New Infraction System

It is not the quantity, but the incoherence that is concerning...

We learn from each other - as is the purpose of this community. If you feel that this community is attempting to change you in some fashion, then perhaps you should reconsider what you expected when you joined. There are lots of people here with extensive experience they are willing to share - you can choose to take their advice or not, as you desire..."Courtesy is like a drink at a mountain spring." Mohram, in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, by Stephen Donaldson. Enjoy your drink; please allow us to enjoy ours.

Bullseye, Kacey.
I have no idea what MAP is; therefore, leaving you be seems like a reasonable option

MAP could be Martial Arts Planet...I do not recall seeing him post there as I am a member there under another alias...
MAP could be Martial Arts Planet...I do not recall seeing him post there as I am a member there under another alias...

Thanks, Drac. The last thing I need is to get hooked on another forum.... so I don't think I'll go look right now!
I think MT is a much nicer place, to be honest with you Kacey. I pop in on MAP from time to time under another alias, like Drac.
I think MT is a much nicer place, to be honest with you Kacey. I pop in on MAP from time to time under another alias, like Drac.

I look at my post could there and here...Here is where I choose to be..This IS the better place to be....
I look at my post could there and here...Here is where I choose to be..This IS the better place to be....

Amen, Drac---I've looked at half a dozen MA sites, and I've never seen anything better than MT. Many of the ones out there are places I'd feel quite uncomfortable posting to. The spirit of this site is much more... generous-minded and good-natured than most of the other sites out there, and broader in scope than just about any of them.
Yes thanks.
I talk too much :D

Which started at MAP, is leave me be.
Do what you want, but do not teach me to give up what i hold dear to me.
You can teach yourselves.

Thanks for you hospitality
Over. :D
Maybe i am not supposed to talk at all? - But then you will say why didnt you show me! - I am NOT supposed to think for you. So don't even try. I am helping you to think the thoughts. (If that is wrong, leave it be)
It is ME who is deciding, even if you are the one who is thinking.

Troublemakers! Stop that.
What i said here is a confirmation on that i have not fallen into your trap. Only a fool falls into the hole he has dug! - Even if the fact says i dont need to confirm anything.

Now i dont mean to blame MT for anything, nor MAP or anyone. Because they are blaming eachother sorta. (If that is wrong, leave it be)

And i dont plan on extending your fingers. It is you who are melting because of the increasing heat because you have overestimated the need of firewood.
My squirtle will help ya out! :D (If it happens to be so that you need that)
Amen, Drac---I've looked at half a dozen MA sites, and I've never seen anything better than MT. Many of the ones out there are places I'd feel quite uncomfortable posting to. The spirit of this site is much more... generous-minded and good-natured than most of the other sites out there, and broader in scope than just about any of them.
Excuze me one more time.
I wanted to add my agreement to this with a little comment.

Let the gods fight and we will watch. :D ... Oh! ... I bet on my god.

I hate to skew the direction of the thread even more...but I notice that you are in Oslo, Norway - correct? I will assume that English is not your native language. I believe that most of your problems stem from simple translation and communication problems. Do you have acces to a native English speaker who can translate? That may help

Just trying to offer some advice...

I hate to skew the direction of the thread even more...but I notice that you are in Oslo, Norway - correct? I will assume that English is not your native language. I believe that most of your problems stem from simple translation and communication problems. Do you have acces to a native English speaker who can translate? That may help

Just trying to offer some advice...
Offering accepted, do you have goat by the way?
:D - OK. Enough jokes.

I think i understand what you are saying well. There are somethings that i dont understand sometimes, but then i use a translator (
So i am doing fine thanks.
So i am doing fine thanks.

Um.... no. You are NOT doing fine ;)

All the words you use are indeed English words, but somehow I can never quite understand what in the heck you are talking about. :)

Maybe try a different translator.
I think i understand what you are saying well. There are somethings that i dont understand sometimes, but then i use a translator ( So i am doing fine thanks.

You may understand what we are saying - but we don't understand what you are saying - "the words are the words of English, but the sense is the sense of confusion" (sorry, I can't remember who/what I'm quoting). Have you tried