Newsweek lied, people died - or - 16 and counting.

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Back to the topic, NewsWeek Lied, People Died

The allegations have not been disproven. Did NewsWeek lie? Not to the best of their knowledge. What they stated, they believed to be true. People died, but they certainly didn't kill them.

Which raises the larger question. "People" seem to be upset that the Quran was defiled in defiance of US military law. Why not the same sort of reaction to the detention of individuals--without trial--in defiance of U.S. and international law? We are taking their freedom, their lives, in essence, depending on the length of detention, which is indeterminable at this point. I'd say that's a bigger infraction.

We've called this a war on terrorism. So shouldn't these prisoners be treated with the same priveleges, according to the Geneva Convention?

On a personal note, if my father, or brother, or son was put into some modern Devil's Island because he was supporting his beliefs, I'd likely pursue some sort of action to free him or get recompense of some sort or another. We're breeding terrorists rather than resolving the problem.

I love my country, but I'm not confident in our methods of reducing menace to our citizens here or overseas through our current actions.
sgtmac_46 said:
So you're suggesting that the article might have been fake, but accurate? LMFAO.
And last night, what do we see from the Associated Press ...

FBI records cite prisoner claims of Quran abuse
Declassified docs say desecration occurred in early 2002
WASHINGTON - Terrorist suspects at the Guantanamo Bay prison told U.S. interrogators as early as April 2002, just four months after the first prisoners arrived, that military guards abused them and desecrated the Quran, declassified FBI records say.
“Their behavior is bad,” one prisoner is quoted as saying of his guards during an interrogation by an FBI special agent in July 2002. “About five months ago the guards beat the detainees. They flushed a Quran in the toilet.”
The story that won't go away ...
Does anyone else smell smoke?

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