nightmares on my street?


3rd Black Belt
i had a nightmare last night that i was grabbed and i couldn't defend myself. i tried to do some of the techniques i learned and they didn't work. like my legs were to short all of the sudden to kick him and i couldn't reach the attacker. i woke up wondering why. it was one of those dreams where no matter how fast you run they run faster, no matter how hard you kick or punch it doesn't affect them. i wonder has anyone else had those nightmares? i mean i have had dreams where i was being attacked and no one could touch me. i don't know? maybe its because of the argument i had with my boss that morning that made me feel powerless over the situation. that she could let me go or something. i don't know. your thoughts?
*seek help* ;) J/k
here's another thread on similiar topic.

I've had dreams such as that.. where I was punching and everything in slo mo.. no power no nothing to clock the bad guy.. very frustrating.. but I've also had dreams where I made contact and woke up with feathers all around and my pillow ravaged ;)


Dream Thread Here
Been there my wife has learned to wake me up very carefully or get out bed before I kick her out when I start doing things in my sleep.:whip:
Often. After a frustrating day at work (like you), if my family and/or friends are aggravating me, and especially after going to class and feeling like I'll never remember all my techniques with the correct names attached.

It's human nature. We all want to be powerful, brilliant, attractive, well-liked and a host of other things -- and we all are in our own way. Our subconscious minds, where dreams come from, are just our self-doubts manifest in a safe environment.:asian: KT
I'm actually pretty lucky in that I have quite a bit of control over the dreams I remember. Sort of a mind thing, kinda like the matrix. But I totally agree with KT. And I have experienced what you're talking about and wondered what it meant. I don't think it means anything real.
I used to have the same type of dreams myself.

I did some research and talked to a few people I was lucky enuff to have around at that being a psychologist who did a major study in dreams.
The most common thread I found in these types of dreams waaas......people are seeming to have a subconscience doubt of thier actual abilites and the mind is acting out those doubts in a dream state.
Eveyone knows;or should know,the martial arts of any knid is just as much mental,if not more, as it is physical.
When I got the right mind-set....them dreams eventually went away.
You can be the best BB or have a ton of trophies and still doubt yourself in actual street combat.
I sought out more systems and different stuff to learn...then I realised it was *me*....I had to convince myself I wasn't,in any shape or form,going to be a victim and that I was going to, and could, win at all cost.
Try analising yourself and what you think you can do to improve your mind-set.
For instance...."your legs were to short" in you you subconsciencely doubt your kicking anility? Your kicking ability may be great in the dojo or ring...but is the "mind link" actually there?
It sound like a crock to some...but give it a try?
what else could it be?
I am open for suggestions....................
oh man, those dreams. I had dreams just like that. I was fighting someone and no matter how hard I was hitting them, they just took it and kept coming at me. I was afraid after the first dream. I told my teacher about it and he gave me this advice, he said even in your dream, you have the ability to keep on going. Even in your mind when you are losing, when the odds are against you, even your brain will conflict. Part of you sees no hope, but the other part keeps pushing you to fight. I didnt understand anything he told me. You see he loved comics. And the next day gave me a comic book called The Death of Superman. He told me that this was a nightmare for Superman, and I think that his nightmare was yours too. And after reading it, it was. I Believed that I had the tools to take people down. And when opposition came, and took everything I had, I just gave it something else. In my dream the guy I was fighting couldnt hit me, but I couldnt hurt him. In the book, Superman fought Doomsday, and he couldnt hurt him at all. But continued to punch, pound and hit him with everything. Even when Superman was being hurt, and cut for the first time he kept on going. And eventually hurt Doomsday. And at the end they both knocked each other out. Now everytime I have the dream I do scared, it does scare me alot! But I keep hitting them, and kicking them with everything that I have. It is a scary thing to feel powerless, but once you know that you are powerless in this world, that things will happen because they are suppose to happen, the fear goes away.
no matter how hard you kick or punch it doesn't affect them. i wonder has anyone else had those nightmares?
I had a nightmare where I couldnt effect the target by punching or kicking. its weird. They then started to pull a knife, and I cut their throat with a debit card. I always win in my dreams. lol.
hedgehogey; The answer to your question is: No, I am not related to that John Perkins.
Jim Perkins said:
Been there my wife has learned to wake me up very carefully or get out bed before I kick her out when I start doing things in my sleep.:whip:
Uhh, I'll quote Tess' advice to Enson and give it to you seriously... Seek Help... before you get a divorce. Geez man. LOL :lol:

