Need help!


Orange Belt
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
In a cold land!
I'm looking for the name of a German Wing Chun teacher who recently (?) passed away at a young age.
I believe he was only forty (?) years old and died before his time?

Anyone know his name,; there are videos on youtube of his training!

Thank you.
Eru Ilúvatar;1114363 said:
I think you're speaking of a Wing Tsun Sifu named Bernd Wagner.

Bernd was a good friend of my Si-dai who trained with him in Germany. He was obviously a gifted WT practitioner and his premature passing is tragic.
Did you get the answer your looking for?

I'm looking for the name of a German Wing Chun teacher who recently (?) passed away at a young age.
I believe he was only forty (?) years old and died before his time?

Anyone know his name,; there are videos on youtube of his training!

Thank you.