Right. But the things is NOT saying anything else but the truth when one has the choise between is shortterm and longterm.
(The shortterm with orgins in fear of consequences of a rule if disobeyed provides a temporary security. Though not on the longterm.)
To avoid sniping. I dont know who you are talking to.
But if me, then. It is meant to get tighter like this.
When the population increases heavily, the air gets dirty.
Besides. Lets go do some buisness now.
The thing is. I cant really follow this rule outside this forum. If i do then i have transgressed and deserve a polite exchange.
(And it is not me who is sniping, but it is the other guys i reply to. Where i reply by the like of what they give me)
My version.
This is a joke.
That is when you expect something else from something else. If that something else does not meet your expectations, then it has challenged you. - Or if you challenge something, and it accepts your challenge.
Only tough things are either this or that. A muslim is not excatly, but the quran is exactly.
Conserning me, i have had such an attitude. And i can honestly not preform it.
But ... i am doing this because of "accepting the challenge" of the others.
And making sure that i prevent the challenge, because it is my doom if it gets executed. (Not to mention it is yours too when it is your forum)
I am not the social type. So i do not seek attention. Although the way i speek is challenging. ... I do have in common the challenging tone in my speaking, but i should not be classified as the other guys, who also speek challenging.