(I'm just kidding too ... :rolleyes: )
Yeah I have smiliar dreams like that. Where my arms just feel really weak when I'm trying to punch somebody and they lose all their force and just bounce off. I've devised a theory and I think it might be as you guys say that your fighting with your limbs as your in bed, now if you have a duvet on then your arms are restricted and because your sleeping you dont have much effort, therefore it transfers to your dream and you have no power. When you next get into bed, lie flat and hold you arm up in the bed with the duvet restricting you, does the feeling of pressure remind you of your dream? or do I need to see a physcologist?


And I hope you guys weren't like me, when I was dreaming about two weeks ago after Wing Chung I kept waking up from dreams about being dizzy and being thrown about. Eventually I lay awake feeling really nausuous and as I drifted off back into sleep I had a vision of something like Bruce Lee doing the one inch punch right into my stomach and I just threw up really violently. Urrggh!
I sometimes have dreams of getting into a gunfight and my weapon just goes "pop" or misfires or Im pulling the trigger as hard as I can and cant get it to fire.....same kind of thing. Subconscious self-doubt/fear of failure is what I think its about.
I've constantly had the dreams of where in a fight I would kick and then my assailant would move in and I would respond by punching, but it always felt like my punches were pulled and weak. In a way I enjoy the dreams because they drive me to work harder so that if the situation does occur the dream is less likely to become a reality.

At 16, just starting training in Goju-ryu, I walked into the studio and was waiting for the class to begin. The instructor looked at me and made a strange comment. His words of wisdom: "You know you're a master when the dreams end or you start to win." The statement hit me hard because that weekend I had a dream that had a significant effect and had spent the whole weekend training my butt off and this was his comment as I waited for a monday class to begin. I wondered for a long while "How did he know?" My guess, It's something that we all go through.
Turner said:
His words of wisdom: "You know you're a master when the dreams end or you start to win." The statement hit me hard because that weekend I had a dream that had a significant effect and had spent the whole weekend training my butt off and this was his comment as I waited for a monday class to begin. I wondered for a long while "How did he know?" My guess, It's something that we all go through.
that was deep! what if i never win? hee hee! (joke) i was reading somewhere an article and it said that dreams are based on imagery. (spelling) and since we study m.a. when we dream of conflict... personal, spiritual, emotional... our mind makes it turn m.a. i guess i was loosing in whatever conflict i was/am going through. are having dreams where your martial arts training is not working. Perhaps your subconscious is TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING? HMM? PERHAPS?

I had these dreams way back when I did dead pattern training. Intellectually I had convinced myself (or been convinced) that this stuff was t3h de34dly. The guy I was learning from was a 'nam vet. He'd been teaching for decades. That must count for something, right? Right?

But my unconscious knew better. So I strapped on some gloves and started to spar harder.

Haven't had any such dreams since.
hedgehogey said: are having dreams where your martial arts training is not working. Perhaps your subconscious is TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING? HMM? PERHAPS?

I had these dreams way back when I did dead pattern training. Intellectually I had convinced myself (or been convinced) that this stuff was t3h de34dly. The guy I was learning from was a 'nam vet. He'd been teaching for decades. That must count for something, right? Right?

But my unconscious knew better. So I strapped on some gloves and started to spar harder.

Haven't had any such dreams since.
sorry about your experience. hope you found a better school afterwards. let us know if you did/do.

i think my dream really had something to do with my occupation. having job troubles so i think it had to do alot with that.

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