New Infraction System

USERCP for both.

Infractions and Reputation are both clearly labeled.

If you'd had more than 20 infraction points, your account would have been suspended. 100 points is a ban.

If one has no infractions then is there no reference to them?

I have tables for Reputation Received and Given, but no such table for infractions. I would assume that I do not have any, yet I would like to confirm for those who maybe worried.

I would also like to ask, that is the system will be used for posts written but not reported before the rollout? Or will it be a clean point in time, in reltionship to posts made and posts reviewed under the new system?

Thank you for your time and efforts.
If one has no infractions then is there no reference to them?


I have tables for Reputation Received and Given, but no such table for infractions. I would assume that I do not have any, yet I would like to confirm for those who maybe worried.

Correct. When you receive an Infraction, it will display above your Reputation Received table.

I would also like to ask, that is the system will be used for posts written but not reported before the rollout? Or will it be a clean point in time, in reltionship to posts made and posts reviewed under the new system?

There is a phase in period, so it depends. We usually don't consider it fair to punish for stuff thats old. Right now, most of what have been issued (and theres only been a few) are warnings only.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

No problem :)

Correct. When you receive an Infraction, it will display above your Reputation Received table.

There is a phase in period, so it depends. We usually don't consider it fair to punish for stuff thats old. Right now, most of what have been issued (and theres only been a few) are warnings only.

No problem :)

Thank you for the clarifications :)
Thanks for keeping the site attractive to people who enjoy more conversation and less trolling. :) That might even be a good MT slogan...

So, uh, what's the infraction system for Marital Talk going to be like?

20 Points - Didn't pick up socks and/or underwear
20 Points - Failure to share the remote control
20 Points - Failure to take out trash
20 Points - Failure to share in responsibilities of child rearing
20 Points - Commented "Yes, your butt DOES look fat in those jeans"
100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Points - Lipstick on collar


(kidding) :)

Thanks to all who make the site enjoyable for everyone.

Fu Bag
Naw, that looks like something my wife (had I one) would use. :D

An example of MT's is waaaay back towards the beginning of this thread. It's evolving as we try to cover things we missed earlier.
Thanks for keeping the site attractive to people who enjoy more conversation and less trolling. :) That might even be a good MT slogan...

So, uh, what's the infraction system for Marital Talk going to be like?

20 Points - Didn't pick up socks and/or underwear
20 Points - Failure to share the remote control
20 Points - Failure to take out trash
20 Points - Failure to share in responsibilities of child rearing
20 Points - Commented "Yes, your butt DOES look fat in those jeans"
100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Points - Lipstick on collar


(kidding) :)

Thanks to all who make the site enjoyable for everyone.

Fu Bag

For lipstick on collar my wife would close MY account alomg with my eyes and windpipe..Let me echo Fu Bag's sentiments..Thanks to all who make this site enjoyable...
- An interesting system. It allows for ...
- Interesting. Much debate on the undebatable. Questions were asked for, but challenges of authority are the reply. Page 4 this is, yet little more on how this system works or will be run have we learned, though the sparring of arms hast begun. Facinating.
- Why would a local inflict damage on your person, for the words of another? ...
- I think it is very good aswel, had it not been contradicting.
And i think it is OK that you keep on with pissing me off. (Of course ... i am joking)
- The sparring has not begun.
- Good point. Where is you God to challenge my God?
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation on topic..

-Jonathan Randall
-MT Moderator-
Please make sure your rules gets enforced.

Naw, that looks like something my wife (had I one) would use. :D An example of MT's is waaaay back towards the beginning of this thread. It's evolving as we try to cover things we missed earlier.
Watch out! It is OK if you can live without food only though. :D
I think we both operate on a common sense here.

I am not saying that.
I mean that this rule contradicts the other rules you have. And i cannot follow both of them. Meaning you have the choise between keeping the one rule or the other regulations.
Because the only way around this if one wishes to participate in discourse, is to not speak.
And that is not the point of this forum.

