Movie Star Martial Artist, what Style and Rank are they?

A lot of times I think things like this are from dance training that looks good on film...

I did read that Jennifer Garner studied dance as a child. Good for her. Dance requires rythm, timing, balance, endourance, and strength to name a few. These dance attributes are also very common in MA, no?

... but might not be an effective technique.

Agreed. She was doing 'Movie-Fu'. But she did have to learn to do some of the things filmed on her show. She did also have a stunt and MA double for some of the more technical scenes. So then, what makes an 'effective technique'? Flow/fluidity? Power? Speed? Actual contact?

Jennifer Garner has my vote for this Movie Star MA list even though she was a dancer first :)
Just some info on Jackie Chan which was taken from some Faq a while ago. Sorry, but I can't remember where it came from... anyway...

Also, Chan's father trained him in Northern Shaolin every day as a child before he joined the Peking Opera School.
One of my favorite TV shows has espionage, martial arts fight seens, and a kick-*** 'hot chick' pulling it all together. The show ALIAS starring Jennifer Garner should not be overlooked :). I'm not sure what MA training Jennifer Garner had but I think it's obvious that she has had some. Some of her kicks (in slow motion) actually look really good.

Anyone know who helped her and whether or not she still trains even though her show was cancelled?

I read some time ago, that she trained in "Kickboxing" while doing that show. What else, I have no idea.

Buffy had a brown belt in TKD.
I read some time ago, that she trained in "Kickboxing" while doing that show. What else, I have no idea.

Buffy had a brown belt in TKD.
I guess the followup question about Jennifer Garner relates to fight scenes. Anyone here at MT know about the Hollywood scene fight choreography? Also, there was an episode late in season 1 where Quentin Tarantino faught Jennifer Gardner. Based on her fighting style Quentin's character said "Oh kickboxer? The problem with kickboxers is they can't take a punch." Of course I disagree with this statement but it was still a funny fight scene. Quentin (Cole) went on to knock out Sydney Bristow.
Actually, it was an allergic reaction to analgesic. It's a rare but not unheard of condition. He's not the first and definately not the last to die this way.

The Bleeker book contends that bruce died from complications of extended steriod use which required hime to use another drug that caused his body to retain water at a rapid rate whih in turn caused his brain edema (What actually killed him)
Hi guys,
I need your help in this matter.

I always get asked about curtain Martial Artist/Movie stars.
Mostly they want to know what style and rank.
Here is what I have gathered so far.

If there is anyone out there that knows different please let me know.

Chuck Norris –
6th Degree Black Belt in Tang So Doo
8th Degree Black Belt Grand Master recognition in the Tae Kwon Do system
Founder of Chun Kuk Do ("Universal Way").
Also practiced Judo, Shito-Ryu Karate, and Brazilian Jujutsu

Jean-Claude Van Damme –
1st Degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate

Jeff Speakman –
6th degree black belt in American Kenpo Karate
7th degree black belt in Goju-ryu Karate

Steven Seagal –
7th Dan in Aikido

Wesley Snipes –
5th Degree Black Belt in Capoeira

Dolph Lungren –
2nd Degree Black Belt in Karate (I donÂ’t know what kind of Karate)

Jet Li –
Shaolin Wushu
Tai Chi

Jackie Chan –

Bruce Lee –
Wing Chun
Jeet Kune Do

I recently saw a Steven Seagal movie called Belly of the Beast and his fighting style seems to have evolved from the Aikido I've seen him use in earlier movies. Does anyone know what style this is because it seems to have gotten more Chinese in its appearance.
I recently saw a Steven Seagal movie called Belly of the Beast and his fighting style seems to have evolved from the Aikido I've seen him use in earlier movies. Does anyone know what style this is because it seems to have gotten more Chinese in its appearance.

Isn't it that most ancient of styles.... HOLLYWOOD-DO?:ultracool

I was unaware that Chuck Norris ever studied Tae Kwon Do. As far as I knew, he was a primarily a Tang Soo Do stylist.

Chuck Norris' first instructor was the late H. U. Lee, founder and first Grandmaster of the ATA. Master Norris studied with him while in the military in Korea. There is a handwritten letter from Master Norris to Grandmaster Lee on display in the ATA museum; in it, Master Norris specifically acknowledges GM Lee as his first instructor.
According to a Q&A in the 25 June 2007 Newsweek, Jon Bon Jovi's wife Dorothea Hurley is "a karate expert".
From the TLC show "Faking It" apparently Cynthia Rothrock owns a United Studios (USSD) school in LA... that's Shaoln Kempo. And they have a custom bus like a rock stars too :)

eh... she doesn't actually own it, but she does teach a few students there, and promotes a bit.
Chuck Norris' first instructor was the late H. U. Lee, founder and first Grandmaster of the ATA. Master Norris studied with him while in the military in Korea. There is a handwritten letter from Master Norris to Grandmaster Lee on display in the ATA museum; in it, Master Norris specifically acknowledges GM Lee as his first instructor.

I thought Norris said his first MA was Judo, and he got into TSD after he was injured during a Judo match. Not sure who his Judo instructor would have been.

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