my new challenge

thought I'd do a quick update at two weeks in!

well first I've lost a load of weight, not sure how much as I dont own any scales, but two inches of my waist, so I'm back to an easy 34 in waist, which wasnt really in the plan, as il have to buy a load of new pants,so I've upped my intake by two bacon s0andwiches and a pint of full cream milk a day to compensate.

2nd, I'm finding the long duration low intensity training harder than I thought I would, as I've been doing short and brutal, which is why I took up sprinting in the first place.

I'm struggling with following instructions, a problem I have generally and the idea of being fully recovered by a certain day of the week and I keep throwing random exercises in when I should be resting, coz I feel like it

and the dog wont co operate with my distance runs, so it's all stop, start then quickly stop again. another reason I started sprinting

at the end of my first week, I felt like death warmed up, as I'd trained on the Friday when I should have been resting and I had my timed runs to do, so I spent an hour doing exercise and stretching to try and work up the enthusiasm, then to 5he park

my first hill srint was 20 seconds, down from 28, my s03cond hill sprint was 18 seconds down from 24, so off for my run on the flat, where the dog turn awkward and it took me 20 mins to walk the half mile, I prob3bly should have warmed up again, but I didn't, set off, as soon as 8 hit max speed my right quad went, I decided to 8gnore it and limped up the track, 20 seconds, dam, slower than last week and slower than my hill run.

so the following week, i top ended the training, so i had two full days recovery,

first hill at 80 % 20 secs, 2nd hill fla9t out 18 seconds, my flat run, set off, hit full speed and both quads went, 8gnored both of them ,,,,15 seconds really pleased with that, that puts me within 3 and a half seconds of the world record and 8ve only trained for two weeks, now if I can just sort my quadriceps out !

today was extra quad training
I can relate to the not wanting to follow instructions, man. I am not good at that, either. I cut rest times, put exercises where they don't belong, swap things out because....well, just because.
first hill at 80 % 20 secs, ...
Have you ever thinking about to blend in your MA training with your daily training? For example, throw 1000 punches non-stop.

Whenever I do non-MA training (such as 4 mile running), I always feel guilty as if I should spend that time to train MA footwork instead. I have done "1 step 1 punch" non-stop for 2 miles distance on the sand beach. To kill 2 birds with 1 stone (MA and health) is always my personal goal.
Have you ever thinking about to blend in your MA training with your daily training? For example, throw 1000 punches non-stop.

Whenever I do non-MA training (such as 4 mile running), I always feel guilty as if I should spend that time to train MA footwork instead. I have done "1 step 1 punch" non-stop for 2 miles distance on the sand beach. To kill 2 birds with 1 stone (MA and health) is always my personal goal.
I've never felt guilty about training something else, even if it's entirely unrelated. In Jobo's case, he's picked a goal that MA-specific training probably won't get him any closer to, so why should he try to fit MA-specific training into it?

(I use the term MA-specific, because being able to run away is arguably the most important non-fighting physical defense skill.)
I am guessing you are timing yourself with a stop watch? Do it with laser timers and you may find different results. My son was clocked at a published 4.375; it got him a lot of looks from some schools we did not expect. When he went to Indianapolis to be Nike times he clocked at 4.4 average. Several offers left the table after that. He still got into the school he wanted though. I was clocked in the 4.3-4.4 range by stopwatch in high school/college. Always wondered what I would have clocked on the laser.
it's all a bit heath Robinson at the moment, I've no interest in measuring to any greater accuracy than the nearest second, not while I'm 8mproving 8n second increments, even then its impossible to work the stop watch accurately and run and I've measure the distance with a sat nav and then paced it out, so theres no guarantee its accurate to 5 meters, but as long as I'm running the same distance every measured run it work to show improvement.

8m some stage I'm considering going to an athletics club, which will a) give me an accurate time and b) give me someone to chase, which is an advantage in its self
Have you ever thinking about to blend in your MA training with your daily training? For example, throw 1000 punches non-stop.

Whenever I do non-MA training (such as 4 mile running), I always feel guilty as if I should spend that time to train MA footwork instead. I have done "1 step 1 punch" non-stop for 2 miles distance on the sand beach. To kill 2 birds with 1 stone (MA and health) is always my personal goal.
well it's rather similar to ma fitness training, it's got tons of flexibility training, power training, aerobic training endurance training I can only see it helping my ma, it's certainly wont detract from it and I'm still do punches and kicks as part of my warm up/ circuit training and still attending class.

I'm not big on doing a 1000 air punches to be honest, I'd rather do ten hard ones and then move on to something els. and I've tried to doing ma whilst walking thing, people keep running way and or calling the police , who accuse me of causing alarm, harassment or distress

but then I get really funny looks when I'm running with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in my mouth, I get the impression people think I'm being chased by the police
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thought I'd do a quick update, , in case people think I'm a quiter
I've stopped doing the timed runs for a while, as they are not part if the programme and I keep pulling things, so I thought a couple of months getting stronger and then measure again was in order.

