Let's take a look at this for a moment Daniel. Okay, the TKD'in has received HKD training beyond just some 'stuff' tossed into the class. Let's now say that HKD training is pretty much the same as any HKD'in would get at a HKD school. Here's are the questions...who is teaching them HKD? And why did he/she not rank them in HKD themselves? Did they not have HKD rank themselves? In that case, why are they teaching HKD?
You'd have to ask them that; I'm sure that they'd have their own story. As I recall, you consider yourself to be a hapkidoist even though you hold no formal grade in hapkido. I'm not going to speculate if you are or aren't; I've never trained with you, so I have no basis to evaluate what you do. But if its good enough for you, then why would it not be good enough for someone else?
Edit: There was a discussion here some time back about the value of Kukkiwon rank. Someone here trained under a high dan instructor who was no longer issuing KKW grade; only in house grade. A situation like that certainly would put someone in such a position as well. And yet, Puunui's statement that an instructor should issue the same certifications he was given was not at all well received.
And that's the funny thing about rank outside of an organization or about training for which rank has not been awarded; when it applies to ourselves, it makes perfect sense and we get defensive when people question our training or whether or not what we practice is legitimate. And yet, when we are on the outside looking in, it is very easy for us to raise the same questions that made us uncomfortable.
And I do speak first hand: my HKD and kendo grades are not with any recognized organization. They are dojang and dojo dans respectively, and I have found myself on the defensive. So I try not to be too quick to judge the grades of others.
How would you consider the HKD taught by this 'instructor' as quality HKD?
Sight unseen? I have basis for consideration.
How would it differ from school to school? Again, look at the flyer, it is going out to Grandmasters, Masters, Instructors and black belts. That appears pretty general. I don't see it as specific to any small group, being taught a specific HKD curriculum. Do you think they'd turn anyone away? Seriously.
I have no idea who it went to as I don't have the distribution list of the sender. As to whether or not they'd turn anyone away, well that is the wrong question. Why should they turn people away from the seminar. The question is what the criteria for grading is, what the expected pass/fail is, and how that compares to a conventional testing.
You may recall that the Kukkiwon held a special testing a couple of years ago and they were slammed for it prior to it happening, but many of the people who showed up for the testing failed for the grades that they were testing for.
So as I stated to Jeremy, I think it is a real stretch to even suggest that this is meant for TKD schools that have had in-depth and continuous HKD training...by someone with no HKD rank...that can't certify them himself or give them any rank.
Nobody would be speculating on this whatsoever had you not posted it. As for whether or not its a stretch for him to suggest it? It isn't that big of a stretch. I'd call it being careful not jump to hard conclusions based on a flier that some guy randomly posted on an bulletin board.