My religion is satanism

I am pretty sure that indulging your desires is the opposite of self-development. I indulged PLENTY of my desires in an unrestrained fashion for many years and the biggest "developments" were a beer gut and a bad memory.
I myself cannot stand waisting my time in a church on sundays, I work to hard thru out the week, I do not agree with 1,000 different interpretations of how one must obey gods rules for salvation. But I definitely do not then go to the complete opposite side, Satan. My beliefe keep all religions open, find your own system. Who knows which religion is the one. To many politics, and power. Which is not god's fault, its human psychosocial behavior behind the church's power. I am agnostic. Maybe there isnt a god/devil maybe there is. I think knowledge of the world, ones self, and harmony with the rest is a pretty good recipe. No rules. just enjoy. Cannot rule somebody elses ideas until I have studied them myself. I have already ruled out satanism. thank you.
DavidCC said:
I am pretty sure that indulging your desires is the opposite of self-development. I indulged PLENTY of my desires in an unrestrained fashion for many years and the biggest "developments" were a beer gut and a bad memory.
All comes down to what you want. Want to eat fast food daily? go for it. Want to be healthy? go for it. Live hard, die young. For some that is the way to go, for others it isn't who has the right to tell them otherwise? Do what you want, and accept the consequences I think is the logic here.
arnisador said:
Ah yes, sounds more like AynRandism than Satanism...
Your darn right it does. There is more then a little existentialism here.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

Mr. Crowley, are you here?
upnorthkyosa said:
Your darn right it does. There is more then a little existentialism here.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

Mr. Crowley, are you here?
The fine company at Bohemian Grove...;)


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I am pretty sure that indulging your desires is the opposite of self-development.

I tend to agree.

Jim Morrison of Doors fame indulged his desires more so than most people on the planet ever have. He acquired a beer gut and basically stopped creating great music, his mode of self-development.

Different theories exist as to how he expired, or even if he expired.

At any rate his expression, his genius, is gone.
I would like to comment on the thread.

Very non-typical thread for a martial arts board. I read much of it, not all. I thought satanism was to rebel and antagonize the middle ages there abouts Catholic Church. I though Satan was simply another name for antagonist.

Considering early Middle Eastern religious folk who followed anyone of the monotheistic religions where or are very passionate in what they follow. Maybe passionate is an understand statement. Politics seem to be always linked to major religions and churches since way back before Moses. It doesn't surprise me that the idea of an antagonist is needed to play off against was required to get the point across and to unite people, especially those from the Middle East. For a people like that to come together with a common cause, your need a bad guy. Moses had a hell of a time trying to get the 10 commands passed in his day. People in the Middle East can be really intense to put it mildly. I fear what they consider a zealot.

Satanists, witches ( originally midwifes and female barefoot doctors who where competition to men, men who used religion for that power ), and the lot of them, really have morphed over the centuries. Honestly, I think satanic religion is an oxymoron, isn't it?

In all fairness I know people who unlike myself will swear up and down there is a personified Satan; horns, forked tail, red, pointy goatee and all. You know the artist conception that became the icon incarnation of what Satan is suppose to look like. Kind of what LaVey modeled his look after. I know people who subscribe to such stereotype of Satan ahd his existence did this to validate the existence of God or their power over others, knowingly or unknowingly. I always wondered why Satan wasn't a woman, I think it had to do with early Middle Eastern culture's perspective on women. You know to serve men, be men's property- If ya didn't own her how where you going to keep getting laid and cold beers when you wanted? Nothing keeps a woman around then owning her. I guess they figured you can't be married to Satan. Boy, where they wrong, huh guys... I have dated Satan and I will tell ya she was all that and more. :rpo:

Frankly, and honestly, I don't think either God or Satan any type of beings. Rather concepts and rules to follow that over the years morphed into. It is about character and people needed a personification, symbols, and other communication tools to grasp the ideas. It is the same for so many religions from that of the early Egyptians to Satanism. Satan the cause of all that is hard to deal with in the human complexity. You see it in the religions of the Vikings, the Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Polynesians, Jews, in all cultures that have a mythology almost. I mean we have to blame (humanize) something into someone even if we make them up. Just as we do when in need of comfort. That is human. Unfortunately, people know to take advantage of it.

I have more issues with politicians/coporations and what they say then someone outlining what they feel is Satanism. I agree the first poster (sorry for got your name) sounded hedonstic and seemed to be outlining a political stance then what we have come to expect Satanism to be discribed as. I never read Satanism to have a containment of ideas as presented. Is this an unorthodox Satanism? Wasn't Satanism at one time a way to rebel against the power of the Church, who had a lot of power over peoples lives. Like the Slaves in Haiti who used Hoodoo and Voodoo to gain power back over their lives from their European masters. Or anyone who did other stuff like questioned the Chruch was considered a Satanist? Basically, I don't think you needed to do a characture to be a Satanist. I find the the first poster's post different, a possible new change in what is defined as a Satanist how LaVey did in the 60's. His small part in the cultural revolution. Taking a stab at the "Establishment." Long live Peter Fonda for not selling out, like Dennis Hopper, or did Peter eventually sell out?

