Mr. Calkins

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Good bit of info added in the report on why the eye couldn't be sorted out. It had come out of it's socket! Well that is a lovely mental image for us all! Why do people do stuff like this, I can't exactly say that she deserved it as it was an accident and everything and i feel sorry for anyone that loses an eye, but i don't think i'd try it.

I wonder if the eye came out because she pulled the arrow out?
Well, don't think anyone could argue that she really pulled a blinder doing that trick.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The circus has gone on long enough. Based on an extended and extensive discussion among the members of the MartialTalk Administration team, and the Martial Talk Steering Board, of the comments made publicly, as well as information received from several other forums, Mr. Bruce Calkins' membership here has been revoked.

MartialTalk is a forum for the friendly discussion of the arts. To preserve that friendly environment, disruptive influences are not welcome, and will be removed after careful and deliberate consideration by our staff.

At this point, the matter is ended. Please drop it, and move on.

Thank you,
- MartialTalk Administration Team-
I have to comment about the site with the guy catching the arrow on Ripley's. I love how it says, "How's that for hand-eye coordination? Unbelievable!" If you're blindfolded, how can it be hand-eye coordination? I'd like to see someone catch an arrow from my Mathews MQ1 :ultracool
Kaith Rustaz said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The circus has gone on long enough. Based on an extended and extensive discussion among the members of the MartialTalk Administration team, and the Martial Talk Steering Board, of the comments made publicly, as well as information received from several other forums, Mr. Bruce Calkins' membership here has been revoked.

MartialTalk is a forum for the friendly discussion of the arts. To preserve that friendly environment, disruptive influences are not welcome, and will be removed after careful and deliberate consideration by our staff.

At this point, the matter is ended. Please drop it, and move on.

Thank you,
- MartialTalk Administration Team-

Thank you.
shesulsa said:
And I noticed the use of the term Seven Star Preying Mantis. Now, I don't study that style, but ... shouldn't that be Praying Mantis?
I think there's a longer story to this, isn't there? I forget what it is, but I think there's an historical confusion in there that excuses the multiple spellings.
I'm new in here so I'm sorry if this question already got answered but, I've met this guy, why did he get the boot?
Ineptitude on a bombastic scale, unrivaled misinformation on the history, tactics and practices of the Martial arts. Lieing, misrepresentation

Nin - kind of odd that this would be your only post
Since you've met him, what did you think?
Nin said:
I'm new in here so I'm sorry if this question already got answered but, I've met this guy, why did he get the boot?
He brought out the need to fraud-bust in others to too great a degree, it seems.

I concur that it's odd that this would be someone's first and only post.
Nin said:
I'm new in here so I'm sorry if this question already got answered but, I've met this guy, why did he get the boot?
Mr. Calkins wore out his welcome due to his actions and words.
Examples of that can be found in several threads in the Great Debate forum.

Heres a few:

BRUCE CALKINS & US MARINE CORP Bruce is caught lying about instructing the Marine Corp.

BRUCE CALKINS & THE EAGLE FEDERATION Mr. Calkins fake sokeship, granted by a cert mill of other "wannabes"


E-Budo and other forums have huge amounts of discussion on him and others like him. He insists on making claims of training and credentials, yet cannot offer any proof other than some certs he ran off himself in MS Word. He is tangled in a web of lies, exagerations and worse. His type of BS artist simply isn't wanted here where people train in real arts with real lineages using terms and language correctly. If you read those and this thread completely, you will see the big picture.
There is definitely an issue here regarding martial arts "hucksters" in it can be dealt with and if what has happened here really makes a difference is a different matter.
Is there a problem? Yup.
How can it be dealt with? Public awareness. The more educated we can make the general public, the less chance these types can do well.
Did what happened here make a difference? I'd think so. With all the attention here and elsewhere, the Eagle Fed shut down for a bit, Soapy there removed all his fake certs from his website removing at least part of the lie.
But, it wasn't a total success. These clowns are still out there "teaching", and someday someones going to get hurt or killed trying their psudo-karate crap.
Nin said:
I'm new in here so I'm sorry if this question already got answered but, I've met this guy, why did he get the boot?

