Did Al Gore "fake" experiment?


Lifetime Supporting Member
Here is an article that addresses an experiment conducted by Al Gore to prove Global warming is happening. The article claims that Gore doctored the experiment through the magic of video editing. I report, and then you decide. And if you decide wrong, I'll disagree with you...


One of the video clips there, “Climate 101,” tells the story of how to do a “simple experiment” at home to prove carbon dioxide causes global warming. But if you watch closely, you’ll see an “inconvenient truth” of the worst kind. Watch the portion of the video that begins at 1:00 and ends at 1:20.
You see, he faked not only the experiment but also the results with video editing tricks. Video analysis proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And for a different point of view on the global warming movement and the scandal called Climategate...

Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global
Warming Scam

By tracing the origins of the current climate scare, Sussman guides the
reader from the diabolical minds of Marx and Engels in the 1800s, to the global
governance machinations of the United Nations today. Climategate is a call to
action, warning Americans that their future is being undermined by a phony
pseudo-science aimed at altering every aspect of life in the United States and
the world.

From a readers review of the book:
What was so hard in my journey here as an engineer was to see that such a large
segment of the academic and scientific community has been corrupted into
religiously advancing this theory. The incentive system of having government
funding as the primary source where you get funding to advance the theory, but
sit out in the cold if you don't buy in is in itself rather disturbing. Sussman
didn't delve into this aspect, but it is partially covered in the book
"SuperFreakonomics". I have yet to see any author take on the challenge of how
to reform science funding. For the sake of the continued contribution of science
to human prosperity, this challenge must be taken up.
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Since this experiment explains the vastly complex interchange of life and chemicals that we know and love on this planet so easily, I have a suggestion. Why don't we build a giant space ship, send it out to the jar that holds the planet earth and use it to push up the lid on the jar. That way we can let the green house gases out and save our planet. It is simple really, why hasn't anyone thought of that before?
I am sure Al Gore fakes allot things, what politicians doesn't? The "green revolution" aka the environmental movement we see today, really started off in the 1970's and hasn't really made an impact. Sure some businesses are cleaner, less air pollution, clearer water, recycling, and no indian chief tearing at the garbage around his feet shown at 11:58 am in the morning. And there allot of businesses who support going green. It will never be a viable industry in my lifetime. How this relates to global warming between mine and Bill's post? Well it doesn't.
Since this experiment explains the vastly complex interchange of life and chemicals that we know and love on this planet so easily, I have a suggestion. Why don't we build a giant space ship, send it out to the jar that holds the planet earth and use it to push up the lid on the jar. That way we can let the green house gases out and save our planet. It is simple really, why hasn't anyone thought of that before?

Great idea. But Al has to be the pilot.

Figures, actors....sheeeesh. Now I even question the validity of those late night TV public service announcement with a fake Indian, fake trash, bastards. I have lost my faith in keeping America Beautiful.
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Global warming is a pitch for getting off fossil fuels that keeps making the Arabs and oil companies rich. To stop using coal, nuclear power that make the energy that make energy companies rich. All of which will make other new companies rich, and annoy conservatives.
One side of the problem is all the industries built around oil, coal, and nuclear, create jobs, lots of jobs. Wind energy for example is basically a farm industry, not offering much to job growth as well as other things. Al Gore is championing for new less economically substantial industries. And to sell that you need something so big and hard to argue against it will make change, hence Global Warming.

Is Global Warming an actual event, are our polar ice caps melting. Yea, probably, the earth is always in change. Are we accelerating that, possibly, but we are part of the earth, we are not separate from it. We are an integral mechanism just as the wind, rain, and temperature that has an effect on the earth. We will never not be integral to the earth. I find it hard to believe that we are have a pronounced effect on temperature increases as published. I believe there are other forces greater then us at this time effecting the melting of the ice caps. Which could be cyclic in nature, i.e. great floods that have been recorded in ancient times and in geological records. Point being, I have not idea, and I don't think it is important there isn't a point. It's is pointless.

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