South Park Gone Too Far South

crushing said:
While seemingly juvenile, I think it goes deeper and exposes a double standard. Comedy Central would not allow ANY depiction of Mohammed, yet it would allow the described scene of a defecating Jesus.

What was Comedy Central's reason for not allowing the depiction of Mohammed? Was it because Comedy Central are bigotted and believe that some Islamist fundamentalists would react in an irrational manner that could lead to injuries of persons, destruction of property and possibly death, yet they don't think that Jews and Christians will react in the same manner?
That's probably because Christians and Jews aren't well known for violent acts of protest. Muslims are. Christians are more likely to walk up to them and point and say (in a southern accent) "Damn you to hell!" Jews have their own way but it's not going to go poof in anyone's faces. (Radical) Muslims have a nasty habit of walking into buildings and along sidewalks and shouting "Allah Akbar" and going POOM!
But of course the creators of South Park are equal opportunity offenders, they just haven't been allowed to go all out on the Muslim faith that's all and thus they threw a tantrum and came up with a defecating Jesus.
That's how I see it. Childish reaction for not getting their own way.
MA-Caver said:
That's probably because Christians and Jews aren't well known for violent acts of protest. Muslims are
Kinda reminds me of my youthful days at home, we spent much time appeasing the violent drunk that we called "dad."
upnorthkyosa said:
Excellent point about the double standard. I was thinking the same thing. And it would not surprise me one bit if that was the message being sent.

THAT was the whole point. Jesus defecating on Bush, the american flag etc.. NOT CENSORED. and NO RIOTS, no mass demostrations, no killing...

comedy central and this country in general is being cowed by the threat of irrational, religiously intolerant fascist-islamic violence.

if there is a war actually being fought in this so called WAR ON GLOBAL terror (which didn't really include the IRA, the Basque separatists, Hamas etc.)-- it's the one where we as a tolerant nation buckle under to these skumbags with their 72 virgins awaiting their ultimate sacrifice.

south park is firing the first real salvo at our own cowardice on the matter of free speech-- the single most important freedom this country was founded on.

like many cartoonists, these guys aren't really in it, just for laughs.
MA-Caver said:
But the show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker created " image of Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American Flag. Trading one blasphemy for another.
That's satire? Or is it simple juvenile retaliation? Dictonary dot com defines satire as; Irony or sarcasm or caustic wit used to expose folly, vice or stupidity. Well okay, fine. But show Christ taking a dump on OUR flag?

Free speech. If you restrict it, or bow to outside pressures, the terrorists win. Besides, Jesus was acting more like a lawn sprinkler, and the flag was the background. He wasn't really pooing on the flag per se.

That's probably because Christians and Jews aren't well known for violent acts of protest.

Try to tell that to abortion clinic employees.
parker and stone are visionaries and geniuses.

in an age where we're in danger of losing our rights because of a pathological need to be 'sensitive', these guys are out there saying 'no way'.

not everybody gets their humor. almost everybody has been offended by them. but their satire (and it is satire) is on the same list as lenny bruce and sam kineson. they do as much for our inalienable rights as the soldiers in iraq -- although they don't take the same risks.

jeffj said it perfectly. being offended is the price of having free speech.

desecrating the flag is offensive to our values. the only thing more offensive would be to prevent another from doing so.
South Park picks on everyone. After 10 years, getting pissed now is rather stupid.

It's a TV show. Like Howard Stern, if you don't like it, there are 1,000 other shows to be bored by.
jazkiljok said:
THAT was the whole point. Jesus defecating on Bush, the american flag etc.. NOT CENSORED. and NO RIOTS, no mass demostrations, no killing...

comedy central and this country in general is being cowed by the threat of irrational, religiously intolerant fascist-islamic violence.

if there is a war actually being fought in this so called WAR ON GLOBAL terror (which didn't really include the IRA, the Basque separatists, Hamas etc.)-- it's the one where we as a tolerant nation buckle under to these skumbags with their 72 virgins awaiting their ultimate sacrifice.

south park is firing the first real salvo at our own cowardice on the matter of free speech-- the single most important freedom this country was founded on.

like many cartoonists, these guys aren't really in it, just for laughs.

SHHHHH! You would not want to educate the Chirstian Masses to the Christian Terrorists out there. They are much happier being in the dark.

Seriously, I agree that is the point if you allow this to control you then the terror and the terrorist have won.
bignick said:
Tell that to the folks in Ireland.

actually, i think caver's right on this one. ireland's a sort of special case.

christans got the first guns. therefore, they're mostly known for violent acts of conquest. hard to get a rep for protest when you're the ones in charge.
Henderson said:
I can certainly understand this line of thinking, and do not begrudge anyone of their opinion, but I would definitely have to disagree. Disrespect hiding behind the guise of Constitutional freedom is just cowardice. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.



Great point! Having the right to do something is not the same as it being right or necessary for you to do it.

Personally, while not a Christian, I am offended by unwarranted attacks upon Christian (as well as other faith's) symbols and traditions.

Unfortunately I've used up my reputation power or I'd have positively rep'd you for such an insightful post. :asian:
The creators of the hit cartoon show struck back at their sponsoring station, Comedy Central's ban of an episode which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Given the uproar over a similar debacle in England a little while ago that's understandable. But the show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker created " image of Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American Flag. Trading one blasphemy for another.
That's satire? Or is it simple juvenile retaliation?

It's amazing to me that CC will pull an episode that shows Muhammed basically doing nothing, but are happy to show Jesus defecating on a flag. What kind of principles lead them to believe this was the right thing to do?

I think the SP guys did it just to point out the hypocrisy and lack of principle in the executives at CC.
MA-Caver said:
(Radical) Muslims have a nasty habit of walking into buildings and along sidewalks and shouting "Allah Akbar" and going POOM!
And (radical) Christians brought us lovely things like the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials. :uhyeah:
And George Bush. Let us not forget George Bush.

Hey....have SP done a spoof on him yet? Or the Florida debacle, or any other such stuff?
It is only a cartoon. You don't need to watch it. If someone offends you, do you demand that they leave never to be seen again by anyone? This thread is going off the wall into crazytown; and, anybody can have a free first class, one way ticket. I for one am happy to be able to share my opinion with any who will listen.

Thought this was very well said.

Dear Editor:

The fear pervading the American media is stunning.

The latest show of fear is Comedy Central's refusal to broadcast an image of Muhammad in this week's episode of "South Park."

Given that a scene in the same episode showed Jesus defecating on the American flag, it is clear that Comedy Central's decision not to show Muhammad was motivated not by good taste or concern for religious sensibilities but by fear. If Comedy Central had reason to fear violence from Christians, it wouldn't have allowed a scene with Jesus either.

As if on cue, Comedy Central complied with Zacarias Moussaoui's vision for America's future: "You [Americans] have to be subdued." Borders and Waldenbooks have already been subdued when they refused to stock "Free Inquiry" magazine. So has every media outlet in the country that did not publish or broadcast the Muhammad cartoons.

The pervasive fear that has taken hold of our media will only be dispelled when our government takes the necessary actions to ensure their safety and protect our right to speak, denounce and offend anyone, especially those who today seek to subjugate us to Islam and its taboos.

David Holcberg
Ayn Rand Institute
Bob Hubbard said:
And George Bush. Let us not forget George Bush.

Hey....have SP done a spoof on him yet? Or the Florida debacle, or any other such stuff?

I'm suddenly reminded of the episode where President Bush, upon learning that the now-deceased Saddam Hussein was hiding out in Heaven, was trying to convince the United Nations to "bomb Heaven".

One of the delegates' response: "Are you high??"

Classic. :D
