Master Black Belt
How many times can we flog this dead, resurrected, killed again (several times) beast?
I doubt that there are many Kukkiwon taekwondoin here who applaud USAT-MAC for pushing the Kukkiwon to host the Special dan testing (http://assets.teamusa.org/assets/documents/attached_file/filename/6615/KukkiwonTest-cf_1_13_09.pdf ) in 2009. I might even go a step further by asking you to identify any regular poster in this boards, who took part in that special test and continues to wave and tout their credentials obtained at the the same, in the fashion that you so vehemently condemn the event.
What was interesting about that testing -- which was opposed by very many Kukkiwon style taekwondoin around the world -- is the large number of people who failed, despite the actual, implied or alleged simplicity of the testing. Of course, we will never hear this from the founders of your system, which was founded in 2009, largely because its founders where and continue to be disgusted with the event. I think there are better ways to promote a fledgling organization dedicated to police and prison guard methods of street combat.
But my question is, why continue to post in the TKD section???? I mean after all its for Taekwondo-ist and not self started self promoted organizations who claim to be related yet better than the original.