are very common when people are feeling under more stress than they can comfortably handle. It is generally the subconscious expressing the fear that they cannot find a way out of a particular situation.

Once you figure out what it is that is bothering you, Manny then the dreams should fade away. Bear in mind that it is highly unlikely that it is anything martial arts related that is causing the dreams, it is merely the medium via which the stress is being played out in your dreamscape.
Variants of this dream are nearly universal among Law Enforcement Officers. (I suspect that they're universal -- except a few either don't admit it.) You hear about guns that don't work or triggers that can't be pulled, slow motion bullets...

There are lots of theories and ideas about why. But personally, I think think that they're just expressions of the real concerns about handling violence.
Not to make light of your dream/nightmare, but I sleep like a baby though I wake up 2-3 times per night to take out the dogs (2 Italian greyhounds with bladders the size of a thimble).

I don't remember the last time I could recall any dream or nightmare I might have had. That probably says something too (Alzheimers coming to the fore?).
Anyone had very lucid dreams with you in a violent situation and handled it flawlessly? This has happened only a couple of times, but it feels really cool when I wake up, very empowering.

No..i constantly have dreams where somebody attacks me, and i see his vital points and weaknesses, and i know how and where i should hit him, but i am afraid of hiting him!
Variants of this dream are nearly universal among Law Enforcement Officers. (I suspect that they're universal -- except a few either don't admit it.) You hear about guns that don't work or triggers that can't be pulled, slow motion bullets...

There are lots of theories and ideas about why. But personally, I think think that they're just expressions of the real concerns about handling violence.
You are exactly correct. In a stress environment, dreams are one way for the person undergoing stress to relieve some of it.

Most stress situations are preframed by training these days. Officers train in frighteningly realistic scenarios with blank-firing weapons, so that when they encounter something similar they will have a level of familiarity and confidence. This reduces stress and allows the officer to function at a higher level.

Martial arts is much the same way. One of the best stress training methods is to step up the level of intensity in sparring classes. The students still wear the gear but you allow them to thump each other a little harder than normal. They learn to take a hit and work through it, and it improves their blocking and countering skills a great deal.
I'm finding visualization a useful part of my sparring training. An interesting side-effect has been an increase of sparring imagery in my dreams. And since I'm visualizing my techniques as fast and effective, I suspect that increases their presence in dreams that way.

I suggest some reflection and meditation to better understand your fears so you can better addresss them when awake. Fears are natural, but training, experience, and positive visualization all contribute to managing them in a healthy way.

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