No, my short term memory is just great, as is my long term. It's others' I'm concerned about. You said:
"In light of this, it seems very probable that the anti-war movement and the left leaning media are in fact quite responsible for negative attitude and aggression towards our allies and troops around the world...."
You blame worldwide anti-american troop sentiment on left-leaning media. Yes, in part. I never said they were 100% responsible. People are slow to listen and quick to respond. You're not specific to Afghanistan. I regret saying this was the dumbest statement I have ever heard, that's too personal, I should have said it's one of the most misinformed and illogical conclusions I have ever heard. That's OK, I'll let it go, as well as the anonymous red rep I got for answering you back.
The Afghanis supposedly rioted over this story, though it has been reported that the Quran flushing story was only one of several reasons for the unrest. Nothing new here. I mentioned powderkeg later on, in case you missed it. The people responsible for the Afghani deaths are the Pakistani police who shot them, not NewsWeek. [Well, I'd have hated to see the Pakistani police dead from rioters just as much, how bout you?] NewsWeek vetted the story with the Pentagon, and after publication, the Pentagon went back on its story. As a result, NewsWeek retracted the story. Who's a more reliable source than the Pentagon? At a certain point, reporters must trust their sources. We can't always have videotape or photos. This is probably the most important point to your arguement. I'll be checking it's validity, thanks.
Do you think our media even holds a candle to the types of inflammatory pictures and stories that are broadcast all over the Muslim world? We don't see the burned babies and the bomb victims that are sanitized/censored from our media. Well, they see it all. I'd say their media is more likely a source of aggression than our vanilla reporting.
Don't act like the long-suffering rightie. You brought this up. No-ones acting like their suffering, except some of the people responding from a little excess hysteria.
They didn't do anything wrong, they followed protocol. That is such a cop-out. Perhaps there's something wrong with the protocol.
They shouldn't post anything more than a retraction.