Imagine there's no carbon...


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Here is an article that looks at how the world would look if the U.S. stopped all carbon emissions in the name of global warming...kinda pointless...

Last week, the Virginia-based Science and Public Policy Institute released a report showing, in chart form, the above results of Big Green's dream scenario. The SPPI study sports a cover graphic of a flaming dollar sign and a long title beginning "Analysis of US and State-by-State Carbon Dioxide Emissions," but readers are already just calling it "The Futility Report."
The report's author, Paul Knappenberger, made his assumptions "based on the [United Nations] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports." He ran a scenario in which "the U.S. as a whole stopped emitting all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions immediately," and found that "the ultimate impact on projected global temperature rise would be a reduction, or a 'savings,' of approximately 0.08°C by the year 2050 and 0.17°C by the year 2100--amounts that are, for all intents and purposes, negligible." Under this wild scenario, not only do the rest of the world's new emissions completely replace ours in just 6.6 years, but China's growth alone replaces them in less than 11 years.

"To these Enron clones, global warming is about money and power," Ferguson remarked. "It has nothing to do with measuring the effectiveness of devastatingly expensive mitigation efforts. It requires unquestioning belief and confessing your CO2 sins, which justifies you in demanding that everybody else confess and pay up."
Ferguson concluded that Big Green is "not about to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to try measuring the results of spending billions in mitigation money, because the results are negligible if they exist at all."
The SPPI has also kept on hand a 37-page 2009 publication edited by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R.-Utah, and titled "UN Climate Scientists Speak Out on Global Warming." It's full of blunt quotes from respected scientists suggesting that global warming is a power grab racket.
For example, Massachusetts Institute of Technology climate scientist Richard Lindzen, who was a U.N. IPCC lead author and reviewer, said, "Controlling carbon is kind of a bureaucrat's dream. If you control carbon, you control life."
This link isn't really accurate. China is starting to invest in clean energy and also startign to actively clean up thier exsisting energy use. It looks like the 11 year scenario only takes into account if china does not do that. Another big polluter, India, is doing the same. We still remain the biggest polluter though we do not have the population of the other two countries. It is also about controlling all green house gases, not just carbon, so the article is decieving as well.
So, the consensus among scientists is that global warming is a power grab racket? If not, a few dissenters doesn't much matter to me.

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