Movie Star Martial Artist, what Style and Rank are they?

This was my first list

Chuck Norris –
6th Degree Black Belt in Tang So Doo

8th Degree Black Belt Grand Master recognition in the Tae Kwon Do system
Founder of Chun Kuk Do ("Universal Way").
Also practiced Judo, Shito-Ryu Karate, and Brazilian Jujutsu

Jean-Claude Van Damme –
1st Degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate

Jeff Speakman –
6th degree black belt in American Kenpo Karate
7th degree black belt in Goju-ryu Karate

Steven Seagal –
7th Dan in Aikido

Wesley Snipes –
5th Degree Black Belt in Capoeira

Dolph Lungren –
2nd Degree Black Belt in Karate (I donÂ’t know what kind of Karate)

Jet Li –
Shaolin Wushu
Tai Chi

Jackie Chan –

Bruce Lee –
Wing Chun
Jeet Kune Do
In his documentary Patriot Act, comedian Jeffrey Ross shows a picture of himself as a young martial arts student while discussing himself. In the picture it looks like he is wearing a TKD uniform with a black belt, but the picture is black-and-white so it's hard to tell. It's not clear whether he still practices or not.
Bruce Lees skills (Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do-Epie-Wing Chun-TomToy-Western Boxing-Karate-Tae Kwon Do)!Famous People under Lee Sharon Tate-Lew Al Sinder-Sterlin Suliphant-Dean Martin-Steve McQueen-Chuck Noris-Joe Lewis-Leo Fong-Eric Lee-James Gardner-James Franciscus to name a few. Al Thomas Method has Graciela Boggs-KarenShepard-Steve Sanders-Benny Urquidez to name a few. As for Bruces death--he was alergic to pot-He was told not to do it.It is said after returning to the set of Game of Death.He supoely took so pot to calm himself.He stated he had high chi & could calm it.There are photos of him meditaing for chi.Now being he had a head ache.He complained to Betty Tingpay.She gave him Equageesic(this is 30time that of U.S. bare)He aparently had a reaction to the 2 mixed & his head was doubled in size from the reaction.
Back in 99 Caradine released 2 videos Kung fu work out with him & his teacher Kam Yeun & Tai chi work out.These kind of hinderd his ways for move movies!
In today's NY Times (the magazine section), there's an interview with Jack Black by Deborah Solomon. He says "I did have some judo experience, so it wasn't my first time..." (regarding his wrestling stunts in Nacho Libre).
matt.m said:
What about the guy Jason whatever his last name is from the Transporter movies? Is it Streighand?

Jason Statham who holds years of training in boxing, martial arts, kickboxing, and scuba diving under his belt.

According to an article about the Transporter.
Cameron Diaz (sp?) (Wing Chun)
Tony Jaa (Muay Thai Boran, Krabi Krabong, Stick, Sword, Pencak Silat, Wushu, dance and gymnastics)

Edit: Oh yeah, and Robin Shou. (Wing Chun)
Has anyone heard of a Jon Morey in the Aikido world?
He is a customer of mine and is down on the Cape to train Bruce Willis for an upcoming film they are filming down here.
The martial art that Matt Damon uses in the movie the The Bourne Supremacy according to the dvd extras is Kali. It would be interesting to see if he practices any MA in real life.
Just some trivia....

Frank Sinatra trained, I believe, under Mr. Ed Parker for a time...

The star of the old TV show, "The Jeffersons", was a shodan in aikido...

Mako, who's been in countless movies (including "Sidekicks", "Conan", and others) is a black belt in Shotokan...

The prolific author of numerous books on Zen, Alan Watts (dec.), trained regularly in aikido...
Porn star and director Adam "Seymore Butts" Glasser is shown doing BJJ in an episode of his reality show Family Business. He also boxes, apparently.

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