My religion is satanism

BlackCatBonz said:
social morals? like when priests molested children? real pillars of the community.
Yes, lets generalize the failings of some individuals and hold it against all of the people involved.

Ya know, like, all Taekwondo people can't fight, women cant keep up with men... african americans are inferior to whites... or all christains are child molestors.

Technopunk said:
Yes, lets generalize the failings of some individuals and hold it against all of the people involved.

Ya know, like, all Taekwondo people can't fight, women cant keep up with men... african americans are inferior to whites... or all christains are child molestors.

I was about to reply along your same.

Of course any human, reglious or religious head can loose morals.
47MartialMan said:
I guess not. But there are social morals and charecter to abide by.
Even in this there are social morals.

Don't kill animals unless you are going to eat them - If Christians had that one we wouldn't have some of the problems we have today with some endangered species...

Treat others as they treat you.

If you are in someones home, treat him with respect.

just a few examples, but there are moral rules in this too.

Also remember that for a good chunk of Christian history it was pretty much encouraged to kill non-christians...
SokeCalkins said:
Sorry to disagree but Wicca is one of the oldest religions. Pre-Dates Catolic, and Most others. Satanic religion is even younger than Catolic dates.
Wicca and the belief of Nature Based Studies started in the days of shaminism.
well, maybe not...

Margot Adler writes:
[If scholarship is redrawing the picture of the Burning Times, it is also reconfiguring the origins of Wicca. Scholars have never accepted the myth of an unbroken Wiccan tradition, and now most Wiccans are being asked to look honestly at their history. In a recent essay in the scholarly neopagan journal Pomegranate, Cat Chapin-Bishop and Peter Bishop observe that modern-day witches often disavow their roots, including connections to Masonic ritual, Aleister Crowley, Yeats and Kipling, the Golden Dawn, Theosophy, spiritualism, and much more. These authors write:

"The fanciful origin myths of Wicca told to us by Margaret Murray, the vastly inflated figure of 9 million dead in the burning times--these have long been discredited, and there is general acceptance now that Wicca is primarily a modern reconstruction of what we think might once have been. "

and Misti Anslin Delaney and Wayland Raven write:

[While some would lay claim to Old Dorothy, (Gardner's Dorothy Clutterbuck) truly, our religion began somewhere between 1939 and 1954 when Gerald Gardner began to synthesize what he had learned from the New Forest Witches with what he had learned of High Magick and ritual from the Masonic Order. It is difficult for historians to agree on how much of Gardner's Witchcraft was made up or co-opted from other mystic and secret societies, and how much may have come from his association with a person he called Dorothy Clutterbuck, who he said was part of a New Forest coven, and one of his first teachers. Dorothy was the person Gerald credited with initiating him into Witchcraft, though for a time her existence was in question.
The religion--if indeed it was a religion, and not a purely a magickal Craft--that Old Dorothy taught to her initiate, Gerald, was the mother of modern Wicca, but it wasn't the same religion. In 1954 Gardner's new religion was introduced in his book, "Witchcraft Today." That Gardner's book was a synthesis of knowledge and wisdom from several sources and not a literal writing of the oral traditions of one famtrad does not lessen the genius of this work. While it may have contained historical fantasy as a backdrop and a rationalization, Gardner was in the process of giving birth to a new religion a religion that has fed the needs of the 21st century.]
Andrew Green said:
Even in this there are social morals.

Don't kill animals unless you are going to eat them - If Christians had that one we wouldn't have some of the problems we have today with some endangered species...

Treat others as they treat you.

If you are in someones home, treat him with respect.

just a few examples, but there are moral rules in this too.

Also remember that for a good chunk of Christian history it was pretty much encouraged to kill non-christians...
I agree. This is what I am saying. It will seem that laws of a civilized society follow a routine of social morals. However, many countries do not follow all tyoes of these morals.
SokeCalkins said:
My Statement of Oxymoron was a Joke... I was in The USMC for my 4 years and worked with the USMC Self Defense School on Parris Island 80-84


I was an active duty infantry officer in the Marines from 1979-1982, and I never heard of a "self defense school" at either Parris Island or San Diego MCRD's. I was an active martial artist at the time, and I surely would have heard or run into a graduate of this "school." Its a small Marine Corps.

One of my platoon mates from Boot Camp, Chuck Conard, served as a D.I. at Parris Island during the time you served there. I've posted Chuck's pictures here on MT. I'll check with him on this.

When did you go to boot camp? Who was your D.I.? What was your series and platoon?


Hey, the topic is Satanism, not Sensationalism
Tgace said:
Yeah..doesnt help garner much respect from me for his point here.
Sorry if I offended you, just trying to be funny. I dont get upset when people poke fun at my religion, so I assume that others feel the same way, which they dont.
I always enjoyed this satanic saying:

"There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!"

Hail Anton LaVey!

Hail Satan!

Hail Thyself!!
"The young child is totally egocentric --- meaning not that he thinks selfishly only about himself, but on the contrary, that he is incapable of thinking about himself. The egocentric child is unable to differentiate himself from the rest of the world; he has not separated himself out from others or from objects. Thus he feels that others share his pain or his pleasure, that his mumblings will inevitably be understood, that his perspective is shared by all persons, that even animals and plants partake of his consciousness. In playing hide-and-seek he will 'hide' in broad view of other persons, because his egocentrism prevents him from recognizing that others are aware of his location. The whole course of human development can be viewed as a continuing decline in egocentrism..."

- Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist
Ummm... yes, very nice. But, really. Now.

One of the general problems I find with systems like "satanism" is that it claims that adhering to one's hedonistic desires is The Way To Go ---- unless it just so happens that your personal desires take you to Christianity.

In other words...

If you find "pleasure" in sado-masochism: a'okay! :p

If you find "pleasure" in attending Mass: hiss! boom! bah! :ticked:

Honestly, I think its just more of the industrial ontology crap the West has been caught up in (on and off) for the past +200 years. And, I don't buy it for a second.

I much prefer the teachings of Buddhism, in that they don't perpetuate the absolute fantasy that personal desires lead to any state of happiness, fulfillment, or contentment. In fact, um, pretty much the opposite.

That, and the whole "satan" gimmicks are pretty silly. You'd do better to study some Jungian shadow psychology if you're so interested in "archetypes", not the writings of two-bit hucksters.
