Cerio Pinions/Pinans

arnisador said:
This is a great reminder that so many arts are much newer than people would care to realize!

Yes, it is. The internal combustion engine predates most of them.

...it's also a good reminder that John Bishop is an extremely knowledgeable and valuable MT member.

On edit, is there any way to get rid of Thunderbolt's post? Every time I look at it I get ticked. True I could avoid looking at it, but Shesulsa is another valuable MT member.
Jonathan Randall said:
On edit, is there any way to get rid of Thunderbolt's post? Every time I look at it I get ticked. True I could avoid looking at it, but Shesulsa is another valuable MT member.
I concur. Done! But my rationale was more for the inflammitory, insulting, rude tone.

-Michael Billings
-MT Asst. Administrator-
Hmmm interesting no Thunderbolt no thread. Guess he was the one carring the discussion all along. Pretty sad if you ask me. Have not been here in over a month and come back and it is dead.

JR you are so sensitive.

Guess the joke is on me this time. OH well. Bud and Lou are eager to play.

Harley Quinn said:
Hmmm interesting no Thunderbolt no thread. Guess he was the one carring the discussion all along. Pretty sad if you ask me. Have not been here in over a month and come back and it is dead.

JR you are so sensitive.

Guess the joke is on me this time. OH well. Bud and Lou are eager to play.


Threads do die, either from lack of interest or because there may not be much left to discuss.

As for the threads/people that were removed, this was due to rule violations. However, that is a closed issue.

Please feel free however, to revive the thread. Usefull information is always welcome here!:)

Funny, I come back after a month away, look for a thread that I was interested in and make a comment and some punk dings me for 3 points and calls me a troll, dos'nt even leave a Kiss. LOL

Jonathan Randall said:
Not sensitive, if you ever read the deleted post, simply that I was raised with basic standards of behavior.

What was the purpose of your post?

Well, I guess I did not get to read the deleted post, so I have no way of knowing do I. But I do have an idea of who gave me the ding don't I.
All for the sake of what? I see only parts of the post and then we only have half of the story, the person might have had some good points but delivered them bad or not to your liking. But I will never know because I can't get the chance to read them and make my decision, not yours.

I can see I will not last long with this, considering you have been here and obviously are such a charmer. Just look at all the good marks. I believe maybe its the avatar, yes that must be it.

Just a few things:

1- We had an interesting discussion going here. Lets try to return to the topic of the thread please.

2- If anyone is having an issue with someone regarding rep points, please feel free to contact an Admin. for assistance.

First I would like to say that part of the reason John Bishop rose to the occasion was because of the adverse thread going on, so we get some great information from him. So for all of Thunderbolts msguided efforts we did get good effort and lots of information. From those who stood there ground and replied.
But and sadly the other side is not heard from why because it is deleated.

So for espousing this, I then get another ding by Shesusla saying it is not progessive (productive). LOL OK. I have read and seen much in print prior to posting to this Martial Arts thread but I am feeling the rath of speaking my mind and not being really pointed until now. What is progressive (productive) Shesusla your one liners of respect on the board to other Moderators and dings on the back side with one liners?

Oh how short the stay, thanks but no thanks. Until this particular small clique can get themselves together, it is not something I want to be part of. I can't discuss with out arguement and pointing out likes and dislikes.

I am not in a position to do, nor would I want to do, what I see being done on this particular thread. Pretty sad on a Martial Arts Board.

I in my opinion will never step over the line and call someone in particular a name because I don't like what they are doing I will point out my thought. So If you want to give me a ding I will comment on it.

I have received more green than red but I see the reasoning behind the whole thing suspect. Should I report it to the Moderator that I agree with or should I report it to the one I don't agree with. A real catch 22 situation and it is sad because it is something that is being devised by the Moderators and Administrators themselves.

I will now go to other threads and hopefully have a good time with this board. But I am not so sure just because of my own inherent survival skill.
What I think is Productive is different than others, I truley feel what I have said is productive/progessive. I am going to leave it alone now.

My thought on this and it is the last one I will say, ever, regarding this subject, is: Red and Green will work for the ones who have no center core that is already established.

Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation on topic..

-MT Moderator-

In addition, this is not the place to discuss rep! As I said before, if anyone is having a problem with that, please contact an Admin. to address it!

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