I've also struggled with getting into a rhythm of the right amount to get max benifit whilst still being able to do the next training day full justice. and the incessant nature of a pre written programme is psychologically hard, its weds, it's raining, I feel shatter but I've still got to do my programme is hard, as in life generally I do things when I feel like it and not necessarily when I should

the adapted program now looks like this ,,

Monday, an hour of stretching, that is a walk for an hour and every time the dog stops for a long sniff, which is very frequently, I do stretching, this gets me a lit of strange looks, then strengh, I do 4 lots of drop set body weight exercises, that each are designed to turn your muscle to jelly. I used to do one every other day, but now do them one after another. it's the weighted sit ups and the dragon flag that kill me, I'm here with sore abds as we speak. then a mile light run, which is hard as all my glucose has gone

Tuesday, a bit of light stretching, bang the music on and do an hour of mobility.

weds, stretching as above,then circuit training , I'm supposed to do three x 7 exercises for 30 seconds each, but I get bored before a reach the 3rd set, so I'm going two lots of 10 exercises for a minute eac, which leaves me suitable drained with sore glutes. it's the dam burpees that get me. then sprint training, 4 times 300 meters in a mile walk

thurs, isometric strengh training, about half an hours to hit all muscles.

Friday, day off

sat , stretching as above then sprint training, 8 times 100m in a mile walk,

Sunday rest.

at a couple of months in, I'm seeing some quite dramatic benifits, my aerobic fitness which was a weak point as greatly increased, my flexibility which has always been poor is now quite good, well quite good for a 6o year old, still very poor by ma standards, I can now for the first time in living memory touch my toes, a full splits still looks a good way off.

judging by the strengh exercises my strengh, which was quite good as markedly increased, and the main surprise is my muscle size is growing an an impressive rate. my pecs and tricepts are looking quite manly, even my biceps which have always been very reluctant to grow have had a spurt, my fore arm muscle are somewhat lagging, so I've bought some grip strentheners (and a skipping rope, I'm up to 10 reps now)
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That's a tough workout Jobo.
Dragon Flags I feel those in my glutes more than the abs. Love the sprints but having artificial knees kills being able to run. Light jog for very short distances only.
well I'm feeling please with myself, all though there have been many benifits from my program, non of them have been it main purpose of sprinting faster, just the contrary, I've been permanent pulled under strengh muscles, well I supose it's to be expected, I am doing a program designed for athletic non smoking 20 year olds.

after mondays strengh day were I really push the boat out, I had to cancel my weds training as I was sore everywhere and it was raining, so I did it on Thursday when I was still sore every where and it was still raining. but pumping my sore muscles full of blood seemed to hasten my recovery.

today after a very long and gentle warm up, I was really flying over 200 meters, no time, but really flying, times 6 with a min or two rest in between, and not really iut of breath or a particularly elevated heart rate. was going to do some more but my quads and glutes were going tight and the dog was loosing interest, so went for a coffee instead
I've never felt guilty about training something else, even if it's entirely unrelated.
I first decide what technique that I want to develop. I then work do the test, enhance, and polish. Any non related training can take my focus away.

Most people may take forward search method. You start from the tree root and find a path to reach to your tree leaf. I like the backward search method. I start from the tree leaf and find a path to reach the tree root.
I first decide what technique that I want to develop. I then work do the test, enhance, and polish. Any non related training can take my focus away.

Most people may take forward search method. You start from the tree root and find a path to reach to your tree leaf. I like the backward search method. I start from the tree leaf and find a path to reach the tree root.
I mostly do what makes me happy. Martial arts isn't my life - it's a part of my life. So, when I want to do something that's unrelated, that's just another part of life. When I study a topic in organizational psychology, that's not MA training, either.
though a quick update, my last achievement was early June, when I ran a 14 second 100, which is really very good for a pensioner, I'm now faster than the worlds fastest 70 yo,and I could taist the 12 ssecond target being only a couple of months away

,then however it all went pear shaped,,

my training partner( jake the dog) was very illl, and diagnosed with a heart condition, then the meds made him worse and as my training is all mixed in with dog walks I had to stop training nearly all together for a month and then build it up again as I lost tons of fitness, even now is hard to do the running, as if I run, he runs and I didn't want to give him a heart attack, so I have to concentrate on the circuit training and only run when he wants to.

which he did yesterday, when I didn't want to, as we had flash floods and I was wading for a mile through 10' of water and he decided it would be fun to run and disappeared up the track, leaving me to splash after him I was soaked through

however today I've just hit a 15 second 100,so nearly back where I was .probably going to run out of athletic season to break the world record this year
though a quick update, my last achievement was early June, when I ran a 14 second 100, which is really very good for a pensioner, I'm now faster than the worlds fastest 70 yo,and I could taist the 12 ssecond target being only a couple of months away

,then however it all went pear shaped,,

my training partner( jake the dog) was very illl, and diagnosed with a heart condition, then the meds made him worse and as my training is all mixed in with dog walks I had to stop training nearly all together for a month and then build it up again as I lost tons of fitness, even now is hard to do the running, as if I run, he runs and I didn't want to give him a heart attack, so I have to concentrate on the circuit training and only run when he wants to.

which he did yesterday, when I didn't want to, as we had flash floods and I was wading for a mile through 10' of water and he decided it would be fun to run and disappeared up the track, leaving me to splash after him I was soaked through

however today I've just hit a 15 second 100,so nearly back where I was .probably going to run out of athletic season to break the world record this year
So sorry to hear about your pal... truly hope he'll be okay.

