My 2nd Brown Belt Test is this Friday!


Master Black Belt
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
I am taking my test to rank up from 3rd Brown to 2nd Brown this Friday. Yikes! It just seems to have snuck up on me somehow--time was dragging, now suddenly it's in 2 days. I've been working hard on my self-defense as that was my weakest area on the last test, and I've also got my original kata ready to go. If I don't spontaneously forget everything I know, I think I'll do all right, but I'm hellof nervous. Last time I got about 2/3 into the test, had a blood sugar crash, and had a hard time remembering my stuff. I really hope we get a drink/snack break this time.
I will keep good thoughts out for you, but I am sure that you will do well!

Best wishes, and let us know how it goes so that we can all congratulate you when you pass!

Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll be fine. Please let us know how it goes! :supcool:
Don't sweat it. You are going to do great!!! Best of wishes to you.
Good Testing to you, Stac3y! Let us know how it goes.
I am taking my test to rank up from 3rd Brown to 2nd Brown this Friday. Yikes! It just seems to have snuck up on me somehow--time was dragging, now suddenly it's in 2 days. I've been working hard on my self-defense as that was my weakest area on the last test, and I've also got my original kata ready to go. If I don't spontaneously forget everything I know, I think I'll do all right, but I'm hellof nervous. Last time I got about 2/3 into the test, had a blood sugar crash, and had a hard time remembering my stuff. I really hope we get a drink/snack break this time.


Are you allowed water / hydration breaks? If so could you bring in some OJ to drink a little of that with your water to keep your sugar more balanced? Assuming you are not on some Sugar balancing program already.

Good Luck on the test as well.

Are you allowed water / hydration breaks? If so could you bring in some OJ to drink a little of that with your water to keep your sugar more balanced? Assuming you are not on some Sugar balancing program already.

Good Luck on the test as well.

Last time we did not get any breaks at all. The test is 3 hours or so; I guess that's not a problem for many people, but my blood sugar tends to crash after 1.5-2 hours of strenuous exercise unless I eat something. So I'm hoping this time will be different--I have talked to some of the instructors about it.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. :wavey:
I am taking my test to rank up from 3rd Brown to 2nd Brown this Friday. Yikes! It just seems to have snuck up on me somehow--time was dragging, now suddenly it's in 2 days. I've been working hard on my self-defense as that was my weakest area on the last test, and I've also got my original kata ready to go. If I don't spontaneously forget everything I know, I think I'll do all right, but I'm hellof nervous. Last time I got about 2/3 into the test, had a blood sugar crash, and had a hard time remembering my stuff. I really hope we get a drink/snack break this time.

Good luck. I know you'll do great stacy!
Best of luck.

Powerbar makes thes gel packs of, well goo I guess for lack of a better term, that a lot of runners use during marathons and such. I use them before long workouts and ruckmarches. They have quite a bit of sugar and carbs so if you're on a diet that restricts those they might not be a good idea but other wise, they help a lot. I like the strawberry banana. Make sure to hydrate well.

Do well.

Pasta the night before. Lay off the caffine for a couple of days to help with nerves, and peanuts with raisins for a quick fix during.

Butterflies is just the adrenaline in your body making you ready. You'll be fine.
Best of luck to you!!

I just tested for my brown belt advance II this past fri/sat, so I know exactly the feelings your having, but you'll do great!

Don't be scared.

Relish it.

Live for it.

Enjoy it.

And bring back your belt...or be hog tied with it!

Knock 'em dead! :partyon:
Thanks, everybody!

I've got my gear bag packed (they do a bag check), my gi ironed, and all my paperwork in order. Now I'm just trying to adjust my attitude to be one of "this is my chance to show off my skills" instead of "this is the night the black belts torture me for 3 hours." I've almost made it there.

I appreciate the support from everyone here at MT. :)
Best of luck.

Powerbar makes thes gel packs of, well goo I guess for lack of a better term, that a lot of runners use during marathons and such. I use them before long workouts and ruckmarches. They have quite a bit of sugar and carbs so if you're on a diet that restricts those they might not be a good idea but other wise, they help a lot. I like the strawberry banana. Make sure to hydrate well.

Do well.


Good call on the gel packs. I can slide them in & out of your gi with relative & slurp it down with little muss or fuss.

Good luck! You'll do great, but in the end just do your best and there's nothing else to worry about...
Stac3y ... half the test ... half of ANY test, really ... is showing up.

Do it! :)