Hey NIN,

You like Nine Inch Nails?

I do :D they rock.
Nin said:
I'm new in here so I'm sorry if this question already got answered but, I've met this guy, why did he get the boot?

We do not allow fraud busting at martialtalk. Some people have the impression that this means that frauds can come here and say what they want. That is not the case.

In order to discourage fraud busting, we will not tolerate outright frauds. We will especially not tolerate them when they start using martialtalk to change their stories and lie to our faces.

Here is an example of how Bruce got caught in a huge lie, an unforgivable lie, and then changed his story and thought he could get away with it.

Bruce lied about going to a ninja academy in 1975 and seeing his mother killed in front of him at age 13. The idea that someone would lie about something like that is unforgivable. When it was pointed out that the dates for both stories clash, this is what he wrote in post #35 in this thread.

Some moron got the dates mixed up and tried to say that this didn't happen. I was 13 in 1975. I went to Ft. Lauderdale with Tamio Kamura in late 75 early 76 and started in Garland TX in late 78.

We do not appreciate it when members refer to other members as morons. Especially to cover up a lie. Because Bruce changed his web site to reflect his new story of him being in Texas in 1978, instead of the earlier 1975 he claimed. But he did not know that there is a web site called that saves past images of web sites. Going there and looking at the earliest version we find this.

In 1974 Soke was in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. and trained under Master instructor Tamio Kamura at the "Way of Life" Dojo. This Dojo Trained in Aikido. A new way to not hurt. Soke was impressed by the use of the others movements to defend instead of hard contact defense. Soke Trained here until 1975 when he was awarded his 1st degree black in this style.
In November of 1975 Soke found himself in Garlin Tx. Here he met Master David Frost of the Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. This was a live in academy and Soke lived and trained at the academy for until August of 1976.

As you can see, not only does the dates of the ninja academy match the 1975/76 date, but the story above also states that he was in Florida immediatly prior to that and not in New York where he says his mother was killed before his eyes.

Strike one.

Oh, and in case you are thinking that it was an mistake of the earlier web site and that the later story is a correction, here is Bruce giving the dates here on martialtalk.

Here again I have given all my information. I studied with David Frost In Garland Tx. At a School Called The Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. I lived in a dorm from Nov 1975 - Aug 1976.

Again note that the dates he gives are exactly the same as in the earliest version of his web site and not the story he is giving now.

Strike two.

You will also notice that immediatly following his statement of the dates, I pointed out that Stephen Hayes could not have had his picture taken in 1975 as he stated and he never bothered to say that the date was 1978. Oh, and go ahead and look on that section to find the certificate he says is from the ninja academy (he actually created it on his computer) and you will see that the date is August 1976- not 78 or 79.

Strike three- he's outta here!!!!

This changing of stories and outright lying is not something we want happening here. This one example is only the tip of the iceburg. His entire history is nothing other than tissue. His entire experience in the martial arts is one lie after another. The way he lied and then lashed out at people who questioned him is not the type of behavior that we want here on martialtalk. And I must say that I can not forgive someone who would lie about the death of their own parent just to make themselves sound more macho.

Bruce is still welcome to show up to the event in July. He claims that no one should judge him until the have the guts to meet him face to face. Well, there are plenty of people willing to meet him and see just what level of skill he has. He will not be faced with a mob of people wanting to beat him into the ground. But they will be experienced martial artists and they will be able to tell just how low his skill level is and report it back here. I suspect that after all the screaming that Bruce has made about people not being willing to meet him, he will now find any excuse he can to not show up to the event. He lacks the courage to face experienced martial arts practicioners in a situation he can't totally control. But if he does show up, and he does indeed impress people with his skills, we will hear about it here.

Don't hold your breath on that happening. :shrug:
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