Nick Cerio cut ties w/ USSD

Thanks, did Prof Cerio train with Bill Chun Sr on a seperate ocassion or is his time with him included in his 3 weeks with Prof. Chow?

I remember reading about Professor Cerio's training with Grandmaster Bill Chun Sr. from another (old) thread that Professor Joe Shuras replied to:

"Hey CoolKempoDude, hope all is well! Master Bill Chun Sr. and his son, Master Bill Chun Jr. were very, very close to Professor Chow. When Professor Cerio first wanted to study with Professor Chow, Mr. Ed Parker gave him an 'intro' to Master Bill Chun Sr. and Mr. Cerio began studying with Mr. Chun. Then, in turn, Master Chun Sr. gave Professor Cerio an 'intro' to William Chow and he started studying with him. That's how it was done, the 'intro' thing, sort of like vouching for someone. They wouldn't just take anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar and myself, KenpoJoe Rebelo and Sensei Matt Barnes got to go over Hansuki with Master Chun Jr. Don't get me wrong, since it was and still is a 'chosen' form he could not go over it in its entirety or in any great detail, but he took a little from the beginning, the middle and the end and only did it once so you had better pay attention if you wanted to pick up anything and he did it fast. I got to put some of the 'original' back in the version I was taught. Hansuki is a favorite form of mine so this alone made the seminar for me, if you know what I mean. KenpoJoe and Matt have the same version of Hansuki as myself and Master Chun looked at it but was not critical at all for the alterations. He stated as long as you give its original creator the credit for the form, there is nothing wrong with adding your signature moves. As each master does this down the lineage line, each is contributing something to the form which is passed on and the system continues to evolve. I know some I agree with this and some don't but I'm just relaying what he told me in an e-mail. Yes, my friend who trains under Master Chun is a Nick Cerio 5th dan, Shihan John James, very knowledgable, a gentleman and above all, a fighter. You can e-mail him at the Nick Cerio website for he knows much more about Master Chun and Goshinjitsu Kai Chinese Kempo than I. Respectfully submitted."
Joe- Great news! I was fortunate to meet him during a turbulent time in my martial arts career and I have him to thank for bringing me with him to Kara-Ho Kempo and for being a great friend.

I am proud to call him my instructor even though geographically we cannot train together.

I suggest you mention your previous training and I bet he will show you some differences in the 2 systems.

Please report back in here if you would and share your insights with us!

Joe- Great news! I was fortunate to meet him during a turbulent time in my martial arts career and I have him to thank for bringing me with him to Kara-Ho Kempo and for being a great friend.

I am proud to call him my instructor even though geographically we cannot train together.

I suggest you mention your previous training and I bet he will show you some differences in the 2 systems.

Please report back in here if you would and share your insights with us!


Will do, can't wait till Tuesday
James- Sensei Jeff sends his regards, I told him about MT and he might be joining.

Shaolin Ninja-It's hard to imagine that SKK came from Kara-Ho, they are very different. Kara-Ho puts a lot more emphasis on Chi and building up your internal strength. Another difference is that in Kara-Ho you don't get into a horse stance and punch and kick, all the strikes are done while moving so that you get used to stricking while in movement instead of being staitionary. Kara-Ho I think is more built for the streets and would probably make you a better streetfighter than SKK. Just my two cents though.
James- Sensei Jeff sends his regards, I told him about MT and he might be joining.

Shaolin Ninja-It's hard to imagine that SKK came from Kara-Ho, they are very different. Kara-Ho puts a lot more emphasis on Chi and building up your internal strength. Another difference is that in Kara-Ho you don't get into a horse stance and punch and kick, all the strikes are done while moving so that you get used to stricking while in movement instead of being staitionary. Kara-Ho I think is more built for the streets and would probably make you a better streetfighter than SKK. Just my two cents though.

do they root when they strike even momentarily?

Sure you could say we "root" for a split second but a deep stance is not required ;)

We do teach MANY stances and the deeper the better in forms and or training drills in the dojo (read: Leg strength), but we try not to be in the same place very long when striking for obvious reasons.

"Kara-Ho I think is more built for the streets and would probably make you a better streetfighter than SKK." This is what Professor Chow intended.

Joe- Did Sensei Jeff show you any 6-10's? Those really show what the system is about and are some of the last techniques Professor Chow designed.

Sensei Jeff was pretty sick and almost called the class off, when I asked him he told me they are the techniques you learn after BB, but he didn't feel up to showing me. It's okay maybe next time.
He told me about two of the four principles. He told me about the point just above the belly button that is our center. He had us doing chi excersizes, which is what most of the night consisted of. I like the emphasis on chi training in Kara-Ho since it's something I feel SKK lacks.
He told me about two of the four principles. He told me about the point just above the belly button that is our center. He had us doing chi excersizes, which is what most of the night consisted of. I like the emphasis on chi training in Kara-Ho since it's something I feel SKK lacks.

interesting that you say above the belly button, because below it is your dantiam(sp) and anatomically the center is below the belly button. I could be completly off here, it is getting late.
In Peace
I was talking to an FV instructor last night (high ranking master) and he said something about Professor Cerio laughing at them for wanting to return to the source...but that was after the first time USSD returned.

What did he say to Mattera? Was this for 9th degree? Did Mattera try to rejoin Nick Cerios? Did Mattera rip off Cerio?

We need to put the thread back on topic.
What did he say to Mattera? Was this for 9th degree? Did Mattera try to rejoin Nick Cerios? Did Mattera rip off Cerio?

We need to put the thread back on topic.

Um, he pretty much just laughed at him. It had to do with 9th degree, seeing as Nick Cerio never promoted anyone past 8th degree. As for the other things, I have to check my sources and find out for sure.

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