Most famous people ever met or seen

So you met the Queen, you must mean Queen Elizabeth II. Wow! She is amazing! 91 years old and still going strong. Prince Philip too. He's 95. Maybe she will be 100 and still be queen.

There's only one THE Queen, she was my boss, all police, military and many others swear allegiance to the Crown not the government.
There's only one THE Queen, she was my boss, all police, military and many others swear allegiance to the Crown not the government.

That's interesting and way cool. I don't know anything about this. (how could I?)

How's the government feel about this, Tez?
That's interesting and way cool. I don't know anything about this. (how could I?)

How's the government feel about this, Tez?

It's part of the checks and balances we have here. In practice the government has the power but it means the Prime Minister isn't the head of the country, the Queen is. If push came to shove and we had a potential civil war or something similar the government cannot rely on the military or police etc to back them up. It would take a crisis for the monarch to have to take any sort of control and touch wood we haven't had a problem since the Civil War so the system works well. The queen is a brilliant diplomat, many think she doesn't do much other than ceremonial stuff but she's very good at diplomacy behind closed doors, she talks to heads of states etc in a way that isn't political but full of sense, she smooths things out between counties far more than is realised. she is a huge source of advice for prime ministers, she is kept up to date with everything that is happening. It will be a big loss when she goes, I think only then will people realise how much she has done.
Speaking of the Queen, I found a video on the top 10 laws the Queen doesn't have to follow. Im not sure how accurate the video is but here is the video.

What a complete load of bollocks, honestly for someone who says they don't care about the Queen you've dug up a load of rubbish, none of it true. The Queen isn't above the law she is the law, all criminal prosecutions are brought in her name, she does not however break the law being old fashioned that way believing funnily enough she ought to be a role model. She got her driving licence while serving in the military during World War Two. She pays tax on her income, anyone can eat a swan, the Queen only owns the ones on the Thames. Now, do you want to go an muck rake somewhere else
What a complete load of bollocks, honestly for someone who says they don't care about the Queen you've dug up a load of rubbish, none of it true. The Queen isn't above the law she is the law, all criminal prosecutions are brought in her name, she does not however break the law being old fashioned that way believing funnily enough she ought to be a role model. She got her driving licence while serving in the military during World War Two. She pays tax on her income, anyone can eat a swan, the Queen only owns the ones on the Thames. Now, do you want to go an muck rake somewhere else
I don't think he was raking muck, Tez. Most people find videos like that amusing, even (perhaps especially) when they are inaccurate. It's more the idea that she could do something like that, rather than any moral implication that she ever would.
What a complete load of bollocks, honestly for someone who says they don't care about the Queen you've dug up a load of rubbish, none of it true. The Queen isn't above the law she is the law, all criminal prosecutions are brought in her name, she does not however break the law being old fashioned that way believing funnily enough she ought to be a role model. She got her driving licence while serving in the military during World War Two. She pays tax on her income, anyone can eat a swan, the Queen only owns the ones on the Thames. Now, do you want to go an muck rake somewhere else

I never said I didn't care about the Queen I do find her interesting. What I said is that I don't care about the politics of your country since it is not my country and therefore I don't care who is on the throne since they are not my king or queen. As for the video, if its wrong you can argue with the people who made it since it wasn't me.
I never said I didn't care about the Queen I do find her interesting. What I said is that I don't care about the politics of your country since it is not my country and therefore I don't care who is on the throne since they are not my king or queen. As for the video, if its wrong you can argue with the people who made it since it wasn't me.

Why are you going on about her? You posted the stupid video so yes I'll have a go at you for posting rubbish.
I don't think he was raking muck, Tez. Most people find videos like that amusing, even (perhaps especially) when they are inaccurate. It's more the idea that she could do something like that, rather than any moral implication that she ever would.

Thank you gpseymour. I do find the video amusing and as for its accuracy as I said before Im not sure about that. The video could be completely inaccurate but its not my video and I never said I believed it, as you say I just find it amusing.

Aside from that the main reason I posted it here was to see if its accurate or not since I wouldn't know.
Tell that to Rebecca Felgate.

You posted the blasted thing, perhaps I should have found one to post about one of your presidents and had the usual suspects on here on accusing me of being anti American. The Queen is the head of my country, you may find it amusing to post stupid videos about her but I don't especially at this time of mourning for the UK and with her leading our mourning even if your head of state chooses to attack the London mayor instead of sending condolences. perhaps you didn't hear what happened on Saturday night. No don't answer I'm not interested. I'm done on this thread.
You posted the blasted thing, perhaps I should have found one to post about one of your presidents and had the usual suspects on here on accusing me of being anti American. The Queen is the head of my country, you may find it amusing to post stupid videos about her but I don't especially at this time of mourning for the UK and with her leading our mourning even if your head of state chooses to attack the London mayor instead of sending condolences. perhaps you didn't hear what happened on Saturday night. No don't answer I'm not interested. I'm done on this thread.
Having a good natured go at our politicians is fair game. Having a go at the good people of America is not okay. I'm not sure why you can't tell the difference. Have fun with Obama or Trump all you like.
Before we go down the freedom of speach road.... lets start here

First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

However these are not covered by the first amendment

•Fighting words
•Defamation (including libel and slander)
•Child pornography
•Incitement to imminent lawless action
•True threats
•Solicitations to commit crimes

sorry, I'm on a word meaning bent today....OK, carry on...I'll go

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