My training---help!

You have gotten a lot of advice, all of which was well intended. Only you can evaluate it for yourself.

My thoughts: It is somewhere betweeen difficult and impossible to properly teach yourself a martial art. For instance, something as simple as a punch. Are you learning to put power in to it? If so, is you technique correct so you don't injure yourself, for instance, with a bent wrist? Does the art(s) you want to study require learning how to fall? Are you learning to do that so you properly spread out the impact to lessen the risk of hurting yourself? The brief time I studied Tae Kwon Do, I had to be corrected many times on keeping my wrists straight, when I hadn't, but thought I had. Learning break falls requires some help for most people to be most correct as well.

Now, you may be an exception, but if not, the danger is in learning incorrectly for who knows how many years, then having to spend years unlearning and relearning the correct way when you do find a teacher. That you want to avoid.

IMHO the best advice is from Tex3 and Thesemindz, but there is other good advice as well. And don't be put off, as I said, it was all well intended, and none really bad. You need to try and find an instructor somewhere with some fighting ability. Likely, you can, even if it can't be a traditional martial art just at this time.

Keep us informed of your thoughts and desires so we can better help and advise. Don't give up. Physical conditioning will always be beneficial. At least try to find a training partner. Try to watch each other and help each other. But do try to find an instructor in some art. There aren't any bad martial arts. Any you can study under a proper instructor will help you with another if you decide to switch or just move on.
It's like trying to learn how to use a firearm, without proper Instruction! Sure you might be able to figure out how to hold, aim, and shoot. But can you really tell me the "ins" and "outs" of firing a weapon? Maintence? Proper technique? The 'whys' 'hows' 'whens' 'whats' and 'who's?

I actually had a case a while back where a young gentlemen was trying to self teach himself how to use a firearm, he had a .38 and had it pointed (for some reason) towards his scortum, needless to say he didn't have much of one when we showed up. He stated he was trying to load the weapon and it went off! (Old saying with firearms, "It's always those who 'think' their the expert, whom you see in the emergency room"

You have to remember, Martial Arts is a weapon, and therefore should be treated as one! With proper guidance and Instruction!

There's a saying "Perfect Practice, Makes Perfect!" Well my question to you is, how can you become perfect if you can't see what your doing?
It's like trying to learn how to use a firearm, without proper Instruction! Sure you might be able to figure out how to hold, aim, and shoot. But can you really tell me the "ins" and "outs" of firing a weapon? Maintence? Proper technique? The 'whys' 'hows' 'whens' 'whats' and 'who's?

I actually had a case a while back where a young gentlemen was trying to self teach himself how to use a firearm, he had a .38 and had it pointed (for some reason) towards his scortum, needless to say he didn't have much of one when we showed up. He stated he was trying to load the weapon and it went off! (Old saying with firearms, "It's always those who 'think' their the expert, whom you see in the emergency room"

You have to remember, Martial Arts is a weapon, and therefore should be treated as one! With proper guidance and Instruction!

There's a saying "Perfect Practice, Makes Perfect!" Well my question to you is, how can you become perfect if you can't see what your doing?
And now We just have to wait for someone to pop in, and 'explain' to us poor fools how theyre going to Video Tape themselves and compare it to the Video.

Incase it isnt clear, I disapprove of trying to Train entirely using DVDs exclusively.
And now We just have to wait for someone to pop in, and 'explain' to us poor fools how theyre going to Video Tape themselves and compare it to the Video.

Incase it isnt clear, I disapprove of trying to Train entirely using DVDs exclusively.

Funny enough, this particular individual was outside when this occured, he was inside by the time we arrived, and I don't remember seeing any TV's, DVD or VCR players, so I'm not sure if he had DVD assistance!

Although, I did have one who did use a DVD Instructional video on knife throwing and ended up throwing the knife into himself! He actually didn't make it!

I agree though, I too disapprove of 'trying' to learn entirely from a DVD.
Good advice guys.

I applaud his enthusiasm, however, without proper instruction he is only going to create bad habits and a false sense of accomplishment. I think this kid needs to wait until he is old enough to move to a location that offers a realistic opportunity to train in the arts.

White spike, These gentlemen are not being rude or bashing your will to pursue training in the arts. However, most martial artists take their journey seriously and have a genuine love for the arts. It is a way of life. They simply want you to train the right way and be educated so that you can set realistic goals. Your training in arts that are contradictory in their philosophies and application can only do you and the arts harm. Anyway, good luck.

Ok, buddy, I'm not going to automatically say you shouldn't try and train, even if it's by yourself. I'd even be wiling to help you get to the right direction.

However... I do have some questions to ask that would help us serve you better:

1. What country are you from? It is entirely possible someone here might know about some training possibilities you don't know about.

2.Why do you want to learn? Your underlying motivation for learning martial arts change the advice we'd be best able to give you.

3. Do you have any specific things you want to accomplish by learning martial arts?

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