So you're suggesting that the article might have been fake, but accurate? LMFAO.
So I guess there is going to be a new rule in journalism. We'll call it the Robertson's rule of journalism.
That rule says:
If any story lacks any support, cannot be confirmed, has evidence of being fabricated BUT advances a leftwing, anti-Bush, anti-US agenda, it should be considered as if it were Gospel against ALL evidence.
Example: "How do you Know it's a false story?" Written as if the burden of proof is on others to DISPROVE an article that supports his political agenda. In other words, if it's written, it's true until proven otherwise, and even THEN it's still true. Further, even if it IS proven untrue, it's still considered true because it "was a story very much in keeping with the pattern that we do know the Bush government has both endorsed and advanced."
Wow, remarkeable. Did you sell your credibility and objectivity, robertson, or did you just give it away for free?
The sad fact is, and you should pay attention to this robertson, this is why no one believes the left and their media anymore. Everything is considered true, no matter how absurd or baseless, because it fits an agenda. You're the proverbial kids that cry wolf. If you ever DO find damning evidence of anything, you've lied so much and reported things as evidence that were "Fake but accurate" so often, no one will believe you.
That's why credibility is so important. Integrity is a word that the leftists in the media might start researching again.
I'm sure the response to this post will be "Well, Bush should look up that word, he's the biggest lying pooh pooh head there is." <sigh>