When i said i will. I could have said one will.
Because my leaving serves as a solution, when i am having a problem with it. I think i will do that willingly. (Thanks for not banning me. Much appreciated. :D)
But still. You have this weakness in your system IMO.
- I think it is very good aswel, had it not been contradicting.
And i think it is OK that you keep on with pissing me off. (Of course ... i am joking)
- The sparring has not begun.
- Good point. Where is you God to challenge my God?
I am unable to see the contradictions that you type of. It is a simple system of guidelines regulating polite discourse. One would expect that if one can operate a computer, that one has the capacity to read, reason, understand, and comply with such a simple system. You either lack that capacity or are intentionally disrupting matters with your insistence of non-existent contradiction that only you are able to visualize.

As to the gods, "If there are Gods, they do not help, and victory belongs to the strong." I do not need imaginary playmates to serve as a crutch for my own failings or inability to comply with required social mores. Your continued inane babbling would have earned you a ban a long time ago, had the staff here not shown great restraint and attempted to educate the uneducatable.
I am unable to see the contradictions that you type of. It is a simple system of guidelines regulating polite discourse. One would expect that if one can operate a computer, that one has the capacity to read, reason, understand, and comply with such a simple system. You either lack that capacity or are intentionally disrupting matters with your insistence of non-existent contradiction that only you are able to visualize

I am unable to see the contradictions that you type of. It is a simple system of guidelines regulating polite discourse. One would expect that if one can operate a computer, that one has the capacity to read, reason, understand, and comply with such a simple system. You either lack that capacity or are intentionally disrupting matters with your insistence of non-existent contradiction that only you are able to visualize.

As to the gods, "If there are Gods, they do not help, and victory belongs to the strong." I do not need imaginary playmates to serve as a crutch for my own failings or inability to comply with required social mores. Your continued inane babbling would have earned you a ban a long time ago, had the staff here not shown great restraint and attempted to educate the uneducatable.
Everything in my computer is flinstone quality.
Though i seek perfect programs (at the moment i have the best).

And i am tankful for their patience. Because i would go to "demolition mode" if i am not given the chance to defend myself.
Everything in my computer is flinstone quality.
Though i seek perfect programs (at the moment i have the best).

Mustafa, I think I can speak from everyone here that we are interested in talking with you online. However I am at least having a hard time following your posts. Please try to make it easier to understand your posts. I for one would like to have a nice discourse with you. Thanks in advance.
Mustafa, I think I can speak from everyone here that we are interested in talking with you online. However I am at least having a hard time following your posts. Please try to make it easier to understand your posts. I for one would like to have a nice discourse with you. Thanks in advance.
I added the last sentence before this post you posted here.
And i dont think my posts are so difficult to follow (i had to rush as said, i could probabely have made my speaking better if i had more time)
I added the last sentence before this post you posted here.
And i dont think my posts are so difficult to follow (i had to rush as said, i could probabely have made my speaking better if i had more time)

Your posts are in fact consistently difficult to follow, fail to stick to the issues in the thread in spite of moderators' repeated requests, bring in religious references in a manner whose relevance to the points at issue is totally obscure, and for some peculiar reason wind up being mostly about yourself. The effect is to disrupt the thread---a point which people have repeatedly made to you and which you appear to be disregarding entirely. Please pay attention to the negative feedback you've been getting---we don't know you, or who you are; the response you've been getting, the negative rep points and so on, almost certainly reflect the facts about your posts that I've mentioned.

Whatever your cause is, you're not helping it...
Yes thanks.
I talk too much :D

Which started at MAP, is leave me be.
Do what you want, but do not teach me to give up what i hold dear to me.
You can teach yourselves.

Thanks for you hospitality
Over. :D
Yes thanks.
I talk too much :D

It is not the quantity, but the incoherence that is concerning.

Which started at MAP, is leave me be.

I have no idea what MAP is; therefore, leaving you be seems like a reasonable option.

Do what you want, but do not teach me to give up what i hold dear to me.

What, exactly, has anyone tried to get you to give up?

You can teach yourselves.

We learn from each other - as is the purpose of this community. If you feel that this community is attempting to change you in some fashion, then perhaps you should reconsider what you expected when you joined. There are lots of people here with extensive experience they are willing to share - you can choose to take their advice or not, as you desire.

Thanks for you hospitality
Over. :D

"Courtesy is like a drink at a mountain spring." Mohram, in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, by Stephen Donaldson. Enjoy your drink; please allow us to enjoy ours.

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