Orange Belt
Wow. I mean, just... wow.
Okay- the muslims are upset because of cartoons depicting Mohammed. The Joint Chiefs are upset over a cartoon depicting and injured soldier as "battle hardened".
GET THE HELL OVER IT FOLKS. It's just a cartoon.
Watching the news today just makes me cringe. Muslims in many countries are protesting and threatening violence over political cartoons depicting Mohammed. They say that Islamic law states that any depiction of the prophet is blasphemous. Fine. But your religous law does not rule us all. Of the many things that are just annoying the hell out me on this topic, 2 of them bubble up to the top:
1-If anyone purportedly representing your agenda (religous, cultural, racial, topical, etc.) takes public and political action (do what we want, or we'll blow you up- etc.), you have opened yourself up for public- and even international- scrutiny. That scrutiny may not be flattering, and even offensive. Tough. If you can't stand the heat...
2-Watching CNN this morning, they even pixeled out the face of the prophet from the cartoon so as not to offend viewers. Okay- as silly as I thought that was- I can understand CNN not wanting to anger an already angry group of people and put their offices and staff at risk. But, video of some of the protests show very graphic cartoons carried by protestors depicting decapitations of westerners (I assume Europeans) in suits for offending their sensativities. HUH? A cartoon offends you so much you call for beheadings? What the hell is wrong with you? I am all for worshipping and observing your spiritually however you want- but come on. This is just silly. If you don't like cartoons depicting Mohammed in a negative light, then START POLICING FROM WITHIN. Someone kills in the name of Mohammed- Condemn them! Fight back against them! Seperate yourself from them. Don't threaten to kill cartoonists and newspaper editors- eliminate the terrorists that make the opinion of those outside your faith negative.
Also on CNN this morning, they interviewed a religous writer about why Muslims are so offended by these cartoons. At the end of the interview, he states (I'm paraphrasing) that Jews and Christians have also been depicted negatively in cartoons. If it is wrong for one faith it is wrong for them all and it should not happen at all. HUH? Should not happen at all? Screw you and your PC ideology. If anyone of any faith, or culture, or whatever, goes into a public forum and makes statements or takes action- THEN SHUT UP AND TAKE YOUR LUMPS!
Then, another cartoon was shown depicting a seriously injured soldier and an army doctor listing his diagnosis as "battle hardened". The Joint Chiefs are upset saying it's deplorable. Is it insensitive? Is it destroying morale? I don't care if it is or not, what it is is a CARTOON. It is a political satire in response to statements made by Rumsfeld and it is supposed to hit hard. If you don't like it, that's fine. You have the right to not like it. You can complain and be unhappy about it. But, don't expect scrutiny to not happen. This is the same mentality that says that if you don't agree with the administration's views and statements- you're UnAmerican or a Traitor. GIMME A BREAK!
I can't stand this idea that anyone has the god given right to not be offended. This idea of political correctness is just ridiculous. I can understand not intentionally offending someone if that is your choice. I do not intentionally offend those I have discourse with, unless I am trying to stir the pot or make a glaring point and drive it home.
But if I do offend someone, one of two things happens-
If it was unintentional- I apologize.
If it was intentional- I stand by my statement and tell them why I am making such statements.
Okay- the muslims are upset because of cartoons depicting Mohammed. The Joint Chiefs are upset over a cartoon depicting and injured soldier as "battle hardened".
GET THE HELL OVER IT FOLKS. It's just a cartoon.
Watching the news today just makes me cringe. Muslims in many countries are protesting and threatening violence over political cartoons depicting Mohammed. They say that Islamic law states that any depiction of the prophet is blasphemous. Fine. But your religous law does not rule us all. Of the many things that are just annoying the hell out me on this topic, 2 of them bubble up to the top:
1-If anyone purportedly representing your agenda (religous, cultural, racial, topical, etc.) takes public and political action (do what we want, or we'll blow you up- etc.), you have opened yourself up for public- and even international- scrutiny. That scrutiny may not be flattering, and even offensive. Tough. If you can't stand the heat...
2-Watching CNN this morning, they even pixeled out the face of the prophet from the cartoon so as not to offend viewers. Okay- as silly as I thought that was- I can understand CNN not wanting to anger an already angry group of people and put their offices and staff at risk. But, video of some of the protests show very graphic cartoons carried by protestors depicting decapitations of westerners (I assume Europeans) in suits for offending their sensativities. HUH? A cartoon offends you so much you call for beheadings? What the hell is wrong with you? I am all for worshipping and observing your spiritually however you want- but come on. This is just silly. If you don't like cartoons depicting Mohammed in a negative light, then START POLICING FROM WITHIN. Someone kills in the name of Mohammed- Condemn them! Fight back against them! Seperate yourself from them. Don't threaten to kill cartoonists and newspaper editors- eliminate the terrorists that make the opinion of those outside your faith negative.
Also on CNN this morning, they interviewed a religous writer about why Muslims are so offended by these cartoons. At the end of the interview, he states (I'm paraphrasing) that Jews and Christians have also been depicted negatively in cartoons. If it is wrong for one faith it is wrong for them all and it should not happen at all. HUH? Should not happen at all? Screw you and your PC ideology. If anyone of any faith, or culture, or whatever, goes into a public forum and makes statements or takes action- THEN SHUT UP AND TAKE YOUR LUMPS!
Then, another cartoon was shown depicting a seriously injured soldier and an army doctor listing his diagnosis as "battle hardened". The Joint Chiefs are upset saying it's deplorable. Is it insensitive? Is it destroying morale? I don't care if it is or not, what it is is a CARTOON. It is a political satire in response to statements made by Rumsfeld and it is supposed to hit hard. If you don't like it, that's fine. You have the right to not like it. You can complain and be unhappy about it. But, don't expect scrutiny to not happen. This is the same mentality that says that if you don't agree with the administration's views and statements- you're UnAmerican or a Traitor. GIMME A BREAK!
I can't stand this idea that anyone has the god given right to not be offended. This idea of political correctness is just ridiculous. I can understand not intentionally offending someone if that is your choice. I do not intentionally offend those I have discourse with, unless I am trying to stir the pot or make a glaring point and drive it home.
But if I do offend someone, one of two things happens-
If it was unintentional- I apologize.
If it was intentional- I stand by my statement and tell them why I am making such statements.