In my opinion, "climate change" has nothing to do with actual climate or science any more. What we are dealing with, goes deeper. You can go to the Oracle of Google and start clicking your way through links in the CFR, Bliderberg, Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, all sorts of internationalist/globalist organizations...look specifically for Maurice Strong, Club of Rome, carbon taxes and world government.
When I have time, I'll write a more properly sourced article, here's a synopsis, however.
The Central Banks of this world control everything through the issuance of a debt based fiat currency. The problem with this model of control is that eventually the currency debases to a point where it's worthless. We are reaching this point as we speak. When this happens, chaos obviously ensues because the economy that supports people no longer functions. Several times in history, liberty has sprouted from chaos, as the central bankers have lost control.
We now live in a global world with an established international finance structure that effectively controls the economy of the world and allows a parasitic banking elite to flourish off the labor of others. In the early 90s members of the UN began talking about how they were going to vertically integrate these financial systems into a single global entity that had the ability to do what they were doing now, but had no way of completely collapsing like the current system.
In particular, meetings by the Club of Rome discussed how various threats could be manipulated on a global scale in order to bring the nations together to form this global finance structure (that is all the term "world government" really means anyway). One of the things that was discussed was the fact that the Cold War could no longer be used to manipulate people and a new "threat" had to discovered. In another meeting, it was decided upon that global environment issues would become the new "threat" and that a new "Gaia" religion would be formed around said issues and the dogma would be slowly taught to the people of the world until it was time to put in the actual structure for the new global financial system.
As the Duke of Wellington indicated 200 years ago, the battle would be won in the school yard. I remember going to school and being completely indoctrinated into the new environmental zeitgiest. I finished High School in 1995 and I can tell you from experience, that the training was in full swing by then. The text books all spoke about how humans were changing the planet and that we were putting civilization at risk and that something needed to be done. On the television, program after program stressed the same messages that were trundled out in the schools. It turns out that the textbooks and the programs were all founded by foundations connected to the globalist groups.
Meanwhile, real environmental issues were pretty much ignored. As part of my Eagle Scout project, I cleaned up a trout stream and attempted to take on the industries bordering my project because they were dumping chemicals directly into the water. I went to local government meetings and spoke at length about what I was doing and what I was witnessing and was basically told to "bugger off" and go be a good boy. What they were doing was legal and they weren't going to stop just because some idealistic Boy Scout gave a damn about the floura and fauna and human health down stream. Thus enters my existence as a politically active individual.
Anyway, if we fast forward to 2005, I had just finished my Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction with special emphasis on science. From the deep research that I did, it became apparent that all of the curriculum in schools was being directed from the top down by a handful of foundations. The textbook publishers that public schools were allowed to use, offered books with the same content and different window dressing. All of the science books I reviewed highlighted global environmental issues, taught the accepted position of the science, and pointed the students toward internationalist solutions that were being performed by various groups under the UN umbrella. Al Gore's movie pretty much summed it up and put the cherry on top.
The end result of this is that now we have a public that is convinced that the science is in, that "global warming" is happening and that humans are causing it. Ideas that were test marketed in the early 2000s are now being trundled out in the form of multi-thousand page bills that haven't been read. Ideas like "cap and trade" and the "carbon tax" are touted as the only real solution to this man-made global environmental terror. The popular view of humans espoused everywhere in the media is summed up here in this sixty second movie.
The message, humans are bad, they need to be controlled or the earth will die.
Cap and trade and the carbon tax will lead to the new global financial structure. The carbon tax is ultimately a tax on the carbon cycle. Everything that humans do, including procreating, and breathing could be taxed and the proceeds would flow to the new international finance oligarchs. Cap and trade will create a system of credits that are based off of the evil carbon and meant to control it. A new form of global currency will be based off of the issuance and trade of these credits. When people do "green" things, they will be paid in these credits. When they do "bad" things, they will have to pay these credits AND be taxed. This new system allows the global finance oligarchs to control the system in even more draconian ways then the debt based fiat currency ever allowed.
I can see people paying for all goods in carbon credits. I can see people being issued a card and every action having a carbon price tag attached. I can see carbon credits being leveraged into a new kind of banking system where people accrue a "carbon debt" and are basically slaves of that debt until they die. People will be born with carbon debt. That's what all of this is pointing toward and the people constructing the system are quite candid about it. "Global warming" isn't about the science, it's a geopolitical tool that's being used to push society in a particular direction.
This is neo-feudalism, folks. Check it out for yourselves. These e-mails are just the tip of the iceberg.