Martial Arts in Movie (not realistic?)


Blue Belt
I have just watch local movies, about youth gang fighting each other. But then i moved to other channel, and watching Legionaire.

In the first movie..i saw a very unrealistic fight between those youth. Punching and kicking for several times, and yes it hit the target (face, head), but as a classical scene did, the main hero still can fight back. And of course win...

When i sparr in karate, one punch landed in nose or face will end the fight. Or when a strike hit perfectly on face in UFC, PFC or others MMA shows, well surely it will end the fight (mostly i mean).

Yes i know, if in the movie, the enemy or hero collapse in one perfect hit..then it will movie , no story
But i think this will give bad effect in children who watched that unrealistic movie, they can think...if they hit their friends it will be ok, their friend will just get a bit hurt.

Well this is only my point of view ...
Remember movie are for entertainment and your training is for self defense big difference. :asian:
Watch ANY old martial arts movie out of Hong Kong they can be INCREDIBLY unrealistic and yet the young Chinese that watch them do not go out and start throwing darts in peoples eyes because on movie showed the eyes get better after that.

Many of the MA movies today are generally rated R do to content and others may be PG-13 and I can tell you as a parent I would not allow a child to go to any of them. As for those that come on TV I would not let them watch those either.

My youngest was watching Tom and Jerry with her Grandfather the other day and although Grandpa saw no problem with it I did. Especially when she picked up her toy hammer and came over and whacked me with it like Tom just hit Jerry.

Are MA movies unrealistic? HELL YEAH!!

Should young children watch them? Nope.

The TV is not a babysitter; it is up to the parents to make sure that their children watch "AGE APPROPRIATE" television
Watch ANY old martial arts movie out of Hong Kong they can be INCREDIBLY unrealistic and yet the young Chinese that watch them do not go out and start throwing darts in peoples eyes because on movie showed the eyes get better after that.

Many of the MA movies today are generally rated R do to content and others may be PG-13 and I can tell you as a parent I would not allow a child to go to any of them. As for those that come on TV I would not let them watch those either.

My youngest was watching Tom and Jerry with her Grandfather the other day and although Grandpa saw no problem with it I did. Especially when she picked up her toy hammer and came over and whacked me with it like Tom just hit Jerry.

Are MA movies unrealistic? HELL YEAH!!

Should young children watch them? Nope.

The TV is not a babysitter; it is up to the parents to make sure that their children watch "AGE APPROPRIATE" television

i know TV isnt babysitter...but in developing countries....shows rate arent important (still) for the viewers..
in 2006..there are several kids died become victim of their friends who practice WWE style on them. Since then WWE is out of Indonesia.
i know TV isnt babysitter...but in developing countries....shows rate arent important (still) for the viewers..
in 2006..there are several kids died become victim of their friends who practice WWE style on them. Since then WWE is out of Indonesia.

The crime rate is also up in Bhutan since TV got there which is to say they now actually have crime where before it was rather rare to non-existent. But they are trying to deal with that, I am not sure how successful they have been though I must admit I do not keep up on the issues of Bhutan. But issues internal to Bhutan are not the business of the US and Bhutan would likely tell teh US that if we decided to go make it better... and everybody knows how good the US is at such things :rolleyes:

We cannot censor what they show in other countries they have to figure that out on their own.

I cannot tell you how long it took me to get my wife and her mother to stop turning on any cartoon they found for the kids. In China cartoons ARE for children and they are made with Children in mind. However here in the US that is not the case, which is also why the Simpson’s got banned in China, they realized it was NOT for kids after they had it on TV for a short while. But the families saw it complained and it was banned.

As to the WWE in Indonesia, what do you suggest? As much as I am not at all happy about what happened what can anyone here do about it? Censor the WWE in country? That will not do much good outside of the US. There are US versions of movies and other things and then there are versions that are for release in other countries. Ever seen a European version of a US movie? They tend to keep in all the naughty bits for Europe that they take out here.

But then I do not watch WWE either so I do not know all that much about it other than it is all scripted.
yep we cant censor it but i prefer to suggest more realistic show to shown rather the unreal...
i mean boxing match, or martial arts tournament are better shown to children than WWE or the unrealistic action movie
how is your opinion about this?
Actually I agree, I just don't think that it will ever happen


But then I have seen some pretty brutal boxing matches too so you might be right back to the same problem
i think brutal or not the match are still at right direction (set of rules , referee, etc)
i dont know if in other country martial art tournament been showed on TV or not (not MMA match)
I think there's (now) more to worry about what kids see on you-tube on video via the net than what's on the big (or small ) screen. There are lots of videos out there that show real fights, and lots of bogus martial artists and thus a kid not properly supervised would think what they're watching is the real thing, and the way to do things.
Hello, All movies are script, choreograph, and design NOT to hurt the stunt people and actors.

That is call "acting the parts" they redo the fight scenes many times to get it right or the way the director wants it to be.

NO one fights like movie martial artist in the real streets of fighting! and real fights do not last for hours too!

Many times the film is speed up to make many moves look faster!

Purpose of the movies is to make money and for entertainment only!

Enjoy the martial movies....the only real people is the movie watchers'

Aloha, (Zatoichi moves are fun to watch too!)
yep i know..but there are also movie with low quality in acting martial arts moves
(only swing for punch , kicking without good stance, etc)
if you watch Avatar (The last Air Bender), it was a cartoon film, but they have martial artist choreographer...
Probably it was another year/period or another country, but I was grown up completely the opposite from the way XS suggested and I plan to grow up my daughter the same way too.
In those years nudity scenes were not rare in TV movies (not talking about porn), yet even tho I watched them as a child I am not grown up as a pervert.
Since I was a little kid I liked watching Japanese anime (that even if contained sci-fi they are more realistic than looney toons, if you die you are dead LOL), those wonderful old Chinese MA movies (I was in love with Chan Peng) and all those great Japanese wrestling matches (Inoki Bomba-ye). Yet I was not a violent kid, nor I thought to punch a friend coz nothing will happen to him. As a matter of fact I have never put a hand on another person, even tho I have had hands put on me.

Kids have in their parents the main model to refer to in order to dvelope their life. Parents' words have a huge weight on them. So when my father explained me that cartoons are not reality I believed him. When he told me wrestling couldn't be real because most of those hits would have knocked out a person if really delivered I believed him. When he would laugh at those wire fu and explained me that you can't fly like that I believed him.

A parent has the power to guide his children even without spoiling their childhood. My father never spoiled those show for me, I still loved them, but he made sure that I didn't take them as my bible. I find a mistake to prevent things to kids just to protect them. I think it actually makes them more vulnerable to the real world.

Just my 2 cents...
A parent has the power to guide his children even without spoiling their childhood. My father never spoiled those show for me, I still loved them, but he made sure that I didn't take them as my bible. I find a mistake to prevent things to kids just to protect them. I think it actually makes them more vulnerable to the real world.

Just my 2 cents...
good point, very good point...yeah TV isnt babysitter

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