Guess who????


Master Black Belt
okay the purpose of this came from actually the ladies locker room where one of the ladies introduced a site where you can make your own avator based on yourself....well i got so bored at work i started to make people that i've met on MT or people from the dojo/ the purpose is go to this site and make a person that you know at least 1 person on MT knows and start guessing and these people have to be MT members....tay i'll go first....just to make it easy i haven't met too many on MT so find out who i pester and you'll find out who the people are....the website is


hrm...looks like Rusty(Abbey) first...then Stork(Kathie)...then Yeti(me)...but you forgot to add the cigarette...what're you thinkin'...? :)
i was thinkings that the hand that came with the ciggy looked a little too feminine....i could add one if you'd like ;) now it's your turn get to it....start makings peoples :ultracool
Humm...i wonder if it can match my new hair (colors) *ponders*
um...using it for medicinal purposes......? :idunno: ...there have been an abundance of leeches of late....yeah...that's it...

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