New political books


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My thread on what political books are you reading didn't wash, so here is a thread to show people which new books are out that tackle important issues in society and politics. this might work out better. A lot of the books I will mention will come from interviews I hear on various radio and television shows.


Watermelons: The Green movements true colors

I heard the author of this book on the Dennis Miller show. They discussed the anti-people aspect of modern environmentalism, the environmental damage created by windmills, the cost in lives of banning DDT, and various other topics of an environmental, political nature.

About the book:

In Watermelons, Delingpole explains the Climategate scandal, the cast of characters involved, their motives and methods. He delves into the background of the organizations and individuals who have sought to push global warming to the top of the political agenda, showing that beneath their cloak of green lurks a heart of red.
Watermelons shows how the scientific method has been sacrificed on the altar of climate alarmism. Delingpole mocks the green movement's pathetic record of apocalyptic predictions, from the "population bomb" to global cooling, which failed to materialize. He reveals the fundamental misanthropy of green ideology, "rooted in hatred of the human species, hell bent on destroying almost everything man has achieved".
Delingpole gives a refreshing voice to widespread public skepticism over global warming, emphasising that the "crisis" has been engineered by people seeking to control our lives by imposing new taxes and regulations. "Your taxes will be raised, your liberties curtailed and your money squandered to deal with this 'crisis'", he writes.
At its very roots, argues Delingpole, climate change is an ideological battle, not a scientific one. Green on the outside, red on the inside, the liberty-loathing, humanity-hating "watermelons" of the modern environmental movement do not want to save the world. They want to rule it.
Delingpole is the bestselling British writer who helped expose the Climategate scandal in his Daily Telegraph blog. He also writes a column for The Spectator. His other books include 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy (Regnery, 2010) and Welcome to Obamaland (Regnery, 2009).
Here is one for anyone who wonders how the economy collapsed. I heard this author interviewed on the Don and Roma morning show here in chicago. She and her co-author name the names of those responsible for the economic collapse.

Reckless Endangerment:

About the author:


"Gretchen Morgenson is a national treasure. Year after year, she has dragged Wall Street miscreants out of the shadows, exposing their dirty secrets to the public that they bamboozled with schemes and deceits. Now, working with Joshua Rosner, she has trained her expert eye on the mortgage mess that pushed the American economy to the brink. In stunning detail, Morgenson exposes the truth behind the worst financial calamity of modern times, weaving a tale that is as mesmerizing as it is horrifying. Reckless Endangerment names the names and reveals the secrets of the plutocrats and politicians whose greed and recklessness threatened the foundations of capitalism. It is essential reading for anyone struggling to understand how America entered the new era of financial chaos."—Kurt Eichenwald, New York Times bestselling author of Conspiracy of Fools and The Informant
"Even before Reckless Endangerment, Gretchen Morgenson was my nominee for Reporter of the Decade for her forensic and prophetic coverage of Wall Street. Now, she and the equally talented sleuth Joshua Rosner, like Holmes and Dr. Watson, have pieced together the clues to a seminal mystery of the financial debacle: how American taxpayers were suckered by the shenanigans, greed, egos, back scratching, and guile of financial and political elites who swarmed like vultures around Fannie Mae, picking it clean of oversight and accountability while its executives gorged themselves on the spoils. Naming names and taking no prisoners, they drill deep into one of the most disturbing scandals of our time, perpetrated in the name of helping "the little guy." Read it and weep. Read it and vow: Never Again!—Bill Moyers, journalist, and President, Schumann Media Center

About the book:

