Most annoying/funny "didn't stop that" scenario when you tell someone you do martial arts


Yellow Belt
We all have that one friend who, on finding out about your hobby will suddenly shoot out a hand at your balls or face and say "didn't stop that did you" or the even worse "what would you do if I..." and don't get me started about people making Bruce Lee noises

So what I want to know is how do you deal with these people. Any amusing anecdotes.
Haven't had the issue. :idunno: I'm rather particular as to who I call my friends, and even more particular as to I hang out with.
Haven't had the issue. :idunno: I'm rather particular as to who I call my friends, and even more particular as to I hang out with.
And, I know it is purely an assumption on my part, but you are also missing a key ingredient. Determination, aggression etc yes, but balls? No! :p
no the people I call friend and know I do Martial arts are few and so no problem. the rest of the world DO NOT GET TOLD ~!
I had a coworker lunge at me and try to grab me. I counterstruck him in the arm out of habit. He didn't do it again, and people stopped making those stupid ear splitting fake kiai.
Never had the problem. The closest ive had to it is someone wanting to spar with me. In their garage :)
Its worth mentioning that it worked out being a friendly exchange that involved alot of talking.
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Some kid saw me hanging up posters advertising lessons one day since my instructor asked me to help him out a little, and needless to say everyone in my school knows I do martial arts, something I intended to keep entirely to myself. I've gotten some outright hurtful things said to me (and about me) over the past year or so.
At my instructor's workplace when his coworkers found out he did martial arts they would sometimes sneak up behind him and try to scare him. One day someone grabbed his shoulder and he instinctively turned around and palm struck him, breaking his nose. They stopped doing it after that.
Actually I never have had that happen to me, I like to think I have inspired many friends and family members to try martial arts rather than make silly noises or sucker punch. Most have quit after some time of course but I have high hopes for my nephew.

Maybe the fact that I have had the occational black eye or other minor hurt without bothering to conceal it remind people that I don`t horse around and there just might be concequenses for trying to strike my nuts :D
One guy, quite a while ago. He started some jackleg bs and I nailed him in the jugular notch. No one has tried it since.

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