Awesome work though getting back up to that level bro, really cool :)
my training partner( jake the dog) was very illl, and diagnosed with a heart condition, then the meds made him worse and as my training is all mixed in with dog walks I had to stop training nearly all together for a month and then build it up again as I lost tons of fitness, even now is hard to do the running, as if I run, he runs and I didn't want to give him a heart attack, so I have to concentrate on the circuit training and only run when he wants to.
Man, I hate your dog is having problems. I'm enjoying reading these posts, in no small part because Jake's been training you (yep, that's the relationship as I see it). I hope he does well with the new program.

Oh, and I hope it helps you, too.
thought id update, everything has fallen apart, my training partner has passed, which wasn't really a surprise he was 16 and they have been telling me he has stage 4 heart disease for over 12 months, i had him on heart meds, but he was a different dog, just slept all day, so i exchanged quantity for quality and just let take its course. he was out sprinting me on the saturday full of life and vigour, and had a heart attack on the wednesday whilst walking, then a month of not being at all well followed by another atack. he clearly wasn't going to get through the night and was in some distress, so i overdosed him on heart pills and he went in his sleep.

then i didn't have the heart to go training on my own, so another month passed

i've now got another training partner, clancy or diablo as i'm thinking of calling him. he like my last two dogs have come from a rescue having been classed as beyond training and imposible to to rehome due to aggression issues. clancy has been rehome three times and returned every time for various crimes but mostly biting his owners when they try to get him of the settee, take a ball of him etc and attacking other dogs with out fear or favour.

they were most reluctant to let me have him as they feared being sued. i told them i really don't care if he bit me and like the other two id have him sorted out in a couple of months. I have a rapport with dog and children its adults that i have issues with. they clearly didn't believe me as there in house dog psychologist had got no where with him

I've had him a week and the aggression issues are a thing of the past, at least with people, dogs that couldn't pass with in 50 feet without him kicking off now have to get within two feet before he takes a chunk out of them and it's only every other dog he bites, its still a little way off that he can run free, i fear him running over a road to get at another dog or he will pick on the wrong husky and get mouled

. finding understanding owners that will allow there dog to get bitten whist he get socialisted doesn't seem that difficult or rather i say don't let your dog come over or he will get bitten and they don't believe me.

because there in lies clancy's problem, he is small and cute looking and people have been homing his as a cuddly toy. where as jack russells are not lap dogs they are killing machines and controlled aggression is part of the breed. they certainly have a big dogs attitude of come and have a go if you think your hard enough.

The other major issue is people learching at him, people just suddenly with out asking or an regard to their own safety just move their hand at him at speed because he looks cute, i'm getting tired of it and becoming increasing curt with people , we now at the ' leave the ??????? dog alone stage:;' I'm trying to a) get him under control and they break his concentration and i have to start again at the
beginning,b) get him used to the fact that people are not a threat, he has clearly had a few good clouts in his time and C) i really don't want the hassle of someone getting bit. he is fine if people come at him slowly, but i still object to it happening every 50 yards,

Yesterday i picked him up in a shop as peo0ple just sneak up behind and lerch at him and i turned and a stupid woman stuck her nose right in to his face then a paused for a second to put something in the bin and bloke learched at him, i told him to desist curtly and he wanted to fight me, well he got twenty yards away and wanted to fight me. whats wrong with people. i've had to put a muzzle on him to protect idiots from themselves, even children ask first
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1st bad news on the old training partner, 2nd given time you and diabolo/clan y will get there. I totally get the idiots approaching, I my self have 4 dogs, all rescues, 15 year old blue merle border collie, 2 year old potenco mix from Romainia, 2 year old ratanero bordeguruo from Spain, and a Husky that was passed around a load of druggies, never knew Huskies were quite so agressive, from being so under weight and no training what so ever, it's been a task, but 3 1/2 years on, and several vets bills for biting other dogs, she is almost there.keep at it and he will come good.
@jobo - you got a jrt?

Our older one (who I thought was leaving weeks ago) was a "problem" rescue - we were told she'd never be able to tolerate living with other animals or kids...

Two kids, rabbits, chickens and a second rescue jrt later:


She's on the left, just look at all that barely contained rage and aggression ;)