Product Description

The New York Times's Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist reveals how the financial meltdown emerged from the toxic interplay of Washington, Wall Street, and corrupt mortgage lenders
In Reckless Endangerment, Gretchen Morgenson, the star business columnist of The New York Times, exposes how the watchdogs who were supposed to protect the country from financial harm were actually complicit in the actions that finally blew up the American economy.
Drawing on previously untapped sources and building on original research from coauthor Joshua Rosner—who himself raised early warnings with the public and investors, and kept detailed records—Morgenson connects the dots that led to this fiasco.
Morgenson and Rosner draw back the curtain on Fannie Mae, the mortgage-finance giant that grew, with the support of the Clinton administration, through the 1990s, becoming a major opponent of government oversight even as it was benefiting from public subsidies. They expose the role played not only by Fannie Mae executives but also by enablers at Countrywide Financial, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, HUD, Congress, the FDIC, and the biggest players on Wall Street, to show how greed, aggression, and fear led countless officials to ignore warning signs of an imminent disaster.
Character-rich and definitive in its analysis, this is the one account of the financial crisis you must read.
I wish, but no, I am just interested in the topics and if there are others out there who are interested, they may see a book they might not have noticed before. Also, anyone can post books that they are interested in. That includes liberal based books, libertarian or even outright communist books. Whatever someone is interested in and might think someone out there in the world might also be interested in. I know from my science fiction and fantasy reading that there are so many books out there that you don't want to waste money on bad books. This will give some info. on the political side of reading. I also hear a lot of authors interviewed and they get put on my reading list if the topic intersts me. I won't have read all these books before I put them here, but they will be on my list, waiting for the price to drop or for them to be on the kindle.
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The new Ann Coulter book came out several weeks ago and I had put it on my list for eventual reading but I found an interesting chapter in it while I was at Borders today.
I was looking for some fiction to read and I saw Demonic, on the new book rack so I flipped through it and found the chapter on how the democrats were able to convince the world that Republicans are the racist party as opposed to the long history of racism in the democrat party. It is a great chapter and it points out how a few minor events allowed the democrats to sweep generations of racism under the rug and come out the defenders of the very people they oppressed, while turning them against the very people who had struggled along with them to be free and equal. A great chapter Ann, which is why I recommend people go and at least read the chapter on the mob and Bull conner and the democrats. It goes through the civil rights movement, Richard Nixon, and all the segregationist democrats in congress.
Just downloaded Demonic by Ann Coulter onto my Kindle. The chapter on civil rights and one of the biggest swindles in history is chapter 10 "Civil Rights and the Mob: George Wallis, Bull Conner, Orval Faubus and other Democrats." A really good chapter and a must read if you don't understand how democrats, who fought for so long to deny african americans the freedoms gauranteed in the bill of rights, the constitution and the declaration of independence suddenly became the heroes of minorities in America.
Here is a book I heard about on Dennis millers website:

The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental
Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause
Them [Hardcover]

From the amazon site:

[h=3]From the Inside Flap[/h]
Al Gore is bad for the planet...

Talk about really inconvenient truths--that's one of the many you'll find in
Iain Murray's rollicking exposé of environmental blowhards who waste more
energy, endanger more species, and actually kill more people (yes, that's right)
than the environmental villains they finger. Did you know that estrogen from
birth control and "morning after" pills is causing male fish across America to
develop female sex organs? Funny how "pro-choice" and "environmentalist"
liberals never talk about that. Or how about this: the Live Earth concert to
"save the planet" released more CO2 into the atmosphere than a fleet of 2,000
Humvees emit in a year? We hear a lot about AIDS in Africa, but the number one
killer of children in much of Africa is malaria--and guess who was responsible
for banning the pesticide that used to have malaria under control? Iain Murray,
a sprightly conservative environmental analyst with a long record of skewering
liberal hypocrisy, has dug up seven of the all-time great environmental
catastrophes caused by the Left and exposed them in The Really Inconvenient
. Murray lays bare:
* How ethanol, the liberals' favorite fuel, is destroying the world's
rainforests--and could cause global food shortages
* How Al Gore's hero
Rachel Carson cost the lives of millions of Africans through her efforts to ban
* How the environmentalists have covered up the polluting effects of
contraceptive and chemical abortion drugs
* How the Endangered Species Act
actually endangers species
* How Gore's vision of greater state control over
the economy has already produced some of the greatest environmental disasters in

I'll be adding it to my list.
Mark Steyn's new book "After America: Get ready for armageddon" is out and he has been making the rounds on the various talk shows.

About the book:

[h=3]Product Description[/h]

Optimistic About America’s Future?
Don’t Be.

In his giant
New York Times bestseller, America Alone: The End of the World as We
Know It
, Mark Steyn predicted collapse for the rest of the Western World.
Now, he adds, America has caught up with Europe on the great rush to

It’s not just our looming financial collapse; it’s not
just a culture that seems on a fast track to perdition, full of hapless,
indulgent, childish people who think government has the answer for every
problem; it’s not just America’s potential eclipse as a world power because of
the drunken sailor policymaking in Washington—no, it’s all this and more that
spells one word for America: Armageddon.

What will a world without
American leadership look like? It won’t be pretty—not for you and not for your
children. America’s decline won’t be gradual, like an aging Europe sipping
espresso at a café until extinction (and the odd Greek or Islamist riot). No,
America’s decline will be a wrenching affair marked by violence and possibly

With his trademark wit, Steyn delivers the depressing news
with raw and unblinking honesty—but also with the touch of vaudeville stand-up
and soft shoe that makes him the most entertaining, yet profound, columnist on
the planet. And as an immigrant with nowhere else to go, he offers his own
prescription for winning America back from the feckless and arrogant liberal
establishment that has done its level best to suffocate the world’s last best
hope in a miasma of debt, decay, and debility. You will not read a more
important—or more alarming, or even funnier—book all year than After

Here is an interview with the author Mark Steyn:

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