Anyway, as far as Satanists go, I have a problem with people doing heinous acts and crimes in the name for Satan or God for that matter. Why can't they just say they didn't in the name of their own sick selves? Why didn't Charles Manson, say "I did it because I told myself to do it, in the name of me." It's odd to me that, that doesn't happen? That they always say it was something more powerful then themselves. Considering the size of guys like that egos, and power trips they are on. Sure that scares some people I guess, and fear is power with some people. So, I guess the modern day Satanism package is easier to subscribe to then making the all that stuff up themselves. I lost the fear of the boogie man by the age of 10. :idunno:

My religion is Vampireism. Not the early intended stuff where that meant you where gay, not the weird stuff you see on Oprah or Jerry Springer: the Nightcrawlers I guess is what they call themselves, they base themselves on early literature about Vampires. But the Hollywood stuff of Wesly Snipes, "Blade" is what I am about. My preferance is to be a hunter. Who wants to be hunted. It's great that Hollywood packaged it for me so I don't have to make it all up myself, or do all that reading either. :boing2:
AikidoCal said:
Satanists, witches ( originally midwifes and female barefoot doctors who where competition to men, men who used religion for that power ), and the lot of them, really have morphed over the centuries. Honestly, I think satanic religion is an oxymoron, isn't it?
The Witches you speek of are not Satanist.. This is from the Study of Wicca. Wiccans were the Midwives and early shamin. and in Wicca we do not even have a Satan. Wiccans do not believe in a single God or a Devil. we believe in the gods of the earth and sky and nature.

As for Satanic Religion being an Oxymoron... An Oxymoron is to things totaly different. Like "Jumbo Shrimp". Anything we study in faith can be a religion. if you want a true Oxymoron use "Military Intelegance" :mp5:
My religion is Vampireism. Not the early intended stuff where that meant you where gay, not the weird stuff you see on Oprah or Jerry Springer: the Nightcrawlers I guess is what they call themselves, they base themselves on early literature about Vampires. But the Hollywood stuff of Wesly Snipes, "Blade" is what I am about. My preferance is to be a hunter. Who wants to be hunted. It's great that Hollywood packaged it for me so I don't have to make it all up myself, or do all that reading either. There is a old song-"The Freaks Come Out At Night". When you get up in age and stop taking drugs, or have kids, your fantasy will be over.

The Witches you speek of are not Satanist.. This is from the Study of Wicca. Wiccans were the Midwives and early shamin. and in Wicca we do not even have a Satan. Wiccans do not believe in a single God or a Devil. we believe in the gods of the earth and sky and nature.
Somehow I knew that you maybe involved in this.
AikidoCal said:
Very non-typical thread for a martial arts board. I read much of it, not all. I thought satanism was to rebel and antagonize the middle ages there abouts Catholic Church. I thought Satan was simply another name for antagonist.
This is how I became a Satanist when I was 12.

I wasn't a popular kid, And, when people antagonised me I embrace satanism as a way to shock and attack those around me. I spouted all sorts of nonsense like "I'd rather reign in Hell than serve in Heavan" and immature crap like that. Hell, Devil Boy was a lot better than the nicknames I'd had before that.

. . .

Thankfully, I grew up.

BTW, Mr. Calkins, Wicca is a modern creation that has few links to past. Those witches you speak of would be better described by the term Pagan.
47MartialMan said:
Sounds like people who wanted attention or couldnt deal with life's problems.
I don't think so, just a different set of beliefs.

Chiristianity is not perfect either, no religion is.
SokeCalkins said:
The Witches you speek of are not Satanist.. This is from the Study of Wicca. Wiccans were the Midwives and early shamin. and in Wicca we do not even have a Satan. Wiccans do not believe in a single God or a Devil. we believe in the gods of the earth and sky and nature.

As for Satanic Religion being an Oxymoron... An Oxymoron is to things totaly different. Like "Jumbo Shrimp". Anything we study in faith can be a religion. if you want a true Oxymoron use "Military Intelegance" :mp5:
ive always gotten a kick out of this phrase when it is used by peace loving hippies and the like. the truth is, a lot of the most brilliant thinkers in the past have been military people. the fact that we all discuss martial arts on this forum is a testament in that respect.
rutherford said:
BTW, Mr. Calkins, Wicca is a modern creation that has few links to past. Those witches you speak of would be better described by the term Pagan.
Sorry to disagree but Wicca is one of the oldest religions. Pre-Dates Catolic, and Most others. Satanic religion is even younger than Catolic dates.
Wicca and the belief of Nature Based Studies started in the days of shaminism.
BlackCatBonz said:
ive always gotten a kick out of this phrase when it is used by peace loving hippies and the like. the truth is, a lot of the most brilliant thinkers in the past have been military people. the fact that we all discuss martial arts on this forum is a testament in that respect.
My Statement of Oxymoron was a Joke... I was in The USMC for my 4 years and worked with the USMC Self Defense School on Parris Island 80-84
SwedishChef said:
I think Ayn Rand was Satan. And I say that as a conservative.
Boy Oh Boy, was that VERY, VERY funny! I am